Dalian’s Number One High School


The school’s name is No. 1 High School of Dalian Economic and Technical Development Area. We spent the morning there and had lunch with the high school students. This lovely girl named “Jessy” took me on a tour of the school. We got to ask our tour guides many questions about what school life was like. In China, I learned that the students study much more and go to school longer than in America. The Chinese students seemed more focused in their studies and take high school much more seriously than in America. The students are very ambitious and eager to achieve and grow to their highest potential. The students live in dorms at the high school and go home only on occasions as holidays or vacation times. The students are under much pressure to study well because they will have a big test that will determine what colleges they can study at. Also, in China, the children of the family must support their mom and dad when they are elders, so the pressure exceeds more. I believe China has mastered how a high school education should be. I am very happy I visited the high school and met some of the students to really understand the education system.

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