Monthly Archives: February 2013

CI #2: Does Spanking=Abuse ??

I’m sure you’ve all heard about this topic at one point or another. In the last (I want to say decade), society has taken it upon themselves to criticize one of the age old ways of disciplining a child: spanking.

Now, as a black and white mixed child, I was brought up between two different worlds. My moms side of the family. They have a typically white, time-out giving, lecture giving, passive parenting style- and then there’s my dads side of the family. Down South- you already know how it went down. They had the typically black, no-BS taking, whoopin’ delivering, go-get-a-switch-so-I-can-wear-that-a**-out type parenting style. Here’s what I have to say from personal experience, a good wack on the behind is GOOD for discipline, HEALTHY even in small quantities and for the right situations. Because me and EVERY child I knew at the time would do whatever they wanted with a typically white/passive parent, and they were on their utmost best behavior anywhere near a black/aggressive. parent.  The problem occurs when the spanking becomes a beating, harder and more often than necessary and in the wrong places.

This has become so much of a concern in the last few year that there are even groups of people dedicated to spreading the word about “Child Abuse” & urging it’s abolishment. check out this website:

Other then that, however, i’ve seen a larger majority of websites arguing that spanking is nowhere near abuse unless it gets out of control on the parents side. Most websites i’ve come across have the same answer. Is spanking child abuse?

A: No. Though a lot of people these days try and make it seem like it is.

To me, this is just a matter of opinion and it’s the business of the family and the family ONLY of how they choose to discipline their child. I don’t believe the government or any type of authority should come into a home and tell a parent how to raise their children (though I want to make it clear that I mean this only with safe and stable house-holds. If there is an issue of actual abuse, then it’s a different matter). What do you guys think?

The responses people made to this question are particularly interesting on these two websites, if you only want to browse one or two links i’ve provided i’d suggest these.

Some other links:



Passion Place #6: Maui Baby!

Now i’m sure most of you have heard of Maui. Even though most of my passion places have been focused around beautiful areas that nobody knows about, I can’t ignore Maui as one of the places I want to travel to one day. I personally believe that Maui is the most beauteous Hawaii island EVERRRRR! looky looky –

Kiawe-Tree-Wailea-Maui-Hawaii maui (1) Maui-Waterfall maui

Not to mention Maui has some pretty SUH-WEET resorts –

428934 resorts-in-hawaii


This place is just amazing in every way possible, so much so that I have no words for it and i’ll just let an excerpt from a Travel Guide tell you: “Surfing beaches? Check. Volcanoes? Several. Family-friendly? Definitely. Posh resorts? Absolutely. The legions of vacationers that come back home teary-eyed and hypnotized can’t be wrong — this is where you learn Hawaii is more than a series of islands, it’s also a spiritual experience.” (They forgot to mention the incredible Luaus, too)

Now, so far this is the place i’m reserving in my mind for a honeymoon. That is, if I ever get married. if not, well i’m going just for the hell of it! I’d say retirement, but I don’t want to be an old fart by the time I get here. You can enjoy a beautiful place like this to it’s fullest as a young and healthy adult 😀 What do you guys think, is this a place you’d want to visit or is this a place you’d want to visit?!

Passion Place Numero Cinco: Antelope Canyon!





I mean like, right? I would rather travel to Arizona for the Antelope Canyons than for the Grand Canyons, it’s that serious ya’ll. Just take a moment to google images “Antelope Canyons”. Go on, i’ll wait 🙂 *waits patiently* …. *whistles*…*picks fingernail*…

Ok you good? To me and my incredibly vivacious and childish exploring urges, this is the ideal place for numerous activities such as hide and seek, tag, camping, taking pictures, making videos, creating art, making out (yes, I said making out), pretending you’re Moses, pretending you’re stuck in a hole and make-believing survival, pretending you’re in the underground railroad, (this place is ideal for just about any pretending you wanna do), or just plain old exploring!

These canyons extend over many miles because they were created over thousands of years by rivers and streams eroding the sandstone. I, for one, think just walking those miles would be pretty mind-blowing. And with a friend, or a few friends, it could become one of the most awesome times ever to be had in the history of having awesome times with friends. Don’t cha think?

C’mon, use your …


wip- Moderating Skillz

How would you characterize your moderating style? 

I feel like my moderating style is very succinct and to the point, but not to the extreme. Unless there is a need for more deliberation, details, examples, and things like that, I am very good at picking out the most important topics and explaining them. I also feel like I can usually put on the right type of tone for the assignment. (For example, professional if need be, laid back if the assignment calls for it, or in the middle; but always informative &/or persuasive depending on the task involved.) Of course, everyone usually gets nervous, so sometimes that shows in my moderating and i’ll forget some things I wanted to say or not articulate them as well as I would have liked to, but that is something improved only with practice.

What are your strengths as a moderator? 

My strengths as a moderator probably include many of the things I stated in the previous answer, such as being able to pick out the main or most important details and convey them appropriately. Another strength I believe is my ability to talk about a subject (sometimes elaborately if I need to) and with clarity. Another strength I believe I possess, in the appropriate times, is the ability to use great examples or use powerful language (since I write poetry & have a philosophical mind, it’s usually just metaphorical and poetic language. I take this example from wayyyy back in the first semester when thinking about our  paradigm shift assignment and the way I concluded my speech). These strengths, however, are just things I believe i’m strong at and as such are only the opinion I have of myself. I think that I would need to get feedback from my audience more often to know if i’m depicting my moderating skills accurately or if I need to work on them.

Passion Place #4: Is That Boat Floating in Air?

Hehe, i’ll tell you the reason for the title after my little introduction here.


If you can’t already tell, I favor places with water. (If you believe in all that horoscope stuff, my element is Water so maybe that has a little to do with it? Possibly.)

So you’re probably wondering why i’d like to visit this place.

1) Because I hear Switzerland is beautiful and peaceful, and I dig beautiful peaceful places. (and I know it can get boring reading about it, but I promise i’ll switch up my next few passion blogs to be places more lively and exciting to read about, don’t go no’wherrrr!)

2) I can make stuff (that floats) look like it’s floating in mid-air. If that isn’t cool to you then you’re imagination is lacking!!!

Here’s the picture I first saw of Arnensee, and it’s the picture that made me want to play in it..I-I mean visit it some day 🙂

tumblr_mg2edaGhjQ1s2rewto1_500 (1)


Hence the title, “Is That Boat Floating in Air?”


wip-Online Deliberation Component?

So I must admit I was slightly confused by this wording on the syllabus, so I basically chose a site that fit what I THOUGH Craig meant.

Online Deliberation. RCL. Civic Issues…I think “Political Discussion Forum!”

So I found a very interesting and popular political discussion forum (I provide the link below)

I briefly reviewed some of the topics and found that this discussion board isn’t as stuffy and boring as I perceived it to possibly be. Actual discourse and discussion occurs between regular people, and some of the talking is actually pretty funny. Some comments include comics and anecdotes, so it wasn’t painfully tedious and boring to take part in actual political conversation and deliberation. There is also a strand (which you’ll probably see on the first page if you click on the link) labeled Civil Discourse, which I think directly relates to this post as well as this class. Go ahead and take a look!