America’s got… talent?

So this week’s post might be a little cynical and maybe a little unfounded. I apologize, but bear with me. (If you disagree with I have to say, I completely understand, comment and let me know).

These days, the standards of fame can be surprising and unfair. There are so many people who are extremely talented and yet don’t get the recognition they deserve. So many starving artists, unpublished authors, underappreciated geniuses not quite making a name for themselves. So then let’s look at who does “make the cut” for fame and fortune.

There are a large number of people who are famous and make tons of money, but aren’t exactly very talented. There’s Kristin Stewart – I didn’t know you could get paid for only having one facial expression. Rebecca Black even made some dough after “Friday” hit the internet. Miley Cyrus was really big for a while but I never understood what she had to offer. In the words of a friend, she “sounds like a dying cat.” And then there are people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian. Why are they famous? I have no idea. It’s not just Hollywood that’s unfair. Nicholas Sparks and Stephanie Meyer are pretty famous for their books (and even movies) but I wouldn’t say there was anything particularly brilliant in their writing. I could probably go on and on about why certain people aren’t worthy of fame, but that’s not really the point I’m trying to get at.

There are certainly also many individuals in Hollywood and pop culture that do deserve high acclaim for their talent. But when I see some “less talented” people on tv and in magazines, I feel bad for the unrecognized people out there who could do so much better. I guess that’s just how the world works. Things are unfair.

Everyone says that success in the liberal arts is very competitive. You would think that that would mean only the really really good ones make it. But sadly, that is not quite the case. There are other factors that could bring in some fame – like connections, money, luck, or maybe even public ignorance. It would be better if fame was just based on talent, or skill, or uniqueness – finding those who really deserve it. But I guess I shouldn’t complain too much. Mediocre artists at least give us something to talk about.

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