The First Big Issue: Move In Day

To start my passion blog, I thought I would explain my background, and also discuss one of the first events that was for me, and almost every other kid I know, a stressful time: move-in day. For one, my parents got divorced before my first birthday, so I’ve lived my entire life with two completely separate homes. My dad has since remarried, my mother has not. When I was young, I lived almost entirely with my mother, but that trend changed around when I turned five. I’m sure I’ll get into more of this throughout the semester, but for now I actually do want to delve into the issue of move-in day.  Nonetheless, I have lived 99% with my dad throughout all of high school. He has supported me financially in all of my endeavors, and when I started looking at colleges, we both presumed that would continue.

So. Seeing as I have lived with my dad for several years, he had full legal custody of me before I turned 18, and he’s also funding my education entirely, he and I both found it reasonable that he be the one to move me into State College. My mother disagreed. Being a reasonable (I use that term loosely) son, I let her explain that she saw this as a chance for her to come back into my life and be involved in my college experience. And while I got what she was saying, I also had to see my dad’s point. He’s been solely responsible for me for the last five or six years… Didn’t that earn him the right to enjoy that special day with me? Long story short, I argued with my mother on behalf of what my dad wanted, and, really, what I wanted.

I know of several other college students who, like me,  had just one parent move them in.  If anybody knows of other experiences, or simply wants to share their own thoughts on my story, don’t hesitate to comment!


6 thoughts on “The First Big Issue: Move In Day

  1. Elizabeth Marie Hershey

    I can definitely relate to this blog post as I moved in to State College with just my mom. My whole life I grew up as an only child in a single parent household so I was worried this transition into college would be rough for me. While my mom and I were packing up the SUV in Florida it crossed my mind that it would have been helpful to have a father figure around to help life my pounds of clothing. Thank you for sharing part of your story with us!

  2. Anna Canova

    I love how you really put your story out there and open up the opportunity for other people who went through the same or similar situation to also tell their story. Seems like a great place for people to be able to talk about these situations they might not have ever wanted to bring up. Hope it went ok; glad you were able to move in and be with us!

  3. Will Smart

    This is personal, way to go below the surface a little bit to connected to kids in your similar situation.

  4. Diana Mary Alnemri

    Difficult situation, but your opinion was definitely right. Loved reading the story! You should update us on how it’s going and any other tricky situations like that.

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