Monthly Archives: September 2014

The New Exoplanet Orbit Database

The team at the National Harbor AA meeting — I mean American Astronomical Society meeting.  From left: Sharon Wang (grad student, PSU), Eunkyu Han (now at Boston University), me, Katherina (Ying) Feng (now at UC Santa Cruz), and Ming Zhao (Research Associate, PSU).

The team at the National Harbor AA meeting — I mean American Astronomical Society meeting. From left: Sharon Wang (grad student, PSU), Eunkyu Han (now at Boston University), me, Katherina (Ying) Feng (now at UC Santa Cruz), and Ming Zhao (Research Associate, PSU).

Last time I detailed how the Catalog of Nearby Exoplanets evolved into the Exoplanet Orbit Database, thanks to the efforts of Onsi Fakhouri, Eunkyu Han, and Katherina Feng.  A lot has happened since then.

Before starting his new job for a software company in San Francisco, Onsi did some work for the Kepler team producing the Kepler Planet Candidate Data Explorer, which built off of but had lots of nifty new features and back-end improvements. I got an NSF grant, and the broader impact section was to expand and improve and the EOD.  This gave me some money to compensate Onsi for his work, but given the level he was now at professionally, we couldn’t actually afford him; it was still basically just weekend hobby work for him.

Onsi added in a feature where we incorporate all of the Kepler candidates from the NASA Exoplanet Archive into the EOD (optionally — there’s a toggle at the top of the page) so that you can plot them against the other exoplanets, or against themselves.  He also added an “other” button so that users can see planets without good orbits (like most of the microlensing and imaged planets) on the same plots.

One issue with this is that there are not really any common planetary parameters that most RV planets have with, say, most imaged planets.  So we had to create new “fuzzy” fields, MASS and SEP, which are “rough” masses and separations.  When the masses and orbital semimajor axes are known, these fields take those values — otherwise they take minimum mass, projected separation, a mass based on the radius, or whatever the “best” value is for a given planet.  This way, one can plot mass vs. separation for all of the heterogeneously discovered planets in the data explorer.

Eunkyu Han, now a first year graduate student at Boston University.

Eunkyu Han, now a first year graduate student at Boston University.

Eventually, Onsi had a second child, and that ate up enough of his remaining hobby time that he’s had to retire as administrator.  We’re looking for a replacement — if any readers know anyone who can do it, the job ad is here.

In the meantime, Eunkyu Han and Katherina Feng have been making big improvements.  One is that they have gone back through the papers that report orbital and stellar parameters and incorporated asymmetric error bars, so that we can properly report uncertainties.  They have linked every datum to a refereed paper on ADS (click any number and you’ll see!).

Ming Zhao has also included all measured secondary eclipse depths for all planets that have them, and these make for some really nifty plots.


Nifty plot showing planetary radius and orbital radius of exoplanets with secondary eclipse measurements. Each circle indicates the existence a different measurement in the refereed literature. This vector graphic plot (click for PDF) was made in Ming Zhao’s Web browser; he added annotations of some planets and the legend himself (the Exoplanet Data Explorer Plotter doesn’t do everything… yet!)

Writing all of this up constituted Eunkyu’s senior thesis, but fortunately for me Eunkyu was able to stay on at Penn State for a while as a post-baccalaureate researcher, during which time she worked with Sharon Wang to get it published.  I’m happy to report that it was just published online at PASP, and you can find it on the arXiv here.

All the picky details of the new are in there — go take a look!

So what are we working on now?  Well, our new student, Jacob Brown, is busy taking care of the bug reports that come in to, and trying to keep up with the large planet discovery rate these days.  We’re also working with the Exoplanet Archive to make sure that all RV-detected planets have their published radial velocities in a common format there — NExScI stopped ingesting these from the literature a while back, so we’ve teamed up with them and Jacob is doing that now.

We recently added over 100 new RV plots to the website — these serve both to indicate that we have properly interpreted the literature RVs and as a check on the parameters in the EOD (sometimes we have a mistake; sometimes the mistake is in the literature!)

We’re also looking to properly record upper limits and have the website handle them, and a few more things listed in the paper.

Remember, if you use in your research, please include the acknowledgement we suggest on our front page in your work, and please cite Han et al. 2014!  Thanks!

A Brief History of the Exoplanet Orbit Database


Astronomer Paul Butler, standing near a telescope other than the ones we used to find planets

The Exoplanet Orbit Database at is now entirely maintained by students and researchers at Penn State.  It began as a table in a paper by Paul Butler of securely detected planets, and was maintained by him an Geoff Marcy back when the planet discovery pace was slow enough that it didn’t take much effort to keep up.  As a graduate student I took the IDL structure that kept all the information and kept it up to date, and greatly expanded it to include lots of other information.

Eventually, the list comprised hundreds of planets, and it became clear that a new table was in order.  It went online as the Catalog of Nearby Exoplanets.  We called it that because didn’t at the time really want to include planets that were different in kind from the ones we were detecting, because we had no interest in a comprehensive list.  Jean Schneider’s Exoplanet Encyclopedia at did a fine job of that; we wanted an internal list of secure RV planets that we were sure had good orbital parameters.  The CNE was our way to serve to the community by sharing that list.  The “Nearby” part gave us an easy, 100 pc threshold that limited us mostly to bright stars with RV planets, which was basically what we were interested in.

The CNE was a chapter of my thesis, and eventually we published it as a paper in ApJ.  Geoff recommended that Paul be listed as first author because he was the original driving force behind the catalog, and perhaps (I’m guessing) because I stepped on his toes by pushing ahead on the project, when he had been meaning to do it.  At any rate, I was the “primary” author of the paper, and it remains my highest cited publication (even ahead of another Butler paper, which is closing in on 300 citations: the discovery of GJ 436 b).


Onsi Fakhouri, once a lowly Berkeley Astronomy graduate student, now a snazzy and important software guy in San Francisco. Despite his new stature, he graciously continued to slum it with us at and apply new features.

Then, a Berkeley graduate student named Onsi Fakhouri asked Geoff Marcy if he had a side project he could use to support himself while he finished his PhD.  Geoff asked him to develop a better Web interface for the catalog.

And boy, did he. The website Onsi put together was gorgeous, with a powerful data visualizer.  He called these tools Exoplanet Data Explorers, and they allow users to filter, sort, and plot data in their web browsers quickly and simply. It’s an amazing tool, I wish I had some idea how it worked!

When I got to Penn State and undergraduates and astronomy approached me and asked if I had a project for her to work on. I put Eunkyu to work on the catalog.  We extended many of the categories, and worked to include all of the exoplanets, not just the nearby radial velocity ones.  A year or so later, Katharina Feng joined our team. Between the two of them, they’ve read or scanned every paper describing the orbit of exoplanet, and most of the data in the database now passed through their fingers. It was a huge amount of work.

In 2011, we published all of this work as the new Exoplanet Orbit Database.

But there are more chapters to this story. More on that next time.


Barycentric corrections at 1 mm/s!

OK, the newborn-induced blogging hiatus is over.  Back to business!

Measuring precise radial velocities of stars to 1 m/s means “subtracting off” the ~ 30 km/s motion of the Earth around the Sun (or, more precisely, the Solar System barycenter).  That is, we measure Doppler shifts of about a part in 104 for all of our stars because of this “barycentric motion”, and we have to measure that shift to another part in 104 to get even 3 m/s precision on our way to detecting planets.

This is actually a completely solved problem; the JPL Ephemeris gives precise positions and velocities for the Earth in the appropriate frame, and the International Earth Rotation Service provides precise orientations and angular velocities of the Earth so we can add in the telescope’s motion.  Finally, we know the figure of the Earth well enough that a GPS receiver can tell where the telescope is on the Earth to complete the problem.

John Johnson, chalkboard mathy guy, probably doing special relativistic corrections to Doppler shifts.

But that doesn’t mean it’s easy.  Back in grad school, John Johnson plotted up the measured velocities of one of our “standard” stars as a function of the “barycentric correction” we were subtracting from them, and found quadratic dependence.  We had apparently missed some sort of special relativistic effect in the problem. (Then-Miller-Fellow) Eric Ford and I independently solved the SR problem and introduced a kludgy correction to the Berkeley Doppler code to take care of it — we had been doing a Galilean transformation (just subtracting velocities) instead of a proper relativistic subtraction.

But annual signals remain in the data!  Eventually, I identified an error in the proper motion correction

Ryan Chornock, nature lover, now professor at Ohio University, where he watches stars explode and die for his edification and amusement.

algorithm, as well (actually, I had a feeling I had found it but couldn’t put my finger on it until I turned around and asked my officemate to recite the formula — Ryan Chornock said “cosine dec” and the problem was solved!).

But annual signals remain in the data!  Some of it is telluric lines and some of it might be imperfect iodine cell spectra (Sharon Wang is working on this), but we’ve always had a nagging feeling that there might be more bugs in “the bary code”.

Since those grad school days I’ve been noodling around the problem, refining those original notes from the John Johnson correction, and eventually I decided to check things against TEMPO.  TEMPO is the timing package used by the pulsar community, and its effective precision is much better than we need (case in point: it was used to find planets much much smaller than anything we find around our stars).  The problem is tricking TEMPO into reporting barycentric corrections as redshifts, which is not something it’s actually designed to do.

I had been doing this in my spare time, when Debra Fischer asked me to join on the CHIRON project to perfect barycentric corrections for it.  This gave me the motivation (and funding!) to put the real time in do the problem right.

Eric Mamajek, another chalkboard mathy guy, formerly of CTIO and purveyor of inordinate efforts to get answers to interesting astronomy-related questions.

First, we had to get the proper coordinates for the CTIO 1.5m.  The Web was no help — there were many different coordinates listed for it.  Fortunately, Eric Mamajek was now working there, so I simply asked him.

Mamajek is my hero.  The thing about Eric is, if you give him a problem that interests him, he’ll work on it until he gets the best possible answer (just ask Kevin Luhman).  Indeed, the answer he returned to us after inordinate effort was essentially perfect, and while he was at it he refined some other coordinates as well.

Paul Demorest, NRAO pulsar astronomer and patient explainer to optical astronomers of the obvious and arcane.

TEMPO, it turns out, is not trivial to install.  It’s mostly written in FORTRAN, and if you don’t regularly install things from source it can take some expertise to get going.  Fortunately, I know Andrea Lommen from Berkeley, who pointed me to Nataniel Garver-Daniels who helped me get things going on my Mac.  Also, if you’re not a pulsar astronomer, some of the documentation can be… opaque, let’s say.  Fortunately, I know Paul Demorest at NRAO (also from Berkeley), so I managed to invite myself down to give a talk and park myself in a spare office down there and pester him over the course of two days (and a longer time over email) about the details.  In the end, I got it working.

Jason Eastman, LCOGT astronomer and happy happy writer of barycentric correction code in IDL.

I had my manuscript all written up, but what I really wanted to do was release public code that did the right thing (to save others the work of installing TEMPO for this purpose).  Coincidentally, Jason Eastman was writing IDL code to perform the barycentric correction, and after lots of back and forths on the topic we joined forces:  he implemented my algorithm cleanly (“from scratch”) and released the public version, we added lots of corrections and descriptions of the code to my manuscript, and it became Wright & Eastman.

So what did we find?  Well, we can reproduce TEMPO’s results to within 1mm/s — this retires the barycentric correction algorithm  from the Doppler error budget for anyone using our code.

For work at 10 cm/s (we wish!) you need:

  • Observatory positions to better than 1km (!)
  • Stellar positions to 1”
  • Proper motions to 10 mas/yr
  • Systemic radial velocities of the star to 1,000 km/s (!)
  • Parallax to better than 10 mas (but getting it wrong only introduces a linear trend at this level)
  • Timing of the observation to 1s

The effects you have to worry about are:

  • Nutation and precession of the Earth (prospective formulae are OK)
  • Special relativistic addition of velocities (a 3 m/s effect)
  • Secular acceleration (the radial vector moves with the star’s proper motion, slowly mixing tangential space motion into the radial direction — the “pitch” of all stars is dropping with time)
  • Parallax-proper motion: like the secular acceleration, but from the parallactic motion of the star, instead of the proper motion, so it has an annual signal at ~ 10 cm/s for nearby stars.
  • At 3 cm/s, you need to worry about the variable time dilation of the Earth and variable gravitational blueshift from the Sun because of the eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit.
  • Below 1 cm/s you need to worry about the (time variable) Shapiro delay past the Sun, and potentially the astrometric effects of stellar companions on your target star.

It’s on the arXiv today.  We went to PASP instead of ApJ because the paper is intentionally didactic and we were worried an ApJ referee would complain that there is no new physics here.*  You can find Jason Eastman’s code here on his EXOFAST page.

*Altered to emphasize that it’s not that PASP papers don’t have new physics, but that in my experience ApJ referees want to see significantly new results and little elementary explanation, while PASP is much more open to didactic, review, and “documentation” papers.