Western CONTENTdm Users Group – 3rd Annual Meeting

University of Nevada, Reno

June 4 & 5th

Pre-Conference workshops June 3rd

Hosted by

University of Nevada Reno

Reno, Nevada


Call for Proposals


Please consider participating in 2009 as part of a panel discussion, as a speaker or as a lightning session presenter. Proposals are needed by March 13th, 2009.


Suggested topics include but are not limited to:


*        Audio and video projects

*        Publicizing your collection

*        Funding your collection

*        Metadata practices

*        Workflow models

*        Campus wide or multi-institution collaborations

*        Web templates and interface customization8

*        Non-newspaper text projects (including OCR extension, compound object documents/monographs, PDFs)

*        Collections Management & configuration

*        Cool customizations of your collections

*        File-wrangling; JPEG2000, audio, video, VR

*        Digital archiving and preservation of digital collections

*        Licensing, intellectual property and digital rights management

*        Institutional repositories / organizational archives

*        Programming & Application building (APIs, widgets, add-ons)

*        Reports and statistics (generation and use)


Proposals may be submitted for a 40-min presentation; a 30-minute breakout session; 5-minute lightning round participant, or a presentation as a member of a panel discussion.


Please submit proposals to Megan Peacock at MeganP@BBHC.org

Deadline for submissions is March 13th, 2009.

Questions, please contact Angie Beiriger at Beiriger@reed.edu


To submit proposal(s) please provide the following information:










Program Title

Target Level of Audience (user): Beginner or Intermediate/Advances

Type of program (40 minute presentation, 30 minute breakout session, Panel Presentation – topic (proposal submitter will coordinate the panel); Panelist (will participate as a panelist, preparing a 10 minute presentation), or Lighting-Round participant (will present 5-minutes on topic of choice))

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