Monthly Archives: May 2013

MARVELS-1: A case study in healthy paranoia in science (Part III)

In part 1, I described my involvement in the MARVELS project and the discovery of a brown-dwarf-mass object orbiting the star now known as MARVELS-1. I had been concerned about very large radial velocity residuals to our orbital fit, and was stunned to discover they were consistent with an inner planet orbiting the star in a 3:1 commensurability with the BD.

In part 2, I explained our attempt to characterize the system, and our general unease with the system:  the resonance appeared to be perfect, there were not many stable dynamical solutions, the star had two AO companions, and I kept getting lots of hints that this sort of thing might come from contamination.  But the spectrum was clean of contaminants, and the photometry was rock-steady.  We finally decided to get some Keck data to settle the issue.

When the Keck data came back in, it was consistent with HET:  both signals showed up clearly.  This ruled out a lot of my concerns about contamination from the AO companions:  if those companions were, against all odds, contributing flux to the HET spectra, the narrow slit at Keck should have filtered them out, or at least produced highly variable contribution.  Instead, the signal was exactly the same, no matter what angle the slit was positioned in.  This convinced me the AO companions were not a problem.  (In fact, Justin Crepp found that the distant one was, in all likelihood, a foreground M dwarf, further explaining why the star contributed no optical flux).

Still we worried.  To illustrate the level of our concern, here are some of the scenarios we seriously considered:

– A pulsating star, with slightly non-sinusoidal radial velocity signatures.  We looked at the known classes of variables, and concluded that Cepheid variables were our main confounders, given the 6-day period of the signal.  This is actually a surprisingly plausible explanation.  A survey like MARVELS might include a giant star by accident, since it does not have trigonometric distance measurements to most of its targets.  The North Star, Polaris, is (despite Shakespeare’s famous “I am constant as the Morning Star”) a Cepheid variable.  That this fact was not known for a long time is a testament to the low photometric amplitude and subtlety of a low-amplitude Cepheid.  In fact, Polaris shows 1 km/s amplitude RV variations that look for all the world like a giant planet in a short period orbit.  It also shows no spectral changes in temperature as a function of phase, so there is not much to tip you off that it is a pulsator:
From Hatzes and Cochran (2000).  This perfectly sinusoidal RV signal with a 3.94 day period around a star photometrically stable at the level 150 mmag level is not from a planet.  the star is Polaris, and the variations are from stellar pulsations.
But MARVELS-1 is decidedly not a giant, and the KELT photometry rules out variability at a much lower level than 150 mmag, and Cepheids to NOT have overtones with 3:1 period ration, so this is not what’s going on.
But still, this is something broad RV planet searches need to watch out for.
– Two objects orbiting two stars?  Could the two signals we see be from different stars?  The AO companions would be the candidates, but they are too faint.  Also, the 3:1 commensurability strongly implicates a single system, since it is so perfect.

– Could it be a binary brown dwarf?  If MARVELS-1 b were a equal-mass binary brown dwarf, we would see exactly the perturbations we see.  The idea here is two 14-Jupiter-mass BDs in mutual, 4-day orbit, together orbiting MARVELS-1 in a 6-day orbit.  Twice per 4-day orbit, the BDs would switch from being aligned with MARVELS-1 to being in quadrature, and the variable quadrupole moment would induce a weak 2-day signal on MARVELS-1.     

This possibility is actually plausible in an order of magnitude calculation, but the dynamical stability of the system was so manifestly impossible that I couldn’t get Eric Ford to stop rolling his eyes long enough to even decline to run the simulations.  

I thought it was pretty clever, though.

I called Debra Fischer for a consult.  Her immediate reaction was the same as many others’:  it’s contamination.  There has to be spectral contamination.  I explained why it couldn’t be:

  1. The AO companions were too faint to contribute
  2. The spectra showed no hint of other lines, even in a spectral synthesis analysis
  3. Contamination would not produce the 3:1 commensurability

She stuck to her guns:  it reeks of spectral contamination.

I was at the Jackson Hole Extreme Solar Systems II meeting (which served as a sort of festschrift for Geoff Marcy) and I spent a lot of time talking with Suvrath Mahadevan and Andrew Howard about the system.  The system kept passing every test, but we couldn’t shake the feeling something was wrong.  What if it was contamination (even thought it couldn’t be) what would that look like?

So I put together a model of how a pair of spectra would interact and tried to fit it to the HET data and the Keck data.   The results really surprised me.  I’ll save that for the next installment (which won’t be the last — MARVELS-1 had a couple more twists in the offering…).

On The Importance of Counting and Naming Exoplanets

Jean Schneider shared  with me a passage from Le Petit Prince that seems particularly germane right now.  Follow this link:
and mentally substitute “exoplanet” wherever you see the word “star”.  
Also relevant, is this excerpt I recalled from Chapter 2:
I knew very well that in addition to the great planets — such as the Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Venus — to which we have given names, there are also hundreds of others, some of which are so small that one has a hard time seeing them through a telescope. When an astronomer discovers one of these he does not give it a name, but only a number. He might call it, for example, “Asteroid 325.”…
…[Asteroid B-612] has only once been seen through a telescope. That was by a Turkish astronomer, in 1909.
On making his discovery, the astronomer had presented it to the International Astronomical Congress, in a great demonstration. But he was in Turkish costume, and so nobody would believe what he said.
Grown-ups are like that…
Fortunately, however, for the reputation of Asteroid B-612, a Turkish dictator made a law that his subjects, under pain of death, should change to European costume. So in 1920 the astronomer gave his demonstration all over again, dressed with impressive style and elegance. And this time everybody accepted his report.
My personal opinion is that there is no need for the IAU to formally establish a naming convention for exoplanets.  There is some confusion about some planets in the literature, but not so much that it requires the thousands of person-hours that would go into generating a formal resolution to adopt a consensus position that would likely please nobody (we’ve been there before).

How Exoplanets REALLY Get Their Names

I had a pretty strong reaction to the IAU’s recent press release regarding exoplanet nomenclature.  The proximate cause of the IAU’s action was the Uwingu planet naming contests, but what got me riled up was what I felt was an imprecise (or, frankly, inaccurate) description of the IAU’s role in naming planets and how the databases like get their designations.

I also made a second post clarifying my objections and offering suggestions of how I would have edited the IAU press release to make it accurate.

In the meantime, Rachel Akeson of the NExScI Exoplanet Archive contacted me to see if I would like to make a formal comment to Commission 53 regarding the role of our websites.  I agreed, and we enlisted both Jean Schneider (architect and maintainer of the Exoplanet Encyclopedia and Alan Boss (former chair of the Working Group on Extrasolar Planets for the IAU; this group later became Commission 53) to join our effort.

The four of us put together a statement that you can find here.  It summarizes the history of the IAU’s role in the nomenclature of exoplanets.

The IAU has now responded to our letter. In particular, they agree that “[T]here have never been formal or official recommendations from the IAU about the nomenclature scheme” for exoplanets. 

I want to point out that the fact that Alan Boss, Jean Schneider, and Rachel Akeson signed on to this letter should not be read as implying that all of us endorse any opinions the others have expressed on the subject of the wisdom or propriety of the IAU, Uwingu, or any other organization giving names or formalizing designation schemes for exoplanets.  In fact, I am pretty sure that we do not agree on these topics, so please consider anything that I have written on the topic represent no one’s position but my own.  

My personal interest in getting this letter out was to clarify that the IAU does not bless or maintain any exoplanet list or database, and that the IAU does not name and has not named exoplanets, or granted any “official” designations to them.  I am pleased that the IAU has agreed with these points, as laid out in our letter.  I am also pleased to see that the full commission will be convening to address the issue of popular names, presumably including the efforts of Uwingu.

As Jean Schneider points out, this is all rather petty in the grand scheme of things.  But to any readers that think there is nothing to see here, and this is much ado about nothing, please contrast the original statement by the IAU with its response to our letter; contrast its implicit characterization of Uwingu with Uwingu’s actual actions; and consider my markup of their original press release.  Consider that an IAU press release outside of a General Assembly is a rare event and therefore a big deal, as it represents the official position of the global astronomical community.  I think it’s important that when this happens, it gets it right.

Formal Response From The IAU

On April 29, Alan Boss, former chair of the Working Group on Extrasolar Planets of the IAU (now Commission 53), and the maintainers of three of the exoplanet databases, including me, sent the IAU a formal letter requesting that they join us in clarifying how exoplanets get their names and designations.  Here is the response from the Alain Leavelier des Etangs, President of Commission 53: 

The Organizing committee of the Commission 53 has thoroughly read your document regarding how exoplanets acquire their designations and where these designations are recorded. Please find below our comments and answers to it:

  • The Organizing Committee recognizes the important involvement of the 3 groups working hard to maintain lists of exoplanets. We strongly concur with your statement that “None of these resources is maintained by the IAU and none of them operates with the imprimatur or preference of the IAU”. In short, there is no official IAU catalog.
  • Given the excellent quality of the existing catalogs, the Organizing Committee acknowledges that the involvement of the 3 groups is extremely useful to the whole astronomical community.
  • The Commission 53 has no material or financial support from the IAU to maintain a list of exoplanets.
  • We agree that there should be a distinction between a “public” name and a “nomenclature” name given to an exoplanet. The nomenclature names are used by astronomers to designate uniquely and unambiguously all objects discovered in the Universe. This nomenclature designation has been defined by practice by the discoverers (star name + lowercase letter).
  • We support all activities aimed at educating both the astronomical community and the public about the nomenclature convention that is currently universally used by the astronomical community.
  • There have never been formal or official recommendations from the IAU about the nomenclature scheme. But it is accepted by the community and in the absence of problems, input from the IAU has not been necessary. Nonetheless, recent discoveries (for instance around binaries) have raised some issues, and the Commission members will be consulted about possible guidelines for the nomenclature.
  • If they wish, the catalog architects could include a statement on their web site mentioning that the planet nomenclature names listed are generally accepted by the exoplanet community but are not officially endorsed by the IAU.
  • A wide consultation of the Commission 53 is to be organized this year. This consultation will address questions including some on popular names and the nomenclature.

A Formal Letter to the IAU Regarding Exoplanet Nomenclature

On April 29, Rachel Akeson, Alan Boss, Jean Schneider, and I sent the following letter to the IAU [slightly edited for this forum].  The formal response from the IAU is here.

We represent 3 of the groups actively engaged in working with the professional astronomical community to maintain lists of exoplanets and their measured and derived characteristics. We welcome and wish to encourage public interest in exoplanets and their names. However, the distinctions between the public names and the names generally used by the professional community need to be understood by all involved. In light of the recent press release and community discussion, we join the chair of the (now defunct) IAU Working Group on Extrasolar Planets in making the following comments: 

  • The IAU has the authority to give recommendations for the naming process for  extrasolar planets (exoplanets). In consultation with its Commission 53 (C53) and  other astronomers, it may recommend a naming process for exoplanets in the future. 
  • The IAU Working Group on Extrasolar Planets (WGESP) maintained an online list of  all exoplanet discoveries, with their names, discovery credits, and priority order, from August 2000 until August 2006, when the WGESP was replaced by C53. While the IAU has never played a more formal, active role in the naming process, by assigning, registering, or vetoing these designations (as it does with, for instance, Solar System bodies), it has the authority to do so.
  • In the early years of exoplanet detection, a convention arose amongst discoverers whereby exoplanets were designated by a lowercase letter after a valid name of their host star, beginning with ‘b’ and increasing alphabetically in the order the exoplanets were discovered around a given star. This convention was formally recognized by the IAU Working Group on Extrasolar Planets (which became Commission 53 in 2006). (The case of multiple names of stars and of planet names according to their discovery instruments (e.g. CoRoT-n b, HAT-P-n b, Kepler-n b etc) deserve a special attention).
  • Nearly all of the designations that appear in the professional literature originate from the discoverers of exoplanets assigning designations in the refereed papers or conference proceedings in which they announce the discovery of the exoplanet.  These names usually (but not always) follow the generally accepted convention.
  • Occasionally, astronomers will also give exoplanets “popular names” or “nicknames” (in press releases, for instance), but these names are rarely or never used in the professional literature.
  • There are many resources, including in the Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia (, the Exoplanet Orbit Database (, the Exoplanet Archive (, and others, that maintain lists of exoplanets. The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia, in particular, has played an important role in the development of exoplanetary astronomy, and has been mentioned in reports by the Working Group on Extrasolar Planets and Commission 53 as a valid and valuable resource for the astronomical community. 
  • These resources strive to reflect the scientific literature when listing designations for the exoplanets, and do not currently recognize “popular” names. They each have their own methods of resolving conflicting designations or non-standard names for exoplanets in the literature, and different criteria for inclusion of exoplanets on their lists.
  • None of these resources is maintained by the IAU and none of them operates with the imprimatur or preference of the IAU.

Jason T Wright,

Rachel Akeson, NASA Exoplanet Archive

Jean Schneider, Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia (and member of C53)

Alan Boss, Chair of the IAU Working Group on Extrasolar Planets (2000-2006) (and member of C53)

LathamFest Day 1 Concludes: M dwarfs

Alessandro Sozetti chairs the day’s final session, on “The Small Star Opportunity.”

Says “If you are a current or former student of Dave Latham, please raise your hands.”  A very good showing.  “If you are a long or short term collaborator, raise your hands” (most of the room has their hands up now).  

“The few who have not raised hands, please pay your registration fee.”

Now, the first speaker is (close AstroWright friend) John Johnson. 

He says that his experiences with Dave, mostly after having given a talk, is that Dave has been “extraordinarily kind to other scientist”  Dave looks incredulous until John continues  “…especially to younger scientists.  I’ve seen him be cranky with older scientists.”  Thanks Dave for that and says being kind to younger scientists really sets a good tone for science.  This gets applause.

Problem: it’s difficult to characterize M dwarfs.  John is describing the work of several Jamie Lloyd students and postdocs, Barbara Rojas-Ayala, Phil Muirhead, and Kevin Covey.   This gives radii of the M dwarfs, lets us get good radii for the planets.

KOI 961 is a near twin of Barnard’s Star, which is very well characterized, which really helped.  The KOI 961 triple system has all 3 planets smaller than the Earth, and the best figure “for scale” is not 51 Peg, but Jupiter and the Galilean Satellites.  

“I love that I can say that and nobody gasps.  It’s just ‘yeah, we’ve seen that.’ What a great era this is.”

Two undergraduate students found a strange M dwarf transit around KOI 256 — the flat bottomed, very sharp ingress/egress.  RV work at Palomar revealed that the “transit” was at the wrong phase, is actually the secondary eclipse.  The true transit is at the wrong depth because of lensing effects.   Kepler does general relativity!

Next up, John Swift’s work on Kepler-32, a 5 planet system with the innermost planet in a 0.01 AU, 0.7 day orbit, and the next two out participate in a 3:2:1 period commensurability.    Might be very typical of M dwarf systems, which dominate planets in the Galaxy.

Next, Morton & Swift’s work on a period-normalized non-parametric radius function with a modified kernel density estimator.  Most common size planet around M dwarfs so far: 1 Earth radius.  Statistically significant bump near 2.2 Earth radius, maybe.  See a real deficit in distribution at less than 1 Earth radius.  Shows that MEarth will have great success with just a bit more precision (distribution falls off above 3 Earth radii = GJ 1214).

Cites Dressing’s work that there are 0.15 Habitable Zone planets per star.  Nearest Earth-size planet in the HZ is 21 pc away.

Next up Suvrath Mahadevan about the “challenges and opportunities” of near infrared precise radial velocities (“another tool in our toolbox in finding planets around M stars”).  

Starts with a detour about APOGEE: 300 fibers on the Sloan telescope doing H band velocities.  

At one point, the APOGEE team said “we think we’ve found a planet” and sent him an RV curve that got sent to him; APOGEE was very excited because they saw a 80-day period signal around a 7th magnitude star.  This sounded very familiar.  [At this point Dave Latham is looking at the 2MASS ID, which has the coordinates, and says “hey, wait a minute” and the audience starts to catch on].  Suvrath* looked the star up in the literature, and it turned out to be HD 114762!  They were using this as a telluric standard, and the RV pipeline had seen variation.  This is the first NIR exoplanet detection!  Suvrath declares that NIR can now clearly detect exoplanets.

NIR information content isn’t as high as optical, but more flux means you win in Z, Y, J.  Habitable Zone Planet Finder (HPF) has R~50,000, with requirement of < 3 m/s precision and goal of 1 m/s on best stars.  Heritage comes from Larry Ramsey’s Pathfinder tested at Hobby-Eberly Telescope.  Pathfinder retired a lot of risk and concern about NIR spectrographs, including detector issues (persistence, inter-pixel capacitance) and calibration sources.  

Shows actual on-sky laser fiber comb velocities, showing stability of carbon dioxide telluric lines (only stable to 5-10 m/s) and stars.  Also shows Fabry-P�rot interferometer comb tested at APOGEE, which looks great.

Hand agitation of fibers seems to reduce modal noise, but this is “not practical for a five-year survey.”  Commercial device solves the problem: “OptoTune laser speckle remover” which does exactly what it sounds like, and combines with an integrating sphere to solve modal noise of bright calibration sources.  

Octagonal fibers + double scramblers give sufficient scrambling to get sub-m/s precision.

Last speaker is Jonathan Irwin, talking about MEarth.  We would like to be able to do the sorts of science we do on GJ 1214 to Earth-sized HZ planets.  This makes mid- to late M dwarfs the most important targets.  

MEarth has been running since 2008, original survey sensitive to 2 Earth radii.

The original MEarth building was Cold War era laser ranging station.  It is bomb-proof, roof has never failed.  Also housed Fairborn Observatory before MEarth.

High proper motion of M dwarfs very useful, and MEarth data can generate parallaxes.  MEarth also 

People are always asking “has MEarth found another planet?”  Says answer is “no, and we’d like to understand why.” To do this “I have to do something naughty” — he is extrapolating from early M’s in Kepler to the late M’s from MEarth.  GJ 1214 looks like an oddball if you do this extrapolation, but if you compare by equilibrium temperature it’s not too bad.  Kepler shows the planet frequencies goes up in the same dimensions that MEarth’s sensitivities go down, so a bit more precision will yield a lot of new planets.

MEarth South is coming along soon!  

That’s a wrap for day 1.  Hopefully blogging will commence for tomorrow’s session, but perhaps not by me.  

[* Update:  Suvrath points out that it was David Nidever and Scott Fleming were the ones that made the identification.  The full story is here.]

LathamFest continues: The Man of the Hour Speaks

Post-lunch session:

[I’m indenting Latham-specific stuff to separate it from the science content here.  Dave has clearly made this a prospective conference, but many participants cannot resist anecdotes and comments about his prolific career.]

First up is Lars Burchave talking about deriving metallicities of the Kepler stars.   Two ingredients needed to extend known relations to lower-mass planets:  huge sample, and metallicities for the stars in it.  Kepler gives us the first; lots of work into getting the second.  Simple cross-correlation of synthetic library spectra to high resolution spectra of KIC stars yields good effective temperatures and metallicities; does not require high SNR.   Yields a homogeneous sample of parameters for 152 host stars.

Average metallicity correlates with detected planet radius with high statistical significance; below 2 Earth radius average metallicity is sub-solar.

Finishes with images from Google searches on “David Latham,” including those of a band called “David Latham and the Strangers,” and as an actor in “Jesus Christ Superstar”.  

More seriously, he showed images of Dave on a bike at Loveland Pass (way up at the Continental Divide) and other places, and closes with “congratulations on being one of the pioneers in the exoplanets field, so all of the rest of us can do such great work.”

Now we move on to TESS, from the PI himself, George Ricker.  Chair Josh Winn points out that George was “converted” by David Latham from an X-ray astronomer to “one of us.”  George starts with 7 years of “TESS-related proposal covers”: HETE-2 (High Energy Transient Explorer-2) turning into “Hot Exoplanet Transit Experiment-Survey by using the star tracker.  In 2008, TESS was proposed from scratch as a SMEX2 and finally a full explorer TESS to launch in 2017.  Will discover the “best” 1,000 small exoplanets.  Whole sky survey from magnitudes 4-12; 500,000 stars.  TESS will find planets around brighter stars than Kepler, although the planets will be bigger on average.   

Shows prototype TESS cameras and a full-scale mockup, and a movie illustrating the 4 camera FOV, (23 degrees square, each), which have 27 day-long stares.  The movie is very slick, and features a nifty lunar gravity assist into a transfer orbit, followed by a burn to go into a 2:1 orbital resonance with the moon, an orbit that is stable over decades (the orbit exploits the Kozai mechanism!).

Josh assures the audience that the repetitive movie music will eventually get out of our heads with time (it is called “Night City” George tells us, comes free with Apple movie software).

George and Dave apparently competed over getting better deals for things when traveling;  George found the cheapest rental cars, but Dave consistently found the cheapest hotel rooms.  In this, “Dave’s tolerance for bedbugs beat mine.”

In the Q&A, we learn that TESS will point with reaction wheels (like Kepler) but George assures us that it will have 4 of them, and there is a mission that had one last for 6 whole years (the audience is both very amused and very concerned).  

Finally, Josh Winn introduces David Latham to talk about TESS.  

Josh tells us that 7 years ago he started as an exoplanet researcher, and Dave invited him into his office to discuss being part of the the Kepler followup mission.  Josh was surprised because at this point he had only 3 exoplanet papers, one of which nobody cites (“I don’t even cite it,” he says) and another that was wrong (“but does get cited!” Geoff interjects, to much amusement).  Josh concludes: “I am not the only one in this room that has benefitted from Dave’s generosity” and his “childlike enthusiasm” when he has every right to be an old grump.

At this point, Dave approaches the podium to a lengthy standing ovation.  He says that people do occasionally call him “crusty.”

Dave says it’s in retrospect a good thing that the SMEX version of TESS did not get selected, because lessons learned from Kepler have shown how hard it would have been to have a low duty cycle and low Earth orbit.  Once Kepler launched Dave “got distracted by other things,” but eventually got back to TESS.  His admonishment “sleep is for sissies” to the TESS gang made it into the glossary.   

Lessons from Kepler that informs TESS: 

  • Small planets are common, so TESS will find hundreds of planets. 
  • Multiples are common (and coplanar), so gravitational interactions would be important and measurable.  This also makes continuous coverage very important.  
  • Photodynamical analysis is powerful and multitransiting systems are “information rich”
  • Followup with HARPS-N will be essential.  
  • The pipeline is challenging and critical.  Dave quotes Andrew Howard from earlier, calling the Kepler pipeline one of the great achievements in scientific computing; agrees that “that’s not far off.”

Dave’s talk is gracious and full of praise for his collaborators, especially Jon Jenkins’ team.

Josh asks for questions for “the discoverer of Latham’s planet.”
One of the questions asks what “the exciting thing will be” 10 years from now.  Dave’s answer: maybe 10 years is “too quick”, but biosignatures.
The data volume  for TESS is 10 times the data rate of Kepler.  
David Charbonneau asks (leadingly): it was frustrating that there were only 512 slots for high cadence data in Kepler; what fraction of the TESS data is at 1 minute cadence?  Dave: “Maybe zero if we go to half a minute.”

Lathamfest II: Cochran’s Commandment, and “Latham’s Planet”

Session 2


Geoff Marcy is next talking about radial velocity measurements of 52 planets orbiting 22 stars from Kepler, half of which have asteroseismology measurements. The revealed masses and densities of some of these planets appear to be negative, because the team declined to enforce positivity in the MCMC posteriors in order to avoid biasing the overall statistics of the sample.  That is, many of the planets have not been detected in radial velocities.  

Some of the detections are consistent with rocky planets, densities of a few g/cc, others are clearly gaseous (about 1.5 g/cc).  The bigger planets are lower density, consistent with earlier transiting work and the smaller (below 2 Earth radii) planets are “mostly rocky planets” (where the “mostly” is deliberately ambiguously modifying “rocky” and “planets”, or possibly both).  Above 100 Earth masses, the trend reverses, as we transition from planets to brown dwarfs.

Geoff says 21 years ago Dave summoned the nascent radial velocity community here, and Geoff has his transparencies for his talk at that meeting with him!  Back in 1992, there were no BDs and no exoplanets.  Shows a an image of the 429 RVs for HD 114762 presented there.  Dave’s introductory remarks state that the “conventional wisdom” is that giant planets will only be found in decade-long orbits, so this will be a long-term project.  

Geoff cites, still from that conference, Bill Cochran’s First Commandment of Planet Detection: Thou shalt not embarrass thyself and they colleagues by claiming false planets.


The following events occurred amid a jocular mood:  “And now a controversial topic”: “Who may name a planet?”  Marcy says that anyone may suggest a planet name, and so he solicits nominations from the gallery for names for HD 114762b.  “Latham’s planet” is loudly and prominently shouted from many points of the room (and may or may not have come from plants who were sitting next to me prior to the talk).  Marcy quickly closes the nomination and holds a lightning-fast vote (“all in favor” gets hands; a vote for “all opposed” is not taken).  Marcy’s next slide:

 “HD 114762b is hereafter known as: Latham’s planet*” (“*=pending IAU approval, of course”).  

Next up is Leslie Rogers showing how Kepler has filled out the mass-radius diagram below 10 Earth radii and 50 Earth masses, including adding a new dimension of incident flux, allowing us to study retention and survival of atmospheres.  Describes the problem of inverting mass and radius measurements with uncertainties into a probability of being “rocky”.  Finds a dividing line around 1.5-2 Earth radii between rocky vs. non-rocky planets, consistent with Geoff’s talk.

Leslie finds that the boundary between “rocky” and “non-rocky” can be tightly constrained between 1.7-1.8 Earth radii in a simple, one-parameter model where “rockiness” is a simple function of radius.  In a two-parameter model with a transition region, values up to 2 Earth radii are allowed.

Finishes with a Latham memory, despite not having ever worked with him.  Dave gave many conference highlight talks at many of her first conferences, and she saw him as a “a kind senior authority figure”.  It became her aspiration to “make it into one of your summary highlight reels”. :)

Next up is Ruth Murray-Clay giving an overview of the physical processes that we have to worry about for these lower mass planet atmospheres. Shows fraction of mass lost over 10 Gyr at 0.05 AU.  HD 209458 loses 1% of its mass, which is not a big deal because it is made entirely of gas.  For a super-Earth, this is a substantial fraction of its atmosphere.

Two kinds of escape: kinetic, and hydrodynamic, regulated by the Jeans escape limit and hydrodynamic escape limits, respectively.  UV photons heat atmospheres through ionization.

3 fates for this energy: radiated away in place, conducted lower in the atmosphere, then radiated, or it could drive an outflow; all of these could be observable.  Ly-α and H3+.  Low-T planets will have molecules that are good radiators, so the energy will come out as radiation.  For hot Jupiters, the result could be an energy-limited outflow.


Festschrift — A publication or conference honoring a respected academic during their lifetime, typically published on the occasion of the honoree’s retirement, sixtieth or sixty-fifth birthday, or other notable career anniversary. 

Today and Tuesday stellar and exoplanet astronomers gather in Cambridge, MA, at the Phillips Auditorium at the Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics to honor David Latham’s 50 years of contributions to astrophysics.  The title was at one point “Exoplanets in the Post-Kepler Era”, but given Kepler’s recent crippling, it was changed to “From Binaries to Exoplanets”, presumably to avoid the feeling of a wake.  
The first speaker is Michel Mayor, who gives a history of radial velocities, most especially work by Latham and Stepfanik with moderate precision, including their 1989 discovery of HD 114762 b (in retrospect, the first exoplanet), which they wrote “…is probably a brown dwarf, and may even be a giant planet.”
He notes that from 1990 to 2013, RV precision has improved by a factor of 103. (250 – 500 m/s to 0.3 – 0.5 m/s).  He also provides a description of the HARPS program including the latest low mass planets.
Describing the metal-poor sample of Santos, Michel tells us that only the most metal-rich of the metal-poor stars ([Fe/H]~-0.4) host giant planets.  Describing Pepe’s intensive search of 10 Sun-like stars (at least 50 points per season each), he describes the super-Earths they have detected (including HD 85512 b which he says is in the Habitable Zone.  And, of course, α Centauri B b.
The next speaker is Jon Jenkins “not here to bury Kepler, but to praise it.”  Six super-Earths in the Habitable Zone so far.  Bill Borucki, the PI of Kepler, is sanguine about the Kepler news.  “He asked for four years, and that’s exactly what he got.”  Still lots of work to do to understand the Kepler database: learn about the stars, the selection biases, and the pipeline.  Automatic detection of instrumental junk vs. astrophysical sources is >99%, distinguishing planets from other sources is around 96%. New data validation and other pipeline goodies are coming soon, proven through pixel-level signal injection. 
Andrew Howard is third, describing planet overall exoplanet occurrence rates from Doppler and Kepler.  The “two key plots” are the mass and radius histograms, both of which increase towards smaller planets.  
But he starts with a description of his first night on a telescope with David Latham on the 61″ Wyeth Telescope, which retired in 2005 after a 72 year lifespan.  He describes Oak Ridge Observatory and its various components.  He recognizes Robert Stefanik and Joe Zajac as the workhorses of the observatory that kept it going.
Dave’s farm is across the street from the observatory, and Dave observed every Sunday night.  He has pictures of Dave with a chainsaw taking care of the trees that have grown up around the observatory over the decades.  Andrew points out that the 61″ discovered the first exoplanet.  Andrew describes his optical SETI detector (searching for optical nanosecond laser pulses) and working with Dave on that.
Andrew tells us that Kepler-11 tells us most of what you need to know about low-mass planetary systems:  they are numerous, commonly multiple, have low eccentricities, and are flat (low mutual inclinations).  Andrew describes Eric Petigura’s independent “TERRA” pipeline for processing Kepler data.  Looking only at the quietest stars (to simplify the problem), they recover all of the known Kepler planets plus 37 more low-radius exoplanets, and find that the radius histogram has a plateau at low radii, consistent with Fressin’s work.

MARVELS-1: A case study in healthy paranoia in science (Part II)

Last time I wrote about our discovery of a second signal in the MARVELS-1 brown-dwarf system that showed the 6-d substellar object had an interior Jupiter-mass planet in a perfect 3:1 resonance.  I was particularly excited because I had the opportunity to make a significant contribution to the MARVELS project (I was added on as an External Collaborator for this one target, since I’m not a member of the SDSS-III consortium).
Our discovery really got the whole MARVELS team excited, and we summoned the various experts on the MARVELS team to, Voltron-like, combine forces against this single target.  Suvrath and I requested Director’s Discretionary Time on HET to pin down the period ratio better and help the dynamicists with their modeling.  Justin Crepp headed off to Keck to work his AO magic.  Scott Gaudi, Josh Pepper, and Jason Eastman got to work looking for potential transits in KELT and other photometry.  Matt Payne and Eric Ford got to work on the dynamical analysis of this particular 3:1 resonance.  Brian Lee and a suite of other MARVELS collaborators went back to the spectra to further refine the stellar parameters so we could get a better stellar radius and mass. 
And the whole time we’re all paranoid something is wrong.  The system is too weird, too distinctive, and too unexpected.  All that in the first substellar MARVELS target!  Could we be missing something?  Scott Gaudi’s first reaction to the news showed the skepticism tempering his excitement:
Here’s a disturbing thought that just occurred to me.  Have we looked at the bisector variations for this star?  Could this be a blend system that is throwing off the RV measurements?  I guess the limits on secondary lines must elliminate most of the parameter space for this, but maybe not all?

Jason, is it easy for you to look at the shape of the bisector or the cross-correlation peak as a function of epoch?

The answers to these questions were “no, maybe, yes, no”.    Suvrath was more blunt:

Holy ****! Yes we need more precision. We are planning on asking for DDT time anyways early next week…

What if its an SB2? Could that cause aliasing of some sort to create this signal?

The more I thought about it though, the more I was convinced that there was no mode of contamination that could create the illusion of a 3:1 resonance.  Such a thing had never been seen before, in thousands of planet search targets.  Contamination has a lot of weird effects, but this wasn’t one of them.
The oddities piled up as our HET time came in and collaborators got back to us:
  • Juggling the HET queue, we slowly started knocking down the sidelobes of the power spectrum with “adaptive scheduling” to only observe on nights (and tracks) that would rule out competing aliases of the period consistent with a 3:1 resonance.  Sure enough, every shot we got strengthened our conviction that the 3:1 resonance was the correct solution.  But the resonance was perfect.  Most resonances show period ratios near an integer ratio, but rarely exact, because of dynamical interactions.  This ratio was perfect to within one part in ten thousand.
  • Matt Payne’s analysis struggled with the sparse data, but we finally got enough points for his code to settle into a favored overall solution, and the stable solutions were very dynamically active (which means, very exciting for a dynamicist to study!)  They also predicted HUGE transit timing variations, if the system was transiting (10 hours!), an order of magnitude larger than anything seen before (this was pre-Kepler).
  • The KELT photometry came back totally stable:  this was not some sort of variable star or eclipsing binary.  It was tricky to look for transits, given the large variations expected, but Scott and the others were able to rule out most transiting scenarios, which was disappointing to some extent, but the stable photometry ruled out most false positive scenarios, too.
  • The spectral analysis came back clean, with no hint of contamination, again.  But the gravity of the star changed with the new data:  we now had a regular main sequence F star, not a subgiant.  This wasn’t a big deal, but it was strange that we couldn’t pin it down better.
  • Then Justin Crepp found a couple of AO companions, just to make our lives interesting:
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They were faint, but could they have something to do with our signal?  All 3 stars would be in the HET fiber.  We wrote, we thought, we fretted.  No, these things were a couple of magnitudes fainter in H band; they couldn’t possibly contribute significant flux in the optical, where HET works. Justin Crepp raised the old concern again:
I am speculating (flying by the seat of my pants more like it — just to make sure we cover all the possibilities) that the 6-d period and 2-d period may be produced by the two stellar spectra beating against one another due to regular old RV shifts. In other words, should we be worried about the various pipelines treating the combined spectra as a single star? 
But we couldn’t think of any model to make this idea work, and we didn’t have the code spun up to look for line profile variations, anyway.  We were also in a hurry; we really wanted to get this out fast, and it was now 9 months after the discovery of the resonance.  Would somebody scoop us?
More than once we were ready to pull the trigger, ready to send out the paper with our best guess at the system.  I remember standing in Don Schneider’s office with Suvrath, discussing the system, in summer of 2011.  The MARVELS and Sloan folks were itching to publish MARVELS’ big result.  I was 90% sure it was right, but I wanted more data first.  I wanted to solve the system, not just be pretty sure.  We held off yet again.  It was maddening.  I kept writing to Suvrath “I hate this system”.
Eric Ford and I had some Keck time through NASA to study interesting multiplanet systems, and we were going to use it to study this resonance.  MARVELS-1 was coming out from behind the Sun in a month.  All of my concerns about contamination from those companions in that big fat HET fiber would be gone if the narrow slit of HIRES saw exactly the same signal.  So we went back to the telescope…

Should I Have Asked For Templeton Money?

On his blog, Preposterous Universe, Caltech Physicist Sean Carroll explains why he will not take money from the John Templeton Foundation (I saw the article reprinted at Slate).  This gave me pause: did I make a mistake when I applied for a grant through their New Horizons program, and an even bigger mistake when I accepted grant money to work on the research I proposed?

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I encourage you to read his post, because he makes a cogent argument, and I don’t want to address all of the points he makes (because it would take me longer than I want to spend on the topic).

Dr. Carroll’s main point follows from his naturalism and atheism.  He believes that religion and science are fundamentally irreconcilable, and he believes that the John Templeton Foundation is dedicated to contradicting that belief.  He writes:

Any time respectable scientists take money from Templeton, they lend their respectability–even if only implicitly–to the idea that science and religion are just different paths to the same ultimate truth.

Carroll does not take money from the John Templeton Foundation because to do so would “dilute the message” that naturalism “is arguably the single most important bit of progress in fundamental ontology over the last 500 years” and that it “can really change people’s lives.”  He considers such dilution a “grave disservice” to humanity.  He wants the world to be more atheist because this will make it a better place, and he says that there is “no question that Templeton has been actively preventing” this message from spreading.

I agree that his message is an important one to share, so let me assert it:  science and religion are not different paths to the same ultimate truth, and science can make the world a better place, both materially and ethically.  And I see Carroll’s reasoning, but I don’t share Carroll’s conclusions.  Now, I’m certainly in a compromised position, being actively supported by a Templeton grant, in that I have strong motivations to rationalize taking the money.  But I am pretty sure that my position would not be any different if the question were a purely hypothetical one.

Here is the salient part of John Templeton Foundation’s stated mission: “We encourage civil, informed dialogue among scientists, philosophers, and theologians and between such experts and the public at large, for the purposes of definitional clarity and new insights.”

Further, they support “Big Questions” with fundamental implications for philosophy and, yes, religion.  Questions like whether the Universe is deterministic, causal, and finitely old have real, serious ramifications in theology; in the past 200 years, science has answered them (no, yes, and yes, at least within its positivist framework).  Questions like those in the “New Frontiers in Astronomy and Cosmology” research grant program do, too.  It doesn’t seem nefarious to me at all that a religious institution would want clarity on those topics.  Would Carroll refuse money from, say, the Vatican Observatory to investigate these topics?  I presume so (and that his reason is that they believe that clarity should flow the other way — from religion into science — too).

I’m glad that theologians and clerics find science to be an important aspect of their work.  Where would be be without George Lemaître?  I find the boundaries between science and religion interesting and worthwhile to explore on philosophical grounds.

All that said, I am not religious.  Professionally, I assume that the Universe is governed by Natural Law, which I sometimes call the “no miracles” assumption.  I assume this because that is the fundamental postulate of science (which cannot be proven or disproven by scientific inquiry because whenever you are not making this assumption, you are not practicing science).  Personally, I live my life as though this assumption were true (I do not believe beyond doubt that there is no God of any kind, but does not make me “agnostic” any more than a practicing and devout Catholic who has doubts and acknowledges the unprovability of their beliefs is “agnostic”.)

First of all, I know lots of good, religious scientists.  Do I “dilute the message” of atheism by collaborating with them?  My Astronomy 101 class is filled with the names and accomplishments of the founders science and astronomy: Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Einstein, and many more.  Do I “dilute the message” of atheism by telling my students that most of them were religious?  I suppose I do in both cases, but science is a social endeavor done by real, messy people, and I embrace that.

Secondly, do I implicitly endorse the aims of any funding agency I take money from?  I suppose I must to some extent — I would not take money from an organization whose aims in giving me that money I thought were evil.  But the John Templeton Foundation’s stated aims are to explore the boundaries of science and religion, not to undermine science.

Now, if the board of the Foundation believes that this exploration may reveal deep, spiritual truths, well, they might be right (because science can answer big questions that religion asks).  If they believe this exploration will be reciprocal — that a spiritual exploration will reveal deep truths about astronomy and cosmology — well, I’m not afraid to say I believe they’re wrong, and I don’t see how the grant program I applied to could do that, besides.

I guess the big difference I have with Carroll is that I’m too pluralist to evangelize my non-religiousness on this point.  I don’t think I’m being naive about the John Templeton Foundation’s aims; I just don’t see much about them to be bothered by.

To Carroll I would argue this: I don’t think that the message of atheism will spread without dialog with non-atheists, and I see the John Templeton Foundation’s mission as being the active encouragement of that exactly that dialog.  Perhaps it’s true that they have an idea of where they think this dialog will lead that Carroll (and I) strongly disagree with, but since Carroll isn’t arguing that they are putting their thumbs on the scales, so what?

At any rate, I’m happy to be a part of that dialog, in my own tangential way.

One last point:  I think that Carroll is not correct (or, at least, not precise) when he writes this:
Due to the efforts of many smart people over the course of many years, scholars who are experts in the fundamental nature of reality have by a wide majority concluded that God does not exist.

I think it would be more precise to day that they have concluded that they have “no need for that hypothesis” (to misquote Laplace).  “God” means a lot of things to a lot of people, and I think Carroll’s perception of “religion” here is pretty narrowly focused on a particular set of of Western religious beliefs he rejects (i.e. those that insist the Universe is not governed entirely by Natural Law (“miracles exist”), or that divine inspiration can yield scientific truths).  I don’t think that’s all that the John Templeton Foundation has in mind;  the variety of human religious and spiritual experience goes far beyond that.

But regardless of what one means by “religion”, questions like the ultimate origin of the Universe and Natural Law may be beyond scientific inquiry (to believe otherwise is, I think, an act of unjustified faith).  It can give us great comfort to live our lives according to some not-disprovable assumptions about their answers, and I do not begrudge anyone their succor against existential darkness (after all, we all must have our own).


Is That a White or Brown Trendy Degenerate Dwarf?

Jill Tarter was just here at Penn State, and at the beginning of her colloquium told us that she coined the term “brown dwarf” in her PhD thesis title1 because atmosphere codes weren’t good enough then to determine what the infrared colors would actually be, so she chose “brown” “because brown is not a color.”  Even today, brown dwarf colors are causing problems!

Justin Crepp has been getting AO imaging of our planet-search targets, helping us to figure out what the causes of our “trendy” stars are.  I’ve written about his work discovering benchmark M dwarfs orbiting nearby stars before here and here.

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The basic idea is that our precise RV monitoring for decades of nearby stars often reveals long, slow accelerations of the star due to an unseen stellar companion.  We occasionally see some curvature and can constrain the orbit, but usually we just see a constant acceleration, a “trend” in the radial velocities that we subtract off when we look for planets.  Justin then goes digging with Keck adaptive optics to find those stellar companions.  The ones whose orbits are not too long can then have their orbits analyzed and Justin can determine masses for both components, making them new benchmark objects (since they should share ages and metallicities).
Well, Justin has a new result that’s pretty cool.  When following up the trend in HD 114174 (above) he found this companion (below) with the neutral NIR colors and absolute magnitude of a brown dwarf.  A nearby benchmark late T dwarf!

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T dwarfs have neutral (“blue”) near infrared colors because they have a lot of absorption features from high pressure molecular gasses (such as collisionally induced absorption from hydrogen gas) their atmospheres.  So even though they are cold, they aren’t “red”.  Teasing apart the degeneracies between gravity and temperature in brown dwarf atmospheres would be much easier with a benchmark object like this with a known mass and age (eventually).
The only catch is that there is no way that this brown dwarf could create the RV trend we see.  The implied minimum mass of the object is over 0.25 solar masses:  it’s got to be a star at that separation!
Justin’s conclusion:  it’s actually a white dwarf!  The high temperature of a white dwarf would make it as bright as a brown dwarf, even though it is 10 times smaller, and also make its colors quite neutral.  White dwarfs also have collisionally induced absorption from hydrogen, which further makes their colors similar.  Crazy!
So this, as far as I know, is the first compact object confirmed to come out of the [radial velocity] planet search programs.  It’s also going to be a useful nearby, benchmark white dwarf, to go along with Sirius B and Procyon B.  It is not the first degenerate object, though, because brown dwarfs are supported by electron degeneracy pressure, like white dwarfs.  

1 It’s true, look it up in the Oxford English Dictionary or Encyclopaedia Britannica.

[Update: Yes, I meant the first compact object from the precise RV surveys.  Kepler has discovered a few white dwarfs at this point.]

MARVELS-1: A case study in healthy paranoia in science (Part I)

My first experience using the HET spectrograph for precise radial velocities was as soon as I arrived here at Penn State 3.5 years ago.  Suvrath Mahadevan had asked me to get some RVs for some candidates from MARVELS, the multiplexed Doppler instrument on the Sloan telescope, and part of SDSS-III. 

MARVELS had detected many apparent radial velocity variations of stars, and the best candidates (that is, the ones most likely to be due to planets) needed some follow-up observations with a more precise instrument. 
One star in particular, TYC-1240-954-1, showed a clear signal from a brown-dwarf mass object in a 6-day orbit.  It was a unique discovery in mass-period space, and getting the orbit with an instrument like HET would be easy — fish in a barrel.  The only problem was I had no Doppler code suitable for HET.
So I called up Debra Fischer and asked for her Doppler code, and calling upon all of my powers of graduate school, wrote my own “quick and dirty” raw reduction pipeline for the High Resolution Spectrometer at HET (HRS).  Lots of diagnostic chats with Debra later (including a visit to the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study to get things going) I finally managed to get a rough pipeline installed on my Mac.  I still remember being holed up in my mother-in-law’s guest bedroom, trying to get the velocities out before Christmas so that they could go on Brian Lee’s AAS poster announcing the thing (and so that I could get back to Christmas!).  


Figure 2 from Lee et al., announcing MARVELS-1 b, the brown dwarf companion to MARVELS-1.
The velocities were disappointing.  They strongly confirmed the 6-d orbit, but the residuals to the fit were around 100 m/s, which was way too high for the iodine technique.  I had expected more like 10 m/s, given the faintness of the target and the rough nature of the Doppler code.
Once the paper was published, I went back to see where things had fallen apart.  Could it have been the barycentric correction?  Maybe the instrumental profile was totally wrong.
But the more I pushed, the weirder things got.  Other MARVELS stars we looked at came back fine.  Standard stars like sigma Draconis came back fine.  The code seemed to be working at the 3-10 m/s level, which is about where HET had always performed.  Something was different about MARVELS-1.
Graduate students Sharon Wang and Sara Gettel got a proper raw reduction pipeline going with REDUCE.  The residuals remained.  Sharon and I got John Johnson’s Doppler code running here at Penn State.  The residuals remained.  We tested John’s pipeline on standard stars and optimized it for HET.  The residuals remained.
So I started looking at those residuals:  maybe there was a diurnal signal because we had the position of the star on the sky wrong?  This star did not have a Hipparcos position, so it might be high proper motion or something.  
When I plotted the residuals by sidereal time, I saw an obvious pattern.  Aha!  The culprit was found!  But the signal was not at a sidereal day, or even a solar day.  It was at roughly 2 sidereal days — but not exactly 2 sidereal days.
I poked around; what could cause this signal?  Then I realized that the apparent period of the 100 m/s residuals was exactly one third of the period of the brown dwarf.   When I fit a two-planet solution to the data, we got roughly the residuals we expected, around 10 m/s, and the periods showed a perfect 3:1 commensuribility.
This was something new!  A hot Jupiter orbiting in a 3:1 resonance interior to a brown dwarf.  This was big.  This was a press release.  This was exciting.  This was my first really big result as Penn State faculty.
This was the beginning of a very long journey to a very long paper.  Those who have seen the astro-ph posting know the punchline, but I’ll continue the story, and the suspense, in another installment.

University Park, State College Station, etc.

I was at a concert at the Bryce Jordan Center on campus, and the headliner accidentally called out to all of us in “College Station”.  He graciously corrected himself in the encore (working in both “State College” and “Happy Valley” into his banter).  I bet it’s a common mistake for musicians to forget which town they’re in, and even commoner amongst the variously named college towns.

For those who still aren’t sure where or what Penn State is, here is a handy guide in both list and graphical form:

  • “PSU”, “Penn State”, or The Pennsylvania State University Nittany Lions. That’s us.
  • “Penn” is usually the University of Pennsylvania, which is an Ivy League school in Philadelphia. They’re Quakers, not Nittany lions.  It’s not technically wrong to refer to us as “Penn”, but unnecessarily confusing.
  • College Station: City hosting the Texas A&M Aggies. Not us. [Update: The College Township Alpha Fire Sub-station near our campus is often referred to as “College Station” by firefighters. So, kinda us.].
  • College Park: City hosting the University of Maryland Terrapins. Not us.
  • State College: The town hosting most of PSU main campus. Us.
  • College Township: A neighboring town hosting much of PSU main campus (mostly the athletics facilities, including Beaver Stadium and Joe Pa’s grave site).  Also us.
  • State Penn: Nothing, except that a State Pen(itentiary) is on the other side of town from Penn State (making for a nice palindromic joke).
  • State University: Common appellation of public schools in US. Sort of us (we hold the land grant charter for Pennsylvania so we are it some sense a “state university”, but we are not an arm of the state government; we employees are not civil servants. In fact, there is a separate Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, which is a proper system of “state schools.”  Yeah, it’s confusing.)
  • University College: School in London. Not us. [Update: Actually, there is a “University College” route for students at the Penn State Commonwealth Campuses to get certain degrees.  So, sort of us, but not us at University Park.]
  • University Station: Name of some public transit stops and a shopping center in Massachusetts. Not us.
  • University Park: Name of the main, State College PSU campus, and our postal address. Us.
  • Park University: In Missouri. Not us.
  • Park College: Former Park University in Missouri. Not us.
  • College University: Web comic. Not us.
  • College State: Website listing universities. [Update: Website no longer exists.]  Not us.
  • State Park: Common appellation of public parks in US. Not us at all.
  • Penn Station: Famous train station in New York (and other places). Not us.
  • Park State: Bank in Duluth. Not us.
  • State Station: On the T in Boston. Not us.
  • Park Station: Condos in Utah. Not us.
  • Station Park: Hotel in London, Ontario. [Update: The hotel changed its name.]  This is also the name of a shopping center in Utah. Not us.
In graphical form:
\ University State Park  Station College
University x x Us Shopping London, Sort of Us
State Sort of us x Not us T stop Us
Park Missouri Bank x Condo Missouri
Station x x Shopping x x
College Comic x Maryland A&M (but…)  x

I hope that clears things up.