Social (Media) Butterfly

Do you ever find yourself on Facebook for hours? Almost ready to do work, but then you make the risky mistake to check your phone. Suddenly it’s an hour later and you find yourself stalking your ex-boyfriend’s friend’s aunt’s babysitter who went to Guatemala last spring. I admittedly found myself watching a video on twenty-one golden retriever puppies frolicking in the grass just before sitting down to write this post.
imagesAre we really as busy as we think we are? Or has the increased availability of social media at our fingertips been the poison feeding our perceptions that we never have enough free time?

It could be a generation difference as more people my age are becoming more experienced and exposed to social media at a younger age. Social media has developed into holding a significant role in our everyday lives. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think I am alone when I say I almost feel an obligation to check my Twitter feed, scroll through Instagram, or watch my friend’s Snapchat stories. It could be a fear of missing out, but also a desire to know what’s going on in the social media world around me.kylie-jenner-0-600x600

I do believe it’s true that often times we aren’t aware of how much time we spend aimlessly on our phones. There are so many more things I could be doing than looking at Kylie Jenner’s latest hair color on my Instagram feed. I know I am a huge user of social media and I’m not ashamed to say that it plays a big role in my life.

Sometimes I need that mental refresher and couple giggles I get out of funny accounts I follow. But I know that it’s true when I say having these social media apps do keep me from really focusing and getting work done. I spend a lot of unnecessary time checking my phone when I could be getting my essay started so I have less to do later. Maybe then I would be able to go to bed at a decent hour and ultimately not be so tired.

Although I will fully admit I am guilty constant app checker I think it’s important to every once in a while check yourself while you’re at it. How much time of my “oh so busy days” am I wasting staring at my phone? I have obligations to attend meetings, practice, workouts, get to classes, meet with professors and probably a thousand other little things that I could fit into one day and spending an hour on my phone really doesn’t help me accomplish it all.f7adb707b4caecaec627d0275ac8021b24a07a96a93e521c1117fb60a6197288

Sometimes I think it is important to take a step back. If you have four apps you check regularly, delete two of them for a week. You will make it out alive, I promise.

Now although I do find joy in watching a herd of fluffy puppies run around, I should also try and cut back my social media usage. I challenge you all to take a step back, look up from your phone, and enjoy the people that surround you.

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