CAEP Standard Four Evidence Table

This page contains evidence submitted to CAEP for Standard Four and noted in parentheses within the self-study document.  Each piece of evidence is followed by the download URL.  The subcategories that the evidence covers in listed underneath.

Conceptual_framework.pdf  conceptual_framework-smpk8y
4.1 Completer impact on student growth and learning

ASTN Schedule of Student Teacher Activities.pdf  ASTN Schedule for the 2015-16 School Year-2g96jpo
4.4 Completer satisfaction

Tracking Teacher Shortages Project.pdf  Tracking Teacher Shortages Project-xocjwd
4.1 Completer impact on student growth and learning
4.2 Completer effectiveness via observations and/or student surveys
4.3 Employer satisfaction
4.4 Completer satisfaction

Candidate and completer survey data.xlsx   Three years of completer survey data by complete and teach-smlqum
4.2 Completer effectiveness via observations and/or student surveys
4.4 Completer satisfaction

SLO and Teacher Eval Package.pdf  CAEP 2018 SLO – Teacher Eval Package Standard 4-1f25ahm
4.1 Completer impact on student growth and learning
4.2 Completer effectiveness via observations and/or student surveys

SRC Contract.pdf  SRC – Costs and preliminary proposal-1u6o6nl
4.2 Completer effectiveness via observations and/or student surveys
4.4 Completer satisfaction

Re-AIM pilot study.pdf  Re-AIM pilot study-18qj6j3
4.1 Completer impact on student growth and learning
4.2 Completer effectiveness via observations and/or student surveys
4.4 Completer satisfaction

AGWF Internal Report of Grant.pdf  AGWF Grant proposal for teachereducation collaboration-22gmiuj
4.1 Completer impact on student growth and learning
4.2 Completer effectiveness via observations and/or student surveys

PDE Survey Results.xls  PDE certification surveys-18omqiz
4.4 Completer satisfaction

Principal pilot items.docx  Principal pilot items-18jypqw
4.1 Completer impact on student growth and learning
4.3 Employer satisfaction

Spring Education Career Day Employer Survey.pdf  Spring Education Career Day Employer Survey-1bo0qr2
4.3 Employer satisfaction

Loudoun County School District Feedback.pdf  Loudon County School District Feedback with Dean Response-1wqm9qi
4.3 Employer satisfaction

AG ED Showcases.pdf  AG ED Showcases-1ccvym4
4.3 Employer satisfaction
4.4 Completer satisfaction

AG ED Advisory Council meeting records.pdf  AG ED Advisory Council meeting records-11tsj03
4.1 Completer impact on student growth and learning
4.2 Completer effectiveness via observations and/or student surveys

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