Auction-based Resource Management in Computer Architecture

ABSTRACT Resource management systems rely on a centralized approach to manage applications running on each resource. The centralized resource management system is not efficient and scalable for large-scale servers as the number of applications running on shared resources is increasing dramatically and the centralized manager may not have enough information about applications’ need. This work […]

CAGE: Contention-Aware Game-theoretic modEl

Abstract Traditional resource management systems rely on a centralized approach to manage users running on each resource. The centralized resource management system is not scalable for large-scale servers as the number of users running on shared resources is increasing dramatically and the centralized manager may not have enough information about applications’ need. In this paper […]

Node Architecture and Cloud Workload Characteristics Analysis

Abstract The combined impact of node architecture and workload characteristics on off-chip network traffic with performance/cost analysis has not been investigated before in the context of emerging cloud applications. Motivated by this observation, this paper performs a thorough characterization of twelve cloud workloads using a full-system datacenter simulation infrastructure. We first study the inherent network […]