ChoroPhronesis at AAG 2017

ChoroPhronesis had a busy and successful conference at the Association of American Geographers 2017 Annual Meeting in historic Boston, MA.

Dr. Alexander Klippel organized four paper sessions for 3D Virtual and Augmented Realities for Geoinformation Science (I, II, III, IV), along with Dr. Sven Fuhrmann of George Mason University, and Dr. Robert Stewart of Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

In these sessions were several ChoroPhronesis presenters:

  • Joseph G. Ferdinando (MS Student) presented Virtual Reality for Interplanetary Spatial Exploration.
  • Dr. Klippel presented VR Communication Paradigms.
  • Mark Simpson (PhD Candidate) presented Immersive Virtual Reality for Multi-Dimensional Data Visualization.
  • Jiawei Huang (PhD Candidate) presented Finding Efficient Digital Tree Visualization in 3D Applications and Virtual Reality.
  • Recent Penn State grad and friend Dr. David Retchless (now of Texas A&M University at Galveston) also presented, on Map and augmented reality views of storm surge flooding: Methods for evaluating effects of perspective on risk perceptions and engagement.

There were several talks by ChoroPhronesis members in other sessions, too:

  • Jiayan Zhao (PhD Candidate) presented Developing a VR toolbox for geoscience research and education in the Cognition, Behavior and Design 1.
  • Qingyu Ma (PhD Candidate) presented Web-based Platform Design and Implementation for Visual Summary Approach in the Cartography Honors Student Paper Competition session.
  • Dr. Danielle Oprean (Post-Doc) unfortunately could not make it to Boston, so her presentation Implications of immersive egocentric experiences for geospatial education: A case for embodiment and experience of time and place in the Cognition, Behavior and Design 3 was given by Dr. Alexander Klippel.

Several grads piled together in a rental car to make the 7+ hour trip,  and listened to the audiobook version of Ready Player Onea popular sci-fi novel about virtual reality, to gain inspiration.

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