Workshop Agenda: Examining Facets of Justice in Government and Public Climate Responses and Operationalizing Transformative Climate Justice


Dates: Friday, October 25 – Saturday, October 26

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Location: Earth and Environmental Systems Institute, Earth and Engineering Sciences Building Room 312, Penn State University

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Please Register to Attend Here

Day 1: Introductions, Conceptual & Theoretical Foundations


Day Description: Day 1 will feature expert lectures and seminar style conversations that provide a conceptual and theoretical orientation to different climate justice considerations and frameworks. 




8:30 – 9 AM – Breakfast, Coffee, and Mingling

9:00 AM – 9:15 – Intro & framing from Penn State Workshop Organizing Team 

9:15-9:30 – Camelia Kantor, Associate Director of Strategic Initiatives and Associate Research Professor, Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences, Penn State University

From Vision to Action: The Inter-Institutional Program for Diversifying Research Model,”


9:30 – 10:30 – Introductions and lightning talks from attendees on climate justice topics

“Dam releases and environmental justice in Nigeria,” Mook Bangalore, Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Penn State University

Environmental Justice in Greater New Orleans,” Ranaar Hashi, Undergraduate Student, Xavier University of Louisiana

“Effect of Sediment Supply on Subsurface Connectivity in Fluvial and Deltaic Sedimentary Environments,” Andrew Moreland, Undergraduate Student, Lincoln University

“Rupturing dominant land imaginaries: Community college students’ environmental relations within Appalachia’s shifting land use paradigm,” Maya Weinberg, Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education, Penn State University

10:30 – 10:45 – Coffee break 

10:45 – 11:15 – Background on Climate Justice Research – Ida Djenontin (Penn State), Mark Ortiz (Penn State), and Karan Misquitta (Penn State)

11:15-11:45  –  Keynote – Dr. Prakash Kashwan, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies, Brandeis University 

Title: “Global(izing) Climate Justice: Addressing the Intersections of International and Domestic Inequalities.”


11:45 – 12:45 – Lunch

12:45 – 1:15 – Keynote – Dr. Meredith DeBoom, Assistant Professor of Geography, University of South Carolina

Title: “Climate Necropolitics: The Distributive Geographies of Energy Transition from Namibia.”


1:15 – 2:45 – Group discussion of key climate justice topics and thematics for further research – participants expand on what should be included in climate justice frameworks 

2:45 – 3 – Networking & Refreshments Break

3 – 4 – Discussion: Climate Justice in Practice – What does it mean to do climate justice research work with communities? 

4 – 4:30 – Wrap up of the day and next steps

Introducing the Penn State Climate Consortium, Dr. Erica Smithwick, Director of the Climate Consortium, Penn State University




 Day 2: Shaping Outcomes of Workshop and Pathways Forward for Collaboration


Day Description: Day 2 – Morning will focus on moving our shared theoretical foundations towards more concrete plans for action and continued collaboration. Discussion topics will include building a research network from the workshop, a collaborative article manuscript, and collaborative funding proposals to further explore cross-continental climate justice pathways. 



8:30 – 9 – Arrivals and light breakfast

9 – 10:30 – Identifying funding opportunities for partnerships between Penn State and MSIs around CJ  – Dr. Greg Jenkins, Penn State

10:30 – 12 -Discussion about collaborative article emerging from workshop

12 – 12:30 – Workshop conclusions and wrap-up