
1. Select the right graph.

What to plot?Common graphs to use
Distribution of a continuous variable* Histogram or kernel density curve to visualize the distribution
* Q-Q or P-P plot to check normality
Distribution of a categorical variable* Bar graph
* Pie chart
Relation between a continuous variable and a categorical variable* Box plot
* Bar graph
* Line graph (when the categorical variable has order)
Relation between two continuous variables* Scatter plot
* Line graph (usually put the time variable on the x-axis)
Relation among more than two variables* Be creative!

2. Tells a good story with your data.

3. Avoiding too much information in one graph. Simplify less important information.

4. Highlight what is important.

5. Do not burden your audience with visual math.

6. Select appropriate colors.

7. Being creative with your legends and labels.

References and Resources