Mass Shootings

The most recent of mass shootings has been at The Lafayette Theater, in Louisiana.  This incident occured on July 23, 2015.  These tragic stories always seem to hit hardest in the news, politics, and general citizens of the United States.  It is  unfortunate that these types of actions seem to be recurring in our nation.  Yet every time, they seem to bring up the same national debate, gun control.

There’s many sides to this conflict, but two very prominent ones.  There are those that are for keeping our Second Amendment, and those that wish to trash it.  Very often, I see the Facebook pages, pictures, and posts that regard the Second Amendment, but personally only the one side seems to make any sense.  How can the government revoke a natural right? They can’t, but they will definitely try.

The most common of opposing arguments I see, “Guns kill people.”  This therefore means we need to make a ban on all guns. No.

1. Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. If guns killed people, then pencils write. People write.  This thinking should not make sense to any logical person.  If you want a firm argument, then create firm evidence and logic.

2. If we ban guns because they “kill people,” then why don’t we ban knives too.  According to an article on, “…crime statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), knives are consistently used to kill people far more often than rifles are used.  And the numbers aren’t even close: five times as many murders were committed with knives than were committed with rifles last year [2013].”

3. Lastly, if it does happen that guns are ban in the US, then what makes the government so sure that all the guns will just… disappear?  Drugs are illegal right?  Yet there is a large supply on our very lands.  Because something is illegal, doesn’t mean it will go away.  Therefore, you could never absolutely stop these shootings.

It is a devastating time in the nation every time one of these incidents happen.  There is no way to stop these from ever happening again.  Yet there are ways to prevent most future ones from happening.  What if more citizens had concealed carry permits?  In order to obtain a permit, you must go through courses.  In these courses you learn the do’s and don’ts of gun handling.  In a situation such as a surprise theater shooting, any civilian with a concealed carry permit can prevent a lot more damage than without.

There are many other options that don’t require the removal of our natural given right, and it is time to exercise those options.

2 thoughts on “Mass Shootings

  1. This was a very well thought out post, I like how you listed the three reasons why the government cannot revoke our rights. Great job!

  2. I like how you stated your position but then also included the opposing position. You also did a great job explaining the argument. Number one is somewhat of a non-sequitur. Great work!

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