Daily Archives: January 17, 2013

The Power of Music

Think of a day when you haven’t heard any music (seen a movie without a soundtrack)… I can’t think of any reason why someone should not hear music every day. It is something that has an international presence. Every country, ethnic group, or group of people has their own genre/type of music. Music is one thing that can always be constant wherever you venture. Similar to written text, music also has the ability to establish mood, send a message, or be available for pure enjoyment.

Music has always been a huge part of my life. I grew up listening to classic rock, then went on to take piano lessons, to playing flute in the band. Now whenever I go somewhere I can guarantee you that I’ve got headphones and my iPhone. My most recent music obsession has been with the soundtrack for “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey”. When the trailer came out last summer I geeked out a bit much, to the point that I copied the ad and converted it to an MP3 file so I could listen to it. When the movie finally came out, I was more interested in the album. There is one song that has the ability to give me goose bumps (and maybe you too if you are as much of a audiophile as I am). In the movie, the song has an even greater effect. The song begins quietly and shows a pan of the cast making their way towards their destination, as this is basically the beginning of their journey. As they progress on throughout the land the music grows to a point where it hits its climax and shows the entire cast. To me it just amazing how this one song can provide so much character for this very limited scene. I believe in the power of music.

As for the enjoyment factor of music, it is really something that a person must acquire on their own. Some people like country, others classic rock. All people can apply music to their life in some way. Be it through relating to the message of the song, or even just enjoying it.  Artists like the Beatles or even Lady Gaga use/d their music to spread their messages. Because they do this, people are then able to relate to their music and try to apply similar aspects to their life. Not only do they have impacts on people but groups like Journey or Bon Jovi released songs decades ago that are still well known today and loved by most. And we can’t forget about classical music, I mean seriously that stuff has been around for ages and people still listen/perform it. I definitely believe in the power of music.

A song can be written in America, but weeks later it will have spread around the world. It is a binding force between the people of the world. We may have different beliefs, governments, or ways of life, but we can all agree on music. It may not be the same, but we are still all using it. It allows for cultures to be shared and cherished for years to come. Imagine a world with no music. I can’t and for that I believe in the power of music.

I really love my topic about speaking of the power of music. My only problem is putting it into words. It’s so easy to listen to music and be moved, but I’m not so sure on how to put that into words. So forgive me if what I have written isn’t the greatest. I need to really sit down and think about this and add a lot of things to my podcast. As of right now I’m feeling that my personal story is a bit much and I should probably   Also, I’m not sure if I should focus solely on the power of movie soundtracks, or music as a whole, suggestions are appreciated! :3

Hobbit scene with the best song ever. Seriously. Look up "Over Hill" and wait for it :)

Hobbit scene with the best song ever. Seriously. Look up “Over Hill” and wait for it 🙂

Death at a Funeral: Britain vs. US

Left: British Right:US



This week I’ve decided to focus on the movie “Death at a Funeral”. The difference between these movies is not so much the time of when they were filmed, but more of a difference of where they were filmed. The original version was filmed by British actors in 2007, whereas the second version was filmed in the United States in 2010. Personally I love both of these movies, although I saw the US version first so I’m more prone to recommend this one. Between the two movies there were very few discrepancies. The major difference was that the British version is an all-white cast, whereas the US version is an all-black cast.

For anyone who does not know what the movie is about, it starts at the funeral of the head of a family. It’s your typical dysfunctional family. The older brother is overshadowed by his younger brother, who never pays for anything. Their father has just died and the movie tells the story of his funeral, in which a man shows up making some astonishing accusations (with photo proof), casket opens up with another man in it, and someone is “killed”. My favorite part about the US version is the inclusion of Chris Rock as the main character and Danny Glover as Uncle Russell. I’m huge fans of both of theirs, whereas I had no idea who the British actors were.

My final decision is that they are tied. There is no difference except for dialects. Even, Frank (the man with the bad news) is played by the same guy in both movies! (It’s Peter Dinklage, the guy from Elf who hits Buddy) The critics seem to disagree with me and say that the first one is better. I guess it’s really just a preference. Also directors may have an influence on that. The British version was directed by Frank Oz, who is well respected, whereas the US version was directed by Neil LaBute, who is pretty much an unknown. Anyways, see for yourself and check out the movies. If you are into movies that give you a kick over and over these are definitely something that you want to watch! It may not be appropriate at times, but that is definitely overshadowed by the hilarity that ensues throughout the plot! Now GO WATCH THEM! :3





Civic Issues: NY first state to pass gun laws post-Sandy Hook massacre

For my civic issues blog I decided to focus on politics, seeing as political science is my major and I also really enjoy it! With the recent school shooting in Connecticut, there has been a lot in talks of gun control. We all know that the NRA is against anything banning guns, and then there are people who will do whatever it takes. Just this week Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York signed the first bill regarding guns. Clearly this is a huge step for any government to take. I thought this story was interesting. What exactly is included in the bill is as follows:

“The laws fortify New York’s existing assault weapons ban, limit the number of bullets allowed in magazines and strengthen rules that govern the mentally ill, which includes a requirement to report potentially harmful behavior.”

To me this does not seem like too radical of a bill to be put into place. And I also find it surprising that Cuomo was able to get support from New York’s GOP run senate. This is clearly a very relevant topic, and the first of many states laws to be created after this horrible massacre. It is a great example of the contrasting views of the people across the nation. You’ve got your gun toting, old men who think that any law banning any sort of gun is unconstitutional, and then you’ve also got your younger generation, Democrats/liberals, who are anti-gun and could care less about things like the NRA and are only concerned with the safety of people. This is a fight that we have not heard the last of. Just today, President Obama nominated Todd Jones as the new director of the ATF and laid down other plans (which I have not had a chance to look at yet). But obviously, this issue of gun control will not only be talked about on a state level, but also on a federal level. Anyways, everyone should read the article or look up info about New York’s new bill and those that are in the process of being. We will definitely be hearing a lot about guns for a while now following Sandy Hook and all other shootings that have ever happened in the past, to prevent them from happening again in the future.
