Publishing Feminisms at NWSA 2016

CALL FOR PAPERS: Publishing Feminisms at NWSA 2016
Montreal, November 10-13, 2016

Publishing Feminisms is a working group that draws together feminist 
scholars and practitioners who are working on a variety of linked 
projects related to publishing, periodicals, and print culture in and 
beyond feminism’s second wave. In 2015, the working group formed a 
special interest group within the NWSA and we are now interested to 
solicit proposals for papers to be included in sponsored panels on the 
topics outlined below. Interested participants should send a paper 
title, a 50-100 word abstract, and a brief cv to by February 15th. 

Contributors with proposals related to the interest group as well as to 
the conference theme of decoloniality but not in alignment with the 
calls for papers below are encouraged to contact the organizer. 

CALL FOR PAPERS #1:  Feminist Publishing on the Margins (Conference 
subtheme one: Unsettling Settler Logics)
In this panel, we interrogate the influence of settler colonial logics 
and its structural violences on the production and study of feminist 
publishing more broadly. The panel is interested, in other words, to 
consider how taking up the NWSA conference theme of decoloniality must 
push us toward identifying and unsettling the silences in settler- 
colonial feminist print cultural production. We are interested in papers 
that investigate the force of settler colonial thinking in feminist 
publishing as well as for papers that expand the field of feminist 
publishing by examining marginalized publications and publishing 
practices. Case studies of artifacts like kimiwan, Unceded Voices, or 
other publications produced at the margins of settler colonial 
publishing practices are particularly encouraged. Ultimately, we are 
soliciting papers that expand and alter the logics of feminist 
publishing in ways that demand a rethinking of feminist histories. 
Key questions include: 
•        What are the legacies of the exclusion of some knowledges, 
experiences, words, and bodies from the field of feminist publishing? 
•        How can feminist publishing practitioners and feminist scholars 
of print and digital culture respond to the erasure and silencing of 
colonized and marginalized voices? 
•        How have and can feminist publishing studies center the voices 
and knowledges of marginalized activist (feminist) communities?
•        How can the field of publishing studies centre what Adela Licona 
(2012) describes as “zines in third space”? 

CALL FOR PAPERS #2: Decolonial aesthetics in print culture (Conference 
subtheme five: World-Making and Resistant Imaginaries)
This panel takes up the broad theme of feminist world-making through an 
analysis of publishing as creative work that sparks revolutionary 
struggle. We define print culture as a broad category that includes 
zines, periodicals, feminist presses, scholarly periodicals, popular 
periodicals, textbooks, blogs, and more. Publishing studies examines 
these artifacts, but it also examines the conditions of their production 
and circulation, which means that this field of study is open to 
examination of community formation, social, political, activist, and 
commercial networks. We take up the NWSA’s description of decoloniality 
as a worldview that challenges, queries, unsettles knowledges in order 
to ask how decolonial ways of knowing and making have shaped the 
production, circulation, and reception of feminist periodicals, 
anthologies, zines, and blogs. 

Key questions include: 
•        How does feminist publishing break down the divisions between 
aesthetic and analytical, the affective and the intellectual, between 
art and theory, creativity and criticism? 
•        How does feminist print and digital cultural production practice 
•        How might feminist print and digital cultural production more 
radically and revolutionarily practice decoloniality? 
•        How have feminist publishing projects taken up decolonial ways 
of working by practicing, for instance, collaboration as a form of 
knowledge making based on alliance, reciprocity, and relationality?

For more information about the Publishing Feminisms Working Group, see 
our webpage, or contact one of the Special 
interest group co-chairs, Michelle Meagher, michelle.meagher@ualberta or 
Amy E. Farrell,

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