Elizabeth’s Sample Tweets

This was an experiment where I posted random thoughts throughout the day in a text file instead of in Twitter. Enjoy (but know that I did edit them down).

July 12, 2008

8:39 – Eating 2 chocolates before editing wiki. Still deciding if Twitter is useful

8:40@jamieO – I agree. Reusable toilet paper requires a lot of hot water in the washer. Use corn cob husks or old magazines instead.

9:43 – Wish paleogenetics would compare modern genetics with known history (e.g. 19th century colonialiazation). Do I need for this to be in public view?

9:50 – Break Time! Then fix truth tables.

9:54 – Like to follow blogs because you can catch once a week (or once every 2 weeks). Twitter seems to be a more intense committment.

3:04 -I HAAAATE Javascript. God I hope those self check quizzes are accessible.

3:33 – “I also like one teacher’s plaint that instead of asking for right answers we should ask students to think. “

[Over Twitter limit – The problem with true critical thinking is that any answer must be somehow judged (we can call it analysis, but it’s factoring sensible vs. idiotic answers. But wait, we are not supposed to be JUDGING at all are we?…hence the eternal mystery of why it’s difficult for some educators to teach critical thinking]

4:29 – I hate the hidden text of the self check quizzes because they are a bear to edit. You have to look at the HTML source (and who wants to do that really?)

Post script…or you can copy text into an HTML document without the CSS hidden text tag and get everything to appear in WYSIWYG mode

4:18 – Maybe the STRONG tag is really bold & Italic (vs. being red).

4:41 – God help me, I really like Duran Duran

7/24 – 4:22 PM EDT – Michael Jackson may be a very strange person, but “You Rock My World” is actually a great song.

Feb 23, 2007

From about 18 months (just for comparison). I actually think the first batch (done only last week) was a little better.

About to write blog on Twitter (8:15)

About to open e-mail (8:32)

Back from another exciting ANGEL Doc meeting (9:51)

Exported text from Blogs as a test (10:15)

Opening iTunes? Which playlist to select? (10:16)

Whoa. Mac users can’t see all the available math symbols on the 7.1 HTML Editor (10:54)

Looked up three instructors in ph. Hope I matched userids correctly (12:50)

Finished up ANGEL HTML Editor Doc at last! (2:30)

Placed outline in Talisma, files on Athena and e-mailed Mary (3:15)

It’s 3:30…now what? (3:26)

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