Student Interactions


Visiting and learning about the differing architectural sites throughout China is interesting an all, but another important aspect I got the chance to experience is the lifestyle of students in China. Speaking with these students, both at college and middle school levels gave a great deal of insight on the similarities and differences between schooling in China and the U.S. In the first picture, I am standing with my awesome guide from the No. 7 Middle School of DDA, the local international middle school we visited in Dalian. His English name is Peter, he is in 7th grade and pretty fluent when speaking English. He was curious on what living in America is like, how the schools are there, and was clearly excited to hear first-hand what it is like in another country and I happily answered everything I could. In return I would ask the same, but I got a better scope on how different middle school in China is when touring through all the classes. Compared to my middle school experience, China schools appear to be more cultured and dynamic in what they teach. Overall I had a grand time spending time and learning from these students, as their excitement to have us present made the entire experience worthwhile.
May 14, 2016


Another joyous time spent was during the days in Beijing with an international college student. His name is Chang Pu, he studies at the China University of Mining and Technology in Beijing (CUMTB), and he traveled with us during our stay in Beijing. I spent a great deal of time with him during the bus rides to new sites and got to talk to throughout the days before having him show us around his university. While the college campus lifestyle in China resembled ours, I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with him and hearing his perspective on different ideas and just learning random little facts about China. It was a pleasure having him around those days and I am excited to hear from some more when he comes to study at Penn State this upcoming semester!

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