Here’s a funny joke gone wrong – McVegan

Sitting in 6th grade health class, still reeling from watching Super Size Me, was when I came to the realization that the McDonald’s I grew up on was going to change.

This Guy Changed Everything

No more super size. No more real sugar. No more unapologetic and non-judgmental eating of McDonald’s.

Salads. “Low-Fat” Options. Smaller meal sizes.

McDonald’s gave in. Now the place is expensive, there are small portions, and NO MORE DOUBLE FILLET O’ FISHES.

All because this guy decided to eat McDonald’s for every meal, every day, for an entire month.


Has nobody asked in the past 10 years, why would anyone actually go to McDonald’s for a healthy and well balanced daily diet?

McDonald’s could have double downed, made a quadruple size me, and won the whole argument back in 2004.

Instead of Burgers, Fries, Heart Disease, and Nuggets. McDonald’s is now Frappes, Szechuan Sauce, and Snack Wraps.

And now – McVegan.


You don’t see Chick-Fil-A opening on Sunday when a couple NYC bicyclists complain that they can’t get their chicken sandwiches on the lord’s day.

Set some standards for yourself McDonald’s or you’ll “innovate” yourself into the trash just like good old Ronald #Rip

16 thoughts on “Here’s a funny joke gone wrong – McVegan

  1. A good professional is able to inspire and be inspired by the leader. Therefore, we thank you for the inspiration that your work gives us and for your encouragement for our growth. Congratulations on your effort and competence!

  2. I figured the price of the mc vegan of Mcdonald’s menu from the vegan by buying as closely as possible at Woolworths – you can make 6 veggie burgers (bubble n squeak for hamburgers) with some leftover ingredients for $17.75. And half that price was the sesame bread and Swiss cheese slices.

  3. Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll buy a funny hat. Talk to a hungry man about fish, and you’re a consultant.

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