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Is 24 Hours Enough

As finals rapidly approach I am constantly finding myself saying that there is not enough time. There are not enough hours in the day and there are not enough days in the week. Then I began to think further about it and I made some changes. It then came to my...

Studying for finals

Studying for finals is something that every college student dreads.  Most colleges have a “study week,” but at Penn State, we only have the weekend before finals to dedicate solely to studying.  That being said, Penn State students have to devise creative ways to...

ENFP Leadership

In an interview for a summer job, I was asked to describe myself in one word. I ran through my usual descriptors – ambitious, flexible, tolerant — but I realized the most defining characterization I could come up with was “a leader.” I struggled in high school...

so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye

When I was 16, my aunt and uncle took me along with them on their ship’s cruise to Alaska. They took me to many places over two-week stretches during my summer breaks from school. Most of the places I’ve traveled to have been thanks to their invitation. On...

On Race and Employment

We had a very thorough and candid discussion about Ferguson, and how it applied to racial problems at Penn State in our senior class. I was surprised to hear the surprise of my fellow students at racist remarks make by our peers on social media. I think that we see...

Learning by Listening

Our PLA class yesterday was the best one that we’ve had in recent memory. We discussed the current climate of race politics in America with regards to the events surrounding Ferguson, MO. I must say that I was much less vocal during this conversation than the...

Personal Racial Climate

In PLA class today we talked about some of the details of the Ferguson case and the racial climate here at Penn State. It was a topic chosen specifically by our class to discuss because of the most recent pressing events that were covered in nearly every news source....

Stocktrak Simulation

The following is my summary of what stocks and strategies I followed during a stock game that I played as part of a class. My portfolio did very poorly, mostly because I chose to buy and hold stocks, just after buying them at their peek in September. I also made plays...


I gingerly walked into the PLA classroom in September with my critical thinking textbook in one hand and a new composition notebook in the other, fully prepared to impress the people I had in all honesty feared. I didn’t know much about PLA or about the people I...