Personal Stake

Gen eds are an important component to college education. They make learning diverse and interesting. When students start college, they think they know what the want to do with their lives, but they really don’t. Gen ed courses introduce them to subjects they never imagined they’d like and help the students make life changing choices. These courses are the only opportunity a student has to individualize their education and make it interesting for them. The major requirements can be painful to learn and a student needs a break sometimes.

Something great about gen eds is that it is unorganized. A student can take any combination of courses and get the correct requirements for graduation. This is great because you can explore as many options in education that you want and be introduced to an unlimited number of fields. If students don’t have the opportunity to be educated in fields other than their majors, than they will not be able to integrate those topics into their future. The careers the students choose will not be as diverse and will be lacking in innovative ideas.

Revised Intro Paragraph!

(thesis) – By utilizing commonplaces, ethos, and logos, the Eminem and Chrysler ad …

It is commonly known that the ones who go through struggle often appreciate the quality of success more than most. Detroit possess a reputation of a city that has gone through hell which drove the community to discover the results of hard work. The advertisement Chrysler created reveals the journey of rags to riches, using Eminem as a hometown example.

Snow Day Questions

1. The Olympic Moms paper identified the context and commonplaces the best out of the three papers. Unlike the others, this paper identified the commonplace that we love our mothers and wouldn’t make it through life without them. The other two papers stated that the ad represented commonplaces in our society, but never stated what those commonplaces were.

2. I like the He’s One Us paper’s organization the best. What stuck out to me about this paper more than others was it use of pathos, ethos, and logos in its paragraphs. The other papers mentioned these ideologies, but they put them in a choppy blur. This paper separated each idea clearly in one or two paragraphs and didn’t mix ideas. The author used specific examples in each paragraph to explain how the ad captured your attention and persuaded your view.

3. The Eminem and Chrysler paper held my interest the most. It was very interesting to read about how commercials use ideology to persuade young people. This commercial was directed towards our generation. They used a young famous rapper to make this car look cool. A young “rags to riches” guy is driving this car, so that means you can too.

4. The ad for The Ugly Truth campaign uses pathos, ethos, and logos to persuade you to give up smoking cigarettes. This commercial depends on the commonplace that people underestimate and are ignorant to the harm cigarettes have on your body. This ad persuades your mind to think cigarettes are bad by putting a gross image in your head when you smoke or think about cigarettes.

5. Through ethos, pathos, and logos, The Ugly Truth ad persuades the everyday person to stop putting harmful chemicals into their bodies.

The Ugly Truth ad campaign uses ethos, logos, and pathos to indicate the commonplace of ignorance and smoking by demonstrating the harmful chemicals that you intake while smoking.