RCL #1: Passion Blog Ideas

Greetings to all!

Jeez. Four years ago, you couldn’t pay me to write a paragraph about anything; I loathed writing that much. Who knew that just four years later, I’d be granted the status of a blogger? But no matter how I got here, I just want to say welcome.

Sometime last week, as I finished reading the prelude of It’s What I Do by Lynsey Addario, I began to feel very confused and discouraged. I thought to myself, will there ever be a time that I am as passionate about something as Addario is about photography? And if I do find that passion, will I follow it to the ends of the earth like she does?

I started thinking about these questions a lot in the coming days, as I did quite a bit of self-reflection. (If you’re anything like me, self-reflection can sometimes be confusing and overwhelming). Naturally, I took many breaks from my times of reflection to binge watch Criminal Minds on “Netflix” (shout out to my fellow “CM” junkies), and read a little bit of a book (right now, I am in the middle of Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris). As I’m sure everyone has their own method of relieving worries, reading and “Netflix” are two things that I tend to lean on when I am stressed out. There’s something about diving into the mind of a fictional TV show or novel that brings me much enthusiasm and excitement.

Then, two things came to my mind.

Blog Pitch #1: I want to make my blog about my favorite television show on the planet, Criminal Minds. However, since the show is known for its dramatic plot twists, I figured it would only be appropriate to add a little twist to my blog as well. I would like to give my readers reviews of various episodes of Criminal Minds, while comparing them to real world serial killers/murderers.

Criminal Minds vs. The Minds of Criminals”

Blog Pitch #2: Since reading has always been a huge method of escape of mine, I thought it would be fun to make a blog about the books that have shaped my life (for the better OR for the worse). I want to dive deep into some of my favorite/least favorite novels, and what they have taught me. From a wide range of books like the Twilight saga by Stephanie Meyer, to classics (ones that we were required to read in high school but never wanted to) like The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, I will try to cover them all.

“For Better or For Worse: A Guide to How Books Can Change Your Life

So there you have it my fellow blogging friends, two very different ideas, one very excited girl ready to take on either challenge.

(P.S. all feedback is welcomed and encouraged! Leave thoughts, opinions, or even give me some of your favorite episodes/novels you would like for me to review!)

One thought on “RCL #1: Passion Blog Ideas

  1. Hello, Sophia 🙂 To start with, your post is straight and to the point. You clearly delineate your two topics and the ideas you have for both. The casual tone you create is also inviting to those looking for an interesting read. Even the ideas themselves lead you to wonder what direction you’ll take your passion blog in. I’m personally very interested in the Criminal Minds vs. The Minds of Criminals idea. I don’t know much about the show, but to take a personal interest and open it up into a more psychological standpoint is a good way to start. If there are any suggestions I’d give, I’d say to keep the conversational atmosphere but to also make sure that you keep your audience in mind as well. It’s easy to write from your mind, but difficult to both write what you think and what will also appeal or relate to others. Otherwise, keep it up and good job on your first post. ^_^

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