Anti Texting and Driving PSA

Something I wish I was not guilty of but cannot deny that I do it sometimes: texting and driving. Whenever we hear our phone buzz or ring while driving, it is hard to not pick up the phone to see what the message says. For many people, they just want to respond right away. It does not seem like a big deal, right? You are just taking a few seconds to quickly answer a message. However, in reality it is a HUGE deal. Just a few seconds looking away from the road can be deadly. This minute long PSA is devoted to spreading awareness to the huge texting and driving problem we have today.

While watching the PSA, there was evidently a theory base that was used while creating the video. The Theory of Planned Behavior was applied throughout the entire video. The point of this video is to explain the driver’s choice to send a text while driving. This applies to the basis of the theory which is to “explain all behaviors over which people have the ability to exert self-control,” because it is clear that texting while driving is a behavior that can be self-controlled. When the video showed a pause of the both drivers getting out of the car and having a conversation, the behavior intention of the driver was pointed out. By having the conversation between the drivers, the driver stated the reason that she was texting was to let her mom know she was going to be home at a certain time. The other driver then pointed out the subjective norms by stating “her babies” were in the car, obviously pointing out that she highly disapproved of texting because if it continued, something bad could happen to her children. The perceived behavior control was exemplified by the driver that was texting because she displayed to the other driver that texting was bad but she was only halfway through the text to her mom and practically almost hitting the other car. By the time she would be finished the text, she was foreshadowing that the collision would have already happened.

This video was a good PSA that really captured what a good texting and driving public service announcement should capture. It was short but still made its intentions clear so there was no reason to change any part of the PSA. A good PSA should make the viewer want to make a change. After watching the video, it made me realize how an unimportant text message like telling your mom what time you will be home can really ruin your life forever. The video showed the two cars colliding at the end, but ended before you knew what happened to any of the people in either car. By doing this maybe it is meant to show that anything could happen if you decide to text while driving a car. Next time you decide to text and drive, consider what the consequences could be just from choosing to take your eyes off the road for a split second.

Emily Marvin


Sources: “The Theory of Planned Behavior.” The Theory of Planned Behavior. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2014.


  1. Emily Ann Marvin

    Alyse: I liked this video for the same reason you did. I thought it had a very powerful message for only being one minute long. I hope that it will stay in the minds of viewers because it is a very important problem we face in the twenty first century. I thought the Theory of Planned Behavior explained this video the most because it is all about making a simple change that can have a positive affect on anyone involved. Thank you for reading my blog and for posting a comment!

    Lindsay: I really liked for similar reasons that you did. I think texting and driving is one of the most relevant topics we can all relate on now-a-days. It is sad that we can all admit that we probably have chose to text and drive at point in our lives. It is even more sad that we have a hard time telling the driver to stop texting when we are the passengers in the car. I hope by applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to this PSA, viewers will definitely want to limit and stop this action. Thank you for reading my blog and for leaving a comment!

  2. I love the PSA you chose! I think texting and driving is a topic that is very relevant to today’s society and most of us in general. This video was very powerful and allowed you to see the harm of texting and driving and the emotional repercussions it can have. I agree that the Theory of Planned Behavior is used in this video. It is evident the producers are trying to persuade viewers to make a simple change in something they have control over, texting while driving. The driver was only halfway through her short text showing just how quickly an accident can happen and how much of an impact her decision to text could have on others. I think this video will stick in the minds of viewers and they will remember the impact that sending one little text can have on someone’s life.

  3. This PSA was really eye opening and definitely made me want to make a change. It is rare that I personally text and drive, but sometimes I do make that decision. I have also been a passenger in a car with a driver who is texting and am sad to say that I never took the initiative to tell them to stop. I liked this PSA because it not only showed how the driver of each car would be affected but how all of the other passengers would be impacted as well. The video shows the drivers friends in the backseat, and the other driver who she will hit mentions her “babies” in the car and they are pictured as well. I like how you pointed this out because I think that all to often we only think about the one driver in this situation when in fact so many more people would be affected. In this case not only would all the passengers also be impacted in the crash, but then you can think about there families and friends would all have to deal with the loss of their loved ones.
    I also agree with you that the Theory of Planned Behavior is demonstrated throughout this video. Since the driver tries to explain her reasoning behind sending the text it applies to this theory of explaining how people behave while having the ability to demonstrate self control. The driver could have easily demonstrated self control when her phone rang and choose not to text back, but in this case she did not which led to terrible consequences. As you said, texting while driving is definitely a behavior that can be self controlled, so it fits perfectly under this theory.
    I enjoyed your insight on this video and think that it was a great choice. It definitely made me not want to ever text and drive and will change my future behaviors.

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