CAPTAIN: Comprehensive Composition Assistance for Photo Taking

Abstract: Many people are interested in taking astonishing photos and sharing with others. Emerging high-tech hardware and software facilitate ubiquitousness and functionality of digital photography. Because composition matters in photography, researchers have leveraged some common composition techniques, such as the rule of thirds, the triangle technique, and the perspective-related techniques, to assess the aesthetic quality […]

Maryam Mirzakhani, the mother who won Fields Medal

Unbelievable and heartbreaking! Our role model since elementary school dies at 40! I still remember the days I was struggling to learn her book written for young math lovers to prepare for math Olympiad. She was ahead of us as a senior but she passed all the elevation steps very fast, and soon she became […]

Skeleton Matching for Severe Weather Detection

Title: Skeleton Matching with Applications in Severe Weather Detection Authors: Mohammad Mahdi Kamani, Farshid Farhat, Stephen Wistar and James Z. Wang. Elsevier Journal: Applied Soft Computing, ~27 pages, May 2017. Abstract: Severe weather conditions cause an enormous amount of damages around the globe. Bow echo patterns in radar images are associated with a number of […]

Node Architecture and Cloud Workload Characteristics Analysis

Abstract The combined impact of node architecture and workload characteristics on off-chip network traffic with performance/cost analysis has not been investigated before in the context of emerging cloud applications. Motivated by this observation, this paper performs a thorough characterization of twelve cloud workloads using a full-system datacenter simulation infrastructure. We first study the inherent network […]

Optimal Scheduling in Parallel Programming Frameworks

FORK-JOIN QUEUE MODELING AND OPTIMAL SCHEDULING IN PARALLEL PROGRAMMING FRAMEWORKS ABSTRACT MapReduce framework is widely used to parallelize batch jobs since it exploits a high degree of multi-tasking to process them. However, it has been observed that when the number of servers increases, the map phase can take much longer than expected. This thesis analytically […]

Optimal Placement in Network On-Chip

Abstract: Parallel programming is emerging fast and intensive applications need more resources, so there is a huge demand for on-chip multiprocessors. Accessing L1 caches beside the cores are the fastest after registers but the size of private caches cannot increase because of design, cost and technology limits. Then split I-cache and D-cache are used with […]

Game-theoretic model to mitigate packet dropping

Abstract: Performance of routing is severely degraded when misbehaving nodes drop packets instead of properly forwarding them. In this paper, we propose a Game-Theoretic Adaptive Multipath Routing (GTAMR) protocol to detect and punish selfish or malicious nodes which try to drop information packets in routing phase and defend against collaborative attacks in which nodes try […]

Risk of attack coefficient effect on availability of adhoc networks

Abstract: Security techniques have been designed to obtain certain objectives. One of the most important objectives all security mechanisms try to achieve is the availability, which insures that network services are available to various entities in the network when required. But there has not been any certain parameter to measure this objective in network. In […]

Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol in 4G

Private Identification, Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol with Security Mode Setup, Farshid Farhat, Somayeh Salimi, Ahmad Salahi. Abstract Identification, authentication and key agreement protocol of UMTS networks with security mode setup has some weaknesses in the case of mutual freshness of key agreement, DoS-attack resistance, and efficient bandwidth consumption. In this article we consider UMTS […]