Graduate Program Milestones

Graduate Program Milestones
A. Geography 500
B. Geography 502
C. Ph.D. qualifying exam: Ph.D., by May 15 of Year 1; 5-year Ph.D., after M.S. defense in spring of Year 2 or by October 15 of Year 3
D. M.S. thesis proposal defense by May 15 of Year 1
E. Present poster on M.S. research at department’s Recognition Reception, end of spring semester in Year 2.
F. PSU M.S. students apply to Ph.D. program if interested (by Dec 15); Eligible for 3 years of Ph.D. funding if admitted
G. M.S. oral defense by May 15 of Year 2 (required for 5-year Ph.D.)
H. Ph.D. comprehensive exams and completion of seminar requirements: Ph.D., fall or spring of Year 2; 5-year Ph.D., before the start of Year 4.
I. Ph.D. proposal defense by May 15: Ph.D., of Year 2; 5-year Ph.D., of Year 3
J. M.S. thesis approved by committee (oral defense not required) by May 15 of Year 2
K. Approval of doctoral committee (and meet with doctoral committee at least once each year)
L. Ph.D. dissertation defense, including announced departmental presentation, in final year
M. End of funding eligibility without pause (May 31)