All about me

Hello! A little bit about me: I am an avid technology hacker, accessibility consultant, instructional designer, and rabid composter. I am also deaf, and have bi-lateral cochlear implants. In a former life, I obtained a dual degree Ph.D. in Philosophy and Women’s Studies. While teaching and taking residential and online courses as a graduate student, I invented and implemented a number of teaching, learning, and technology hacks to improve my own and my students’ access to educational content. Currently, I am an Accessibility Technologist at Penn State. I divide my time between the TLT Accessibility team and Office of Disability Services. My job is to help ensure compliance of Penn State’s information technology resources with policy and federal law by providing testing and consulting services, and personalized support for assistive technology. I do this by (1) helping students identify and optimize appropriate access technologies and (2) developing custom knowledge management systems and workflows to promote learner success and independence. I also edit, reformat, and redistribute course texts and content in accessible formats for STEM fields.

Office for Disability Services
Teaching and Learning with Technology
The Pennsylvania State University * 814 689 9793
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