History of a Public Controversy

**Wrote this before we decided to change the topic**

For our project we decided to do standardized testing. We are going to focus on SATs and ACTs because they are nationwide and there is a cost factor involved. We are planning on doing what looks like a newscast stating all of the pros and cons of standardized testing. There is a movie on the college board that shows a man stating why people should take the SATs. We are going to mimic the overall idea of their video and use it as a way to inform the audience about our topic. We will show many different statistics on what different colleges look for and what are some benefits and drawbacks to taking the SATs and ACTs. Mike was going to be our newscaster and inform the audience about the SATs and ACTs. We were going to use the one-button rooms to make it more realistic. All of the facts would be presented.

**Change of topic**

We have since decided to change our topic of standardized testing to the well known Chi Omega picture that has recently surfaced on the internet and has since made national news. We are going to start out with the history of Chi Omega and then talk about the racially insensitive photo. We will then talk about the positive and negative things that Chi Omega does. We are planning on conducting interviews to see people’s reaction to the picture and see if the picture insulted them. We will also use the Rodney Erikson letter that was sent out today stating the opinions of Erickson and the Board of Trustees. We will also interview people to see what punishment they think should take place for this incident and any other comments that people have about this picture.

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2 Responses to History of a Public Controversy

  1. Evelyn Bateman says:

    I actually love both of your topics. Standardized testing is absolutely controversial, and is in fact a rather ambiguous issue. While it certainly has its merits, there are many who argue that standardized testing should not be a measure of a student’s abilities.

    On the other hand, the Chi Omega controversy is very recent and fresh in everyone’s minds. The fact that the controversy is so close to home is also going to give you a lot of interesting artifacts to use, such as Rodney Erikson’s letter.

    Best of luck on your project! I’ll be interested in hearing your interpretation of the controversy.

  2. Laura Boyden says:

    I think this is a very interesting topic to pick because it is very recent and on everyone’s mind. I am excited to see how you portray they sorority and what other’s opinions on them are. I think interviewing will really add to the presentation and give some real life feelings and how it actually affected the community.

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