Case Study

This past week our assignment for Comm class was to do a case study. At first, I wasn’t quite sure what all this would entail, but we were given a long list of all of the requirements. This was also the first project we were assigned partners and my partner was Chase. The first night we decided to get most of our research out of the way, which went very well. Because we chose the Dove Real Beauty campaign, there was tons of info and even other case studies to get an idea of what to do. As we did research we realized what an extraordinary campaign this was. It has been 10 years since it was launched and it is still being talked about! The campaign worked so well because it targeted women of all ages and encouraged all women to believe they are beautiful. They also targeted young girls and telling women to be good role models for them so they don’t have to grow up not loving who they are. In 2004, when Dove took a survey that said only 2% of women said they were comfortable saying they were beautiful, 2%! Dove also used commercials showing what the advertising industry does to average women for them to look appropriate for billboards, this included tons of hair and makeup doing and also photo manipulation!

I really enjoyed this project, it taught me a lot about how to get people attention and what might make a good ad campaign. I also liked how we got to present all of our research in front of the class, this made it feel like I was actually doing this for a job and really gave me perspective on how to do a presentation with a partner. Overall, I found this project really interesting and enjoyable, it almost has me thinking more about going into advertising and not PR…but we will see.Campaign for Real Beauty

2 thoughts on “Case Study

  1. This campaign crossed and relied on many disciplines. There are many pros/cons to selecting AD over PR and vice versa. It all depends on what you want to do in four years. Talk to professionals in each field.

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