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This week marked a personal turning point for me in my internship.  Up until this point, while I have enjoyed the company I am working for, I haven’t found satisfaction in my role and my summer project.  Even though the placement is temporary and I’d be able to work in a different role if I came back full-time, I still have struggled to find motivation because I am just not as passionate as I’d like to be.  Throughout the summer, I have been wavering between boredom and frustration every time I have to work on it.  However, this past week I decided to take action that would change that.  While there is nothing I can do to change the fact that I don’t like my project, I decided to at least be honest with those around me about what kind of work I am passionate about.  I reached out to several people on various teams all to learn more about projects that I might be more interested in.  A few in particular peaked my interest and by the end of the week, someone had offered me a stretch project to work on in addition to my main project.

This was a huge relief for a few reasons.  First, it is so great to finally have work I am passionate about.  It is a subject that I am not only more interested in, but that I feel will be a great opportunity to play to some of my strengths as well.  In addition, even though I still have my main project, I now have the motivation knowing that as soon as I get it done, I have something much more interested waiting for me.  Overall, I’m excited for a change and to see how this additional project challenges me to think differently.