The Bus Tunnel




The Chinese designers have made amazing innovative designs to deal with the huge popularity that they have in their country.  The ” bus tunnel ” , one recent innovative design of a bus and tunnel in the same time which combine the best features of subways and buses.  The bus is designed to handle a 1200 passenger, and the tunnel contains two lanes for the cars to pass beneath it. The passengers will have to enter and exit the bus by via elevated roadsides stations.  For safety and emergencies, the tunnel bus has inflatable slides so that its elevated passengers can quickly disembark. Another thing, the bus is designed with putting environment in mind. Since the roof of the bus has special post to conduct electricity, the state of the art charging system let the  bus runs on electricity .

One more thing, the bus is cost-effective. In addition to the eliminated need of building subways.  The bus tunnel is ” cost-effective because there are two ways it could operate: first off, special tracks could be laid into each side of the road, like a tram.  Or secondly, simple colored lines could be painted onto the road for it to follow automatically on conventional tires. There’ll be a driver on the bus at all times, though. ” Also, what if there was a car higher than the bus? The answer is an ultrasonic waves will be used to detect traffic, and used both as a warning to the bus driver and to provide warning to road users about the buses intentions to turn

This is still a concept that the Chinese designers seriously tend to turn it to real thing soon. However, I have some concerns about this project. The Chinese designers expect that the traffic will be decreased by 30% during rush hours because of the bus tunnel.  However, I have some concerns about this design. Will people really drive under the bus? Won/t they be afraid? Also, what if an accident happen under the bus? Won’t it be exponentially more catastrophic for both drivers and riders of the Tunnel Bus? I’m really excited to see this design in realty and see how it’s going to work.

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