Way Pavers Award recipients:
Standard-bearers: Joyce Hopson-King; Earl Frank Merritt
University Administrator: Dr. Thomas Poole
University Faculty: Dr. Gregory Kelly; Dr. Gregory Jenkins
University Staff: Diane Farnsworth
Undergraduate Student: Nicole Telfer; Jorge Zurita-Coronado
Community Member: Dr. Kevin Maurice Irick
Standard-bearers: Lydia Abdullah, Judy Albin, Ann Shields, Allison Subasic, Barbara Thompson, Debra Simpson-Buchanan, Sherren McKenzie, Mr. Hank McCoullum, L. Steve Hayes, Patricia Hayes, Dr. Kenneth Lehrman, Dr. Blannie Bowen
University Administrator: Dr. Eric Barron
University Faculty: Dr. Edgar Yoder
University Staff: Melissa Landrau Vega, Curtis Price
Undergraduate Student: Natalia Rojas-Valois
Graduate Student: Melanie McReynolds
Community Member: Hon. Elizabeth Goreham
Standard-bearers: Dr. Michael Blanco, Ms. Ann Shields, Dr. Vernis Welmon
University Administrator: Dr. Suzanne Adair, Ms. Maria Schmidt,
University Faculty: Dr. Fred Cannon
University Staff: Ms. Teresa Tassotti
University Students: Ms. Jerrie Johnson, Mr. Danny Levine, Mr. Charles Gibson III
Community Member: Ms. Maria Luciano Hernandez
Standard-bearers: Dr. Charles and Jo Dumas, Professor Emeritus, School of Theatre, College of Arts and Architecture and Senior Lecturer, College of Communications
University Administrator: Dr. Amy Freeman, Assistant Dean of Engineering Diversity, College of Engineering
University Faculty: Dr. Anthony Leach, Professor, School of Music, College of Arts and Architecture
University Staff: Dr. D’Andre Wilson, Psychologist and Race Dialogues Coordinator, Counseling and Psychological Services
University Staff: Dr. Angelique Bacon-Woodard, Scholar-in-Residence for Learning Communities, Penn State Learning
University Student: Loretta Lowman, College of Education
University Student: Luis Ocampo Giraldo, College of Engineering
Community Member: Carol Eicher, Community Diversity Group and Auxiliary and Business Services
University Administrator: Dr. Barbara I. Dewey, Dean, University Libraries and Scholarly Communications
University Faculty: Dr. Rhonda BeLue, Associate Professor, College of Health and Human Development
University Faculty: Dr. Lori Francis, Associate Professor, College of Health and Human Development
University Staff: Robert Snyder, Director, Office of Student Aid
University Staff: Linda Soltis, Office of Student Aid
University Student: Vintea Chay Alvarez, College of Information Sciences and Technology
Community Member: Dr. Grace Hampton, Senior Faculty Mentor and Professor, College of Arts and Architecture
University Administrator: Dr. Rodney A. Erickson, President, Penn State University
University Faculty/Staff: Multicultural Outreach (Penn State Undergraduate Admissions)
University Student: Angelique Murillo, College of Health and Human Development
Community Member: Dr. John Sanchez, Associate Professor, College of Communications
University Administrator: Dr. W. Terrell Jones, Vice Provost for Educational Equity
University Faculty/Staff: Coquese Washington, Head Coach, Penn State Women’s Basketball
University Student: Ryan Brown, President, Black Caucus, College of Arts and Architecture
Community Member: Thelma T. Price, Former Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs