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I often feel myself slip into emotional imbalance. Emotional imbalance looks like; constant body image issues, and low self-esteem are things I often feel. I have just come to accept that these are just part of the way that I have been worried. However, I really was struck by this idea that that breath is our life force, because it is so often ignored. I really always forget to breathe. I was reading this and I was feeling really emotionally imbalanced. I felt overwhelmed and the reason I would say this is because I often drown in my emotions. I am so hypersensitive to the way others feel and the way I feel that sometimes I get lost in the negativity of those emotions. It really has been my ability to think of my anxiety conceptually that I believe I have come out with the tools to make it better. Therefore, I am better able to move from emotion to emotion, without leaving too much emotional residue.

My mother always tells me this Arabic proverb that states that nothing lasts, and that all things pass. She usually tells me this when I am stressed out, or feeling angry, or even heart broken. I never thought of using the idea that as a way to treat my anxiety or depression in the same way. There was a time when I believed they were an intricate part of who I was because they came up all the time. But, really what I realized was constant over all the times I felt anxiety or instances of depression where times that I mismanaged the emotions I was absorbing, and the thoughts that I had. I would say that now I have come to a certain self awareness that allows me to accept the fact that I am a person who has a lot of thoughts and is very emotionally aware, and those are not necessarily negative things but they need to be able to be handled in a way that rejuvenates rather than depletes me.

After four years in university, a high-stress and face passed environment, I believe I have gained the skills to handle my anxiety in a positive way. Rather than believing it is purely a negative attribute I have learned to use it to my advantage. For example, conceptually I have shifted my way of thinking about anxiety. I have learned to separate good energy from bad energy. This allows me to know how to respond to certain emotions. Rather than sink into them or allow them to take me over I am now able to retain control when I feel overwhelmed.