Taking ELLI (Inventory)

Look to your e-mail for a message on how to get access to the survey. It includes an attachment with info on the following:

* Registering for your account (using your PSU e-mail address – or E-town address Becky) – skip the date of birth field
* Choosing a name and password
* Finding our Penn State University (Staff) community site
* Joining the community
* Logging into the account and taking the ELLI Inventory (74 items) – Here’s a little how-to video for this portion – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHYmSmZYIlI&feature=youtu.be

Please give it a go, and get in touch if you have any questions.

Remember, once you create the account and apply to join our group, I’ll receive an automated e-mail to confirm you as a member – I’ll do that, and then you should be able to log back in and take the ELLI. Make sure you are in the Penn State University (Staff) community to take the survey so our data all lands in the same place. So there will be a short lag between setting up your account and being able to take the ELLI – I’ll keep an eye out though and hopefully get everyone approved pretty quickly.

TIP: I had trouble in Firefox, but it worked fine in Internet Explorer