Ted Talks RCL Blog

Ted Talk #1

Bill Gross: The single biggest reason why startups succeed

In this ted talk, Bill talked about the many companies that he founded, bought, or had a part in. He gave us the rundown and factors that you need in running a successful company.

Business Model- Somehow, a company has to find a way to make as much money and attract as many customers as possible. Someone may have a great idea, but without a proper business model, the idea is bound to fall apart.

Funding – Makes sure that a company is financially stable and will have the capital available later to expand and to deliver business expenditures.

Timing- The timing to when a company is started is also crucial. Based on results and prior experience;

Team- You need a team of people behind your idea with the se=ame vision in order to run a successful company.

Idea – Every successful company come to fruition all through a great idea. Who will have the next million dollar idea? What will be the newest innovation to hit us?


Ted Talk #2

Sam Richards: A Radical Experiment in Empathy

Sam Richards is an award winning professor that teaches a popular class at Penn State University entitled, Sociology 119. Known to be one of the most dangerous professors, Richards takes us into the world with the perspective of an Iraqi woman who is trying to survive during war. He claims that the Unites States only has the alterior motive to go to Iraq for their oil and the get their oil only. Richards emphasized that these people probably see the Americans as bad people because they are killing everywhere, taking their resources and coming into their home turf asserting their authority over the national civilians.

The lesson to take from here is to always try to type this in word in case that the computer acts funny.


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