Award Overview

Congratulations to Richard Desinord, this year’s winner of the Data Visualization Award! His poster is titled, “Active Stasis: Repetition and the Facade of Discontinuity in Histoire du soldat” and is pictured below.

2016 Award Winner


Purpose: The Data Visualization Award, offered by the University Libraries’ Data Learning Center, is designed to increase digital information literacy by raising awareness of the importance of data visualization and celebrating good examples.

Award total: A total of $250 will be awarded to overall winner(s) in the poster session, with Data Visualization judged separately from the other poster criteria.  There may be one or more than one winner, with the monies being split amongst all winners.

Eligibility: Any static form of visualization used to communicate results of data research, as presented in the student’s poster, will be eligible for scoring. All student posters will be automatically considered for the Data Visualization Award. Only poster submissions are eligible at this time.

Consent to share: Winner(s) of the award must agree to share their visualization via ScholarSphere, Penn State University’s institutional repository, under a Creative Commons license.  Please visit the ScholarSphere site to learn more about this service.

Contact:  If you have questions, please contact the Data Learning Center via

What makes a good visualization? graphic


Links to other Penn State data visualization awards:
Material Visualization Competition