Advocacy Project Script and Link

Here is the script from my Advocacy Project. If you don’t understand some of what I am saying you should watch the youtube clip and then you will probably understand it even less. The script isn’t exact because I only had one chance to record…. enjoy!

How now brown cow. How now brown cow. Hello I’m Ron Burgundy. Ah just kidding I can’t wait for that movie to come out though. My name is actually Dan Antinori and this is The Advocacy Project, O 13.  Oh thank you, thank you. No need to chant my name. Yes I have a real audience here in front of me. Can we get a shot of the audience? Wow, would you look at that. All my friends showed up! And a bunch of stuffed animals which is kind of weird… We have a big crowd tonight so this should be a great show! This is coming straight from the center of the Center for American Awesomeness. For those of you new to the show this is all about America and how awesome it is. It is about the core concepts of freedom and honesty in politics.

I would like to start off by talking about my main man Fidel Castro. (Insert picture) Or as I like to call him, Liam Neeson with Zack Galafanakas’ beard photoshopped on him. He limited expression, assembly, press, and emigration and was the leader of a communistic country. I’m not sure why he wasn’t the most liked man around town he was in so many great movies. Maybe it was because of The Grey… Well guess what Fidel/Liam, the United States Congress is right down there with you. Now let me throw some stats at you. (Insert graph) Congressional approval rating has declined to an all time low of nine percent, which is just four measly percent away from Fidel Castro’s approval rating. Does this mean all of the Conservatives were right? Is America being turned flipped upside down into a communistic socialistic liberal death trap? Let’s go to our friends in D.C. for an answer.

OK I guess that clears that up.

From a recent wave of polling that just occurred inside my head, I think it means the people of America are pissed off! Let’s look at some graphs that help prove my point. Here is a graph (insert Graph of How Congress Works). There’s another one (insert Graph of Things People Like More than Congress)! Convinced yet? I am.

Why do Americans feel this way? We can’t place all the blame on Congressional members for not doing their job of representing their constituents and compromising to pass helpful legislation. (cough, allergic to bullshit, meme of sarcasm in background) I am just going to say that politicians are not all that bad! I mean they are people just like (insert Terminator + theme song)… ok maybe they aren’t people, but at least they look like us. Let’s face it though, Congress members are allowed to have a good time too. Take Representative Steve Cohen for example (insert Tweet). He obviously had a great night with Cyndi Lauper that he decided to share with the Twitterverse and immediately regretted doing so. I mean come on Steve you’re married, and she is a little.. uh.. what’s the word I’m looking for… oh right BATSHIT CRAZY (picture of partying Lauper… sounds like some sort of animal). And who can forget Representative Anthony Weiner (not sure if that’s how you pronounce his name but that’s how I’m saying it forever and always). His famous (Sexting Picture) scandal was known as Weinergate, in which he sexted various women pictures of his ding dong. Last but definitely not dead yet, Charlie Rangel’s enjoyable day at the beach (Passed out Picture) in his villa in the Dominican Republic was a day to remember when he stood in front of the ethics committee a few weeks later. I think I speak for all of America when I say You took the words right out of my mouth Jeff!               

You might be thinking wow this guy is extremely talented and funny, but where is my place in all of this? Your right I was kidding you probably aren’t thinking the second part at all. But you should be!

If I ask college students most would probably not be able to tell me about any of these events, or even who their representatives for Congress are. But if I ask them about their favorite sports team, which affects them personally in no way, they will be able to answer most questions. College students used to advocate political causes such as sitting down (insert Sit In) and arts and crafts (insert Vietnam Protest). Now, a new generation of college students has been born. Let’s see what they pay attention to.

The State of Union response by Marco Rubio was recently one of the most trending topics in social media. (insert meme) Because he got a drink of water. It was really funny. I have never seen anyone drink water on TV before. Ha. Ha. Next on the list of recent important political news is the newly coined term, “jedi mind meld”. During a speech about why no important bills to stop the sequester were passed, the President referenced Star Trek and Star Wars mind control combination to control members of the opposing party. With these three small words our president could have possibly started the ball rolling for Revenge of the Nerds five.

What I’m really trying to say here is that politics is a very complicated and sometimes stupid profession, and we need to do our part to make the least amount of stupid we can. Look at all of these college students being super relatively happy doing their part in politics. Don’t you want to be super relatively happy too? Then get involved!

Interview with Shaan Paatni here. Ask him about political advocacy in England, then about the Harry Potter series.

If you don’t want to listen to me or Mr. Paatni, at least listen to your distant relative Uncle Sam. Isn’t he so dreamy? (Go up and point like him).

This is Dan Antinori on The Advocacy Project O 13, thank you for watching and don’t forget- Get involved dude.

(Moustache back on) Oh, and from Ron Burgundy, stay classy Re-becoming the Bloggers we Never Weren’t!

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Division of Undergraduate Stupidity

Most college students I have met know exactly what major they want to do. They have all four years planned out and they know exactly what classes to take and when to take them. They know what minors, sub minors, co-ops, internships, study abroad options, clubs, grade point averages, and jobs they need to apply for. I on the other hand, know diddly squat. In case you don’t know what that means it is absolutely nothing. Zero, zilch, zip, goose egg, the big O… you get the point. Why do I know none of this you ask? I recently went through the process of changing my major. It sucked.

I was enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts (don’t laugh) majoring in International Relations (ok you can laugh now) and minoring in Energy, Business, and Finance (most people don’t know whether to laugh or not). It is not unusual for me to get teased about my major because my roommate and girlfriend are both in the College of Engineering. Oh and every member of my family is an engineer who is exceptional at math and physics. I am just proud that I still know how to multiply numbers together. Well the day I was supposed to schedule my courses I got a call from my parents. When I answered they said, “Dan, we need to talk”. I don’t know about you guys but whenever my parents say that I need to change my pants. The rest of the conversation went something like this. Change your major to business okay bye. My parents are paying for my college education so I will have no loans and I do not have to do a work-study program. After about thirty seconds I decided I should probably heed their instructions. Although I enjoy following and discussing politics, I understood that they were worried about my career path and the availability of a job for me later. Also the idea of being an international businessman sounds pretty badass. I scheduled an appointment with D.U.S., changed my pants, and started reading “How to be a Businessman: For Dummies”. It was quite helpful actually!

The advisor appointment went well except for one thing. They wouldn’t let me change my college. This was such a big problem because I could not sign up for the classes I needed to take unless I was in the Division of Undergraduate Studies. I had to schedule another appointment, go back to my dorm, and do online activities. The next available appointment was not until a week later. At first I was mad at my parents for waiting as long as they did to ask me to switch my major. Then after doing the online activities I was mad at everyone. The activities I had to do were things that I had researched online before I went to my first appointment such as entrance to major requirements, the different types of majors available, and taking quizzes on my interests. I would not have scheduled a meeting to change my major if I did not know what I was getting myself into. In the end I had to schedule much later than I should have and now my schedule is terrible. Sad times are ahead.

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The Princeton Review

For those of you who do not know, I am on the Penn State Club Frisbee team. We have a ton of tournaments throughout the year, but most of them fall during the Spring semester. Last weekend, I went to a tournament at Princeton and it was AWESOME. Instead of staying at a hotel like we usually do, two members of the team offered to split the team into two groups and host them for Friday and Saturday night. The house I stayed at was in the middle of the suburbs of New Jersey. But it was not a suburban house. After driving through a very normal looking neighborhood we turned down a gravel road that we could not see the end of. Once we turned down the road there were very dense woods and creepy wooden statues at different intervals along the path. Everyone in the car thought we were on our way to a slaughterhouse at this point.

After a couple of minutes driving on the gravel path we pulled up to a house that looked exactly like the coolest house you could imagine. It was HUGE! They had a mule and a donkey, tons of chickens, and a large swath of farmland behind the house right next to their huge pool and basketball court. When we walked inside we were blasted by the best smelling aroma of all time. It was a mix of bacon, steak, potatoes, and Mac N’ Cheese. Do you have any idea how amazing that smelled? I never wanted to leave and I had not even seen the rest of the house yet. After a huge meal of every favorite food you could want we got a tour of the house. The basement had a movie theater, a bar, and a two lanes of bowling. At this point I thought we were either on Punk’d or MTV’s Cribs… I couldn’t decide which one yet. The tour ended and we were assigned beds. Yeah. There were so many rooms that each person got their own bed!

The next morning it was Easter Sunday and you would not believe what the parents did. They set up two hundred candy filled eggs for us to find all over their property. I don’t know about the other guys but I ran around giggling like a little girl. After we found the last egg, which was in the barn where they keep their animals, the mother of the kid on our team had set up Easter baskets for us all. At this point everyone was convinced they were in heaven. No one wanted to leave and we all felt bad because we wanted to pay the parents back for everything they did for us. They refused to accept any money or labor as payment.

It was a great weekend and a great tournament. The only thing I have to say is that it sucks for the people in the other house!

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Issue Brief Final Draft

Center for American Awesomeness

Get Smart: Public and Standardized Early Education

In November of 2012, the United States was ranked number seventeenth in overall education world wide[i]. That means sixteen other countries are more advanced academically. Other developing countries are close behind while they continue to improve their academic performances exponentially. The American students entering the workforce need to be prepared to compete in the global job market against students from these other countries. The only thing that can be done to turn this downward spiral around is to enhance our education system. Preschool is a part of the education system that is not focused on very often. Parents in the United States are more inclined to send their children to expensive day cares and not think about the quality of education at this age. In other countries children in the same age group are already learning different languages and being taught important life lessons. It is time to introduce a similar style of education into the United States. This bill is called Get Smart. It is designed as a publicly funded preschool education program that encompasses children from the ages of three to five. There are multiple beneficial reasons for implementing this program: the teaching and construction jobs it would create, an improved standardized early education system, and it provides a place for parents to drop their children off while they go to work.

The country has a budget that is subject to change at any time. The total amount of money spent by the United States government in 2012 was 3.54 trillion dollars. Education is placed under the discretionary funding category which makes up seventeen percent of the federal budget. There was a 48.8 billion dollar increase in funding for the U.S. Department of Education last year[ii]. One use of the increased budget is going towards the Race to the Top program currently being enacted by President Obama and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. It is being severely criticized. The program is analogous to a competition between states to be awarded funding for their education programs. The program contains standardized testing, many complicated rules for schools to follow, and teacher, principle, and school ratings. Many states refuse to participate, education officials say it promotes cheating, and teachers are being harshly criticized[iii]. The Race to the top program currently spends 4.35 billion dollars of the Department of Education’s budget. As stated by the President, “if you are looking for a good bang for your educational buck, high-quality preschool is the place to look”[iv]. Preschool is the smartest use of the education budget because it makes such a huge difference in children’s lives. It reduces the amount of placements in special education and grade retention, while at the same time increases graduation rate. Longitudinal studies, which are studies of the same group of people over a long period of time, conducted by the Chicago Child Parent Center and the Perry Preschool Project, have measured a return of seven dollars for every one dollar of investment in early education programs[v].

Get Smart is not a competition. There will be no rankings of teachers or monetary incentives for states. Its purpose is to get preschoolers affordable and meaningful





Family day care

Other nonrelative

No regular arrangement /3

.White alone












.Black alone






.Asian alone






.Hispanic (of any race)







 education. The program is comprised of a standard education for preschool students across the country. Teachers who are determined to teach early education will be taught specifically for the standardized program so that teaching will be as similar as possible from class to class. This special training of teachers will be at least a year long and is included

in the fiscal cost of the bill[vi]. Another important aspect of this plan is the fairness of it all. There is a huge opportunity gap for minorities in education[vii]. That is the reason why affirmative action exists. Children from low-income families on average start preschool education a year later than children from families that can afford it. Of these families that can afford it, less than thirty percent of those children are receiving a respectable preschool education. The first table shown is from the United States Census Bureau in the section: Primary Child Care Arrangements for Employed Mothers[viii]. As shown in the table, minorities such as African Americans and Hispanics are less likely to have children in preschool. This is a statistic that proves that the opportunity gap is real and present in today’s society. The second table shows the income levels of families and is compared to the type of early education they do, or do not, receive[ix]. As the data proves, families with more income are more likely to send their children to an early education program.

The more students involved in the program the better hence there will be no limit to the number of children that can join. The only two requirements to join are the age and a citizenship status, because it is funded by the taxes of American citizens. Some critics might say that half of Americans do not pay federal taxes. The citizens who do not pay federal taxes have very little money, and most still pay state and local taxes. They also have to contribute to Social Security and Medicare from all of there paychecks. The vast majority of citizens who are not taxed are young working families with children[x]. This is the exact category of people this bill is aiming to help. This bill would hopefully take the place of the controversial Race to the Top program. This means that since the citizens of America are already paying for a program like Get Smart, but the one currently being funded is not as effective at early education.

The total fiscal impact of implementing a plan such as this one would be 3.8 billion dollars. This number sounds big, but in comparison to the amount spent on every other part of the country, it is worth it. Here is the break down of the total fiscal cost following the Youth Leadership Initiative guidelines on how to determine the cost of a bill[xi].

The first category of spending will deal with the equipment. This includes the places of operation and supplies needed for the classrooms. The preschools will be the place of operation, which many day care centers can be turned into. Other possible construction of preschools will be met according to their demand. The school supplies are things such as paper, pencils, materials for crafts, and books. The labor is broken down by the two types of staff needed at the preschools. There are the teachers who will receive a regular annual salary and the usual benefits. These teachers will also need training because younger children require a specific education. Other school staff such as custodians and lunch staff will be needed and they also receive regular annual salaries. Electricity is needed for the lighting, heating, and the cafeteria food of all the schools. Transportation of the students to and from school is also necessary. The mode of transportation would be buses that are managed and arranged the same way they are for all other levels of school. This would save money in the end considering how many parents drive their children to and from day care every day.

Two other significant categories to consider when proposing a bill are marketing and legal counsel. Since the President is already an advocate of early learning, he will not need to be paid or convinced to announce a new preschool program. This would easily get the word out that preschool is publicly funded, not to mention every news station in the country would be covering the story. Marketing gives a bill publicity and popularity. Legal counsel is important because bills may be taken to court and defense trials may need to be carried out. This is a very extreme case, but with a sensitive topic such as the budget it is necessary to be prepared. The total estimated cost of the Get Smart program would be close to the Race to the Top program. Without the incentives of the current Department of Education’s program, Get Smart will save around 1 billion dollars while still accomplishing its goal.

The Get Smart bill is about providing public and standardized early education for children from three to five all across America. It is a necessity in order for children today to be able to compete against other countries that are starting education much earlier. The current legislation is working too hard at making the states do a job that they should already be doing. With a public program for all, no incentives would be needed and federal money being given to states would be used for a much better cause. In the country there is an opportunity gap between income groups and minorities. The Get Smart bill is fair and reasonable and would solve both of those problems. In the end, more jobs would be created, federal money would be spent more efficiently, and children would be properly educated from the beginning.

[i] “Best Education In The World: Finland, South Korea Top Country Rankings, U.S. Rated Average.” Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.

[ii] Carter, Shan, and Cox, Amanda. “Obama’s 2012 Budget Proposal: How 3.7 Trillion is Spent –” The New York Times – Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.

[iii] “Diane Ravitch: Obama’s Race to the Top Will Not Improve Education.” Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.

[iv] “The Good News-Bad News Story of Education | U.S. Department of Education.” U.S. Department of Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.

[v] “Early Childhood Longitudinal Program (ECLS) – Overview.” National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Home Page, a part of the U.S. Department of Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.

[vi] “ECRP. Vol 11 No 1. Quality Improvement in Early Childhood Teacher Education: Faculty Perspectives and Recommendations for the Future.” ECRP. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.

[vii] “The Achievement/Opportunity Gap Educational Forum, Spring 2013.” News and Blogs | College of Education.. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.

[viii] “Who’s Minding the Kids? Child Care Arrangements: Spring 2010 (SIPP 2008) – Detailed Tables – U.S. Census Bureau.” Census Bureau Homepage. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.

[ix] “Issues: Education | Iowa Democratic Party.” Iowa Democratic Party. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.

[x] Roos, Dave. “HowStuffWorks “Is it true that only 53 percent of Americans pay income tax?”.” HowStuffWorks “Learn how Everything Works!”. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.

[xi] “Demo Congress.” Youth Leadership Initiative. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.



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Senate Actually Deciding Something!

A couple of weeks ago I wrote my civic issues blog about interest groups involved in the gun debate. I thought I would continue discussing this topic because there is such a huge debate going on about it right now. Recently the Senate voted to stop the filibuster over discussing new gun legislation. After the Newtown and Sandy Hook shootings gun regulation organizations have received overwhelming support to create stricter regulation. Congress was then put on the spot by the country to come up with improved legislation that would help prevent these tragedies from ever occurring again. However, there are organizations like the National Rifle Association and other groups who are firm believers of the second amendment. They are wary of any changes made to their constitutional right to bear arms and they make it difficult for Congress to come up with legislation that will appease both sides. This is where the recent filibuster comes into play. The filibuster first came to fruition on April 8th when Harry Reid and thirteen other Senate Republicans sent a letter to the Senate pledging to block the vote on floor debate of gun legislation. These Republicans took this course of action because they are against gun regulation, greatly supported by the NRA, and are leaders of pro-gun states. In the final vote that took place on Thursday April 11, there were twenty-nine Republicans and two Democrats who voted against stopping the filibuster. At the same time, sixteen Republicans joined fifty-two Democrats and other independents in stopping the filibuster and supporting debate on the floor. Most of the article was about why the decision to debate was passed by rejecting certain parts of the bill. These drops included the universal background check system and not discussing the “personal transfer” aspect of guns. This article also discusses the different Senate committees involved in the decision-making process. One of the most discussed committees in the article is the Senate Judiciary Committee which passed a package of gun laws originally created by Obama.

In my political science class we discussed many important aspects of Congress and how it works. We discussed the goals of Congressional members and the differences between the house and the Senate that allowed the filibuster to take place. The first thing I would like to talk about is the goals of members of Congress. All three of the goals discussed in my class were used in this decision. The Democrats who voted with the filibustering Republicans are up for re-election in states that are known for being against gun regulation. This is the first goal discussed in class which is Congress members trying to get re-elected by making decisions their voters want to see. The next goal is to gain influence. Republicans who voted for the filibuster and blocking debate of the gun bill gain popularity from the NRA and all of its supporters. On the other side of the spectrum, the Congressional members for debating the new gun bill are completing the last goal by trying to make helpful and meaningful public policy. Another section of the notes covers how the House of Representatives differs from the Senate. The Senate rules allow for the filibuster, which is stalling a bill by talking endlessly about it, while the House rules do not. The whole article discussed the cloture process, which is the procedure to stop the filibuster by a supermajority of sixty votes. They accomplished this after lots of persuasion on both sides. The last important aspect of the article that coincides with the notes from my class is about the committees involved in the process. The Senate Judiciary Committee is a type of standing committee, which exists from Congress to Congress unless they are explicitly disbanded. In our notes committees are defined as the place where the work of Congress gets done. This is true in the article because it discusses some of the possible changes it recommended in order to form a compromise to pass the decision for floor debate.

In my opinion, I find this to be quite ridiculous. I understand that it is a very important and delicate topic, but when 86% of Americans think there should be stricter gun regulation (percentage cited in the article as a Gallup National Poll) it is Congressional member’s duties to represent their constituents. Republicans are definitely sticking to their beliefs and I applaud them for that, but there is a point at which compromises need to be made to benefit the nation as a whole. The filibuster was a very smart move by Senate Republicans because it is the best time to kill a bill. The problem was that they did not get enough support from their party members to accomplish their goal. It was a very interesting article that gave me insight into the workings of Congress and was also a very relatable topic to compare class concepts currently being used.

What do you guys think about some Senate members voting to not discuss the bill at all? Should the filibuster be changed or is it an important aspect of Congress? What is your stance on the gun debate and why do you feel this way?

Blocking the Filibuster Article (CNN Politics):

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Advocacy Project Idea

For my Advocacy Project I would really like to do something like the Colbert Report or the Daily Show. This may sound ridiculous but I think I would really like to do something like that. I am not that funny though, so I may have to recruit some people to help me with that. I love politics and I REALLY like watching both of those shows. I think this would be a really creative and fun way to advocate politics.

            In class we discussed how we need to make a justification for our project and our method of communication so I decided to start thinking about that before I do anything else. I know that the Colbert Report and Daily Show are focused on a younger audience, but since this is for a college class I think I am going to narrow it even more. I plan on making my audience college students for every age, location, and major. The best method of communication that would resemble the popular television shows would definitely be through video. The best option would be if I rented a camera to set up in my room or somewhere in the media commons so I could use different camera angles and such. That may be a little difficult considering I am doing this project by myself, so I may end up just using the one-button room. I will either edit in, or speak along with pictures, videos, and music that will make the project funny.

            I am going to be advocating political interest in politics for college students. First I will talk about how low the approval rating is, and then I will probably discuss how younger kids find politics as a source of humor instead of problem solving.

Here are some topics I will probably use in my project:

            Congressional Scandals: Anthony Weiner, Charlie Rangel

            Congressional Approval Rating: Compare it to other approval ratings

            College Students interest in politics: Marco Rubio awkwardly grabbing water, Barack Obama confusing the science fiction terms

            Interview: The Daily Show always has fake correspondents from other countries and I always think its hilarious so I am going to try to include this in my project as well

Also here is an example of one of the sections of my project:

We can’t place all the blame on Congressional members for not doing their job of representing their constituents and compromising to pass helpful legislation…. I am just going to say that politicians are not all that bad! I mean they are people just like (insert Terminator + theme song)… ok maybe they aren’t people, but at least they look like us. Let’s face it though, Congress members are allowed to have a good time too. Take Representative Steve Cohen for example (insert Tweet). He obviously had a great night with Cyndi Lauper that he decided to share with the Twitterverse and immediately regretted doing so. I mean come on Steve you’re married, and she is a little.. uh.. what’s the word I’m looking for… oh right BATSHIT CRAZY. And who can forget Representative Anthony Weiner (not sure if that’s how you pronounce his name but that’s how I’m saying it forever and always). His famous scandal was known as Weinergate, in which he sexted various women pictures of his ding dong. Last but definitely not dead yet, Charlie Rangel’s enjoyable day at the beach (Passed out Picture) in his villa in the Dominican Republic was a day to remember when he stood in front of the ethics committee a few weeks later. I think I speak for all of America when I say

Do you guys think this would be a good idea? And could someone please help me be funny?

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My First Manicure

Over Spring Break I planned to take my girlfriend out for a day of fun and relaxation without telling her what was going on. We never got to celebrate Valentine’s Day so I hoped it would make up for it. It was definitely an… interesting experience. The first stop on my itinerary was going to a restaurant called The G-Lodge. It is a really nice diner type place in my hometown. They make the best pancakes I have ever had. Ever. We each ordered a ton of food, chowed down, and bonded with all the old folk hanging out on a Tuesday morning at the diner. Another great aspect about this place is the table’s you eat at. They are covered with a white cloth that is very easy to write on. They provide crayons for the younger kids and pens for the older customers. We got crayons of course.

The night before I picked her up, I set up a scavenger hunt around my neighborhood and in my house. In case you are wondering, it was super cute. The best part about it was that the hints were all riddles and her presents were in a safe. In order to open the safe she had to figure out how to open a puzzle box to get the key that opened the safe. Oh yeah and I hid the safe and the puzzle box too. She is not a very patient person so I have a broken safe now if anyone wants it. The present inside was for our next event, which was at a place called Do Nails. What happens next was her favorite part of the day.

I had planned the spa part so that she could do whatever she wanted with her time there. Out of the ten billion things she could have chosen to do, she decided to do a couples massage and manicure. I was quite reluctant. As she pointed out multiple times, she was instructed to use that money however she wanted to. After finally caving in I sat down in the massage chairs with her and waited. Do Nails is a Chinese style spa with lots of bamboo, paper lanterns, and girly stuff everywhere. Every worker there was Asian and they were very quiet and serious. The woman that did my massage was about six feet tall, was a redhead from Philly, and I was her first customer. She tried to imitate the woman next to her who was doing my girlfriends massage, but it didn’t work out too well. About halfway through she started talking to me and telling me how sorry she was and that this was her training. I told her that I was the best first customer she could have gotten because I did not care at all. By the end of the massage me, my girlfriend, and the redhead were all joking around and having a great time playing with all the massage chair buttons. It had settings that ranged from gentle knead to 9.0 earthquake. Guess which setting I chose?

We went to a Flyer’s game that night but she still says without a doubt that the spa was her favorite part of the day.

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Get Smart- Issue Brief Idea

For my issue brief I decided to pick the topic of Education. This decision mostly came from the fact that I am a little tired of researching and writing about politics. In high school I followed lots of education reform movements and ideas. For one of my projects in my AP United States Government class we had to come up with a different plan for the federal budget. After we came up with a different distribution we had to pick a specific sector that we allocated more money to and come up with an idea for a program that would be helpful. I came up with the idea of a program called Get Smart and I am really interested in researching it and turning it into an issue brief.

            The Get Smart program is about early education. I participated in a volunteer Head Start program during high school and we would go twice a month to visit a preschool. We would read stories, bring supplies to make some sort of craft for an upcoming holiday, and played music for them. It became a very important topic to me because we got to meet the children’s parents and they told us a lot of what they were going through. Preschool education is a very important time in children’s lives, but very few of them get a proper early education. The idea behind the bill is to change that.

            Get Smart would be a publicly funded and standardized preschool education. Many people think this is ridiculous and that it would increase taxes by too much money. First of all, it is a great way to spend your money even if it was on the side because it is so important. The United States is falling behind in the world education race so something needs to be changed. Also, if the newly formed Race to the Top initiative was cancelled (because it is not working well) then no extra money would have to be spent, just re-allocated. I found a website that helps you plan how to propose a bill in various ways. I am not sure what parts of the website I will use yet but it looks very beneficial and you should all check it out.

On this website it gives you a layout for the fiscal impact, how to make info-graphs meaningful, and other good stuff like that.

Here is a rough introductory paragraph:

In November of 2012, the United States was ranked number seventeenth in overall education world wide . That means sixteen other countries are more advanced academically. Other developing countries are close behind while they continue to improve their academic performances exponentially. The American students entering the workforce need to be prepared to compete in the global job market against students from these other countries. The only thing that can be done to turn this downward spiral around is to enhance our education system. Preschool is a part of the education system that is not focused on very often. Parents in the United States are more inclined to send their children to expensive day cares and not think about the quality of education at this age. In other countries children in the same age group are already learning different languages and being taught important life lessons. It is time to introduce a similar style of education into the United States. This bill is called Get Smart. It is designed as a publicly funded preschool education program that encompasses children from the ages of three to five. There are multiple beneficial reasons for implementing this program: the teaching and construction jobs it would create, an improved standardized early education system, and it provides a place for parents to drop their children off while they go to work.

Let me know what you think!

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Penicillin on Patty’s Day

State Patty’s Day was last weekend. I’m not sure if I should be writing a blog about this… but here we go! I am going to start off by saying that it was totally crazy. In case you don’t know I have infectious mononucleosis which sounds super gross but actually wasn’t that bad. On top of that I somehow contracted a severe case of strep throat which kind of sucked. Oh and to put the icing on a cake that no one wants to eat, I had a broken finger from playing hockey. So while most crazy kids went downtown to party, I went to the University Health Services to get penicillin.

Although you may think this did not sound like a great weekend, you are right because it wasn’t. I sat in my dorm room and watched Space Jam. I forgot how great that movie was though. When MJ uses the power of loony toon land to stretch super far and dunk the basketball to beat the aliens from space…. yeah it was bad. After a while of scrolling through Netflix’s instant queue, I decided that instead of rotting away to old movies and TV shows, I would go downtown with some floor mates to check out this infamous holiday. When I got to Beaver Avenue I was slightly disappointed. There was so much talk but not much show. Everyone said there would be tons of cops out, but when I strolled down the street I only came across one! I went to some parties and there were the same amount of people as usual except they were wearing green. The only difference I picked up on was that there were many more students that did not go to Penn State wandering the streets.

The funniest story I heard after this weekend involved my high school. I went to a school in Pennsylvania which means a good number of students came to Penn State. They decided to have a reunion last weekend that I missed out on. Let’s play a fun game I like to call, What Happened Last Night? To play you have to guess the total amount of charges that were given to the group you went out with the night before. Out of the fifteen students that attended, there was a combined total of four underage drinking charges, one public urination charge, and a slightly more embarrassing one that I probably should not mention. Although I missed out on the festivities, at least I did not get an underage!

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The Sequester- We’re Screwed to NBD

Economists thought it would create another huge recession, the White House cited huge downfalls that would be created, jobs would be lost, and billions of dollars would be cut. I am talking about the “Doomsday” sequester. If you have never heard of this before, it is okay because most people did not even recognize its importance until a couple weeks before it was implemented. The sequester was a REALLY big deal and was the main topic on all major news networks and newspapers. It was planned as a series of automatic spending cuts that were enforced upon the Pentagon and other non-defense programs. Half of the total 85 billion dollars of cuts would be from the Pentagon and the other half from the other programs. When I say “other non-defense programs” that pretty much means any program or organization. Education, volunteer organizations, and national parks are all up for possible cuts.

The reason behind the sequester is to begin decreasing the massive debt of the United States by cutting 1.2 trillion dollars over the next 10 years. In 2011 Obama continuously tried to raise the debt ceiling so the country could borrow more money to pay off their debts. The Colbert Report described this action as “raising the credit level on your Visa to pay off your Mastercard- if you used your Mastercard to pay for 2 trillion dollar wars”.

Here is the part that will really make you want to punch a politician: Democrats and Republicans could not reach an agreement on the debt ceiling, so now the sequester will hurt programs that both sides fight for. Probably the most frustrating part is that their salaries remain unaffected while they make budget cuts and create job loss.

Would it be a feasible idea to be able to change Congressional members salaries? If decisions Congress make effect the economy shouldn’t they be affected too? Do you think this is a possible reason for why no compromises are made for the benefit of everyone?

Of course, when Obama made a speech on the night the sequester was passed people paid a lot of attention. What did they get from his speech? That he mixed up the Jedi mind trick with the Vulcan mind meld. Yeah. Real cool guys.

Budget cuts are being discussed continuously. The sequester is now being enforced and most people stopped freaking out about how bad the cuts would effect the economy. The bad news is that if agreements still are not made, more across the board cuts are in our future. Even if they cannot agree on stopping the sequester Congressional members still have the possibility of fine-tuning the targets of the cuts to make it more manageable for programs.

Do you think that many more cuts will be made? How significant do you think the cuts or the increases in budget effect the economy? What do you consider the best targets for budget cuts?

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