A school violence program: a peer approach…

A new approach to curbing violence in schools (Ellis, 2013)

School violence is something which is in our news quite frequently.  We often hear about the violence which has occurred and the problems are reported only after they have occurred and violence has taken place.  This video is a report about a different approach a school has taken to curb the violence they have been impacted by.

The school discussed in the video has a high history of violence and lower academic achievement.  Since the implementation of the program, they have increased their graduation rates by 8% and lowered their disruptive citations by 80% (Ellis, 2013).  The school has taken an approach which we learned about in our readings and developed a peer approach to the violence.

In this approach to curb violence, students work in groups to learn how to resolve conflicts and issues between them.  Should there  be issues and they do get into trouble, a peer jury is part of the disciplinary action rather than suspension or punishment.  Learning how to deal with conflicts through peer assisted learning is teaching them to resolve conflicts.

Although many times, peer assisted learning can be used in an educational approach, using it as a method to curb violence could be beneficial, as is displayed through this program.  Schnieder, Gruman, and Coutts (2012) notes that peer assisted learning happens within a classroom setting and involves both one-on-one learning or group learning.  Working with peers to learn how to prevent and approach conflict, is the primary mode of education here.  The students are learning by interacting and socializing with their peers.

This type of model could be used throughout many school districts in our country, and could be a global way to learn how to resolve conflict and prevent violence.  This program is a proactive approach that not only can be used in high violence schools, but could be adapted to most schools as it teaches to resolve conflict, a skill which could be useful for the student later in life.  This program has been shown to be effective within the school district and shows that this is just another area which peer assisted learning is beneficial.

Ellis, R. (2013). A new approach to curbing violence in schools.  Retrieved April 3, 2015, from http://www.nbcnews.com/video/nightly-news/52077384

Schneider, F.,Gruman, J. & Coutts, L. (2012).  Applied social psychology : understanding and addressing social and practical problems.  Los Angeles: Sage.


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