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A week break from the stresses of school and soccer (both mentally and physically) have me feeling like a new person. Before this past week, my body was worn down from all the work I have had to do in both categories since the start of the semester. It is a lot to be a college student but it is twice as hard to also be a division one athlete. The extra things that we must do for our sport, and perform them to a high standard is something that very few people encounter. Over the past couple years, I have learned how to balance both while continuing to live out my life as a young adult. These past years have taught me how to work hard but when I get a break, relax and let my body recuperate. That is exactly what I did over this past week.

As I drove home from school, I looked forward to the upcoming week of complete relaxation. Last year’s spring break I went to Cancun with a bunch of my friends. Although that was one of the best weeks of my life (and I encourage everyone to go there, if possible, for a spring break), my body wouldn’t be able to handle another crazy week like that right now. While most of my friends were in the islands, or in Seattle, I was at home spending quality time with my family. It was so nice to not have to worry about what workout I needed to be doing/what film I should be watching for soccer, or what test I needed to study for/what homework I needed to complete. I could spend a great deal of my time with the people that mean the most to me.

Spending time with important people in your life is one of the most imperative things we should put an emphasis on doing. With everyone’s life being so busy it is always hard to find a time that everyone can just sit and talk. Because my siblings were also on spring break and decided to just come home this week, I often found us sitting at the table just talking about what we were all doing at school and what we looked forward to doing. Although it may seem small, these are the types of times that warms my heart and relaxes my body.

Along with getting to spend time with my siblings and parents, I was also able to spend an entire day with my Grandpa, something I rarely get to do these days. He came over on Sunday after church and just sit down for a nice meal with my family. He stayed and talked for hours and it was nice to be reminded of what a supportive and loving family I have even when I am away at school.

Overall this spring break was just what I needed. It helped me to become stress free and remember what matters in life. Now, as I get ready to head back to school soon, I feel like I can attack these last couple months of the semester with a clear mind and new attitude! I am excited for what is to come for the rest of the semester!