Monthly Archives: January 2015

To Be Continued..

life is one hell of a rainbow… seven hues we see from the reds to the blues.. when in reality we’re seeing about one percent of whats actually around us which is an interesting tidbit to keep in your pocket when you’re flipping through channels with nothing to watch until Jeapordy comes on.. maybe you’ll win the daily double and use that virtual money to stay out of trouble.. just like the saying goes.. its not easy being green and for a lot of people its even harder getting it but I’m missing the point of what i really wanted to get at. i will start again with this.. life is a spectrum, a continuum… no.. not good enough.. life is an ocean full of waves with different lengths.. from radio, to micro, to infrared, to the colors in the crayon box, to ultraviolet, to x-ray, to gamma ray. The rainbow is one powerful symbol, don’t you think? to some, it signifies a sacred promise, a covenant of sorts, that the earth will be flooded no more, no matter how much evil is done above sea level.. to others it’s where vertically challenged people store their gold as if its some natural bank.. to other others, its a symbol of hope. but to me, its a portrayal of the good and the bad.. the rgb version of yin and yang if you will.. you see, red is all around us. it is in the ground we walk on. it is in the news we read. it is on the blade of capitalism. it is on the flag of this country. the red I’m talking about is the blood of the indigenous. the blood of your neighbor… the blood that shoots the eyes of countless people who fear loved ones won’t ever be held near to them again..