playing sports with friends > video games- 7 reasons why

Video games can be fun. FIFA, Madden, 2K, and so on. That’s ok sometimes, but we’re forgetting how much fun it is to just play with friends. Going outside after school, on Saturday morning, during a summer day and just playing.


1. You have actual control over what happens in the game.

2. Your mom won’t yell at you to get off the TV. She yells at you for enough other stuff, this one is getting pretty old.

3. It costs WAY less money. (Video game=$40 from Amazon; console=$250; total almost $300 OR ball=$20)

4. You get physically and emotionally invested. Your blood is pumping, your heart is racing, your brain is working. It is an awesome feeling.

5. It build confidence. Not many things feel better than nailing a shot or catching that touchdown pass. Let’s play.

6. You are spending actual time with your actual friend. instead of your face being glued to a screen all day.

7. YOU GET HEALTHIER. You are burning calories and exercising more than just your fingers. Playing basketball burns about 450 calories an hour.

It is easy, fun, and just plain better. Grab your friends, grab a ball and get outside. You don’t have to play a sport if you don’t want to. Just move and play and make yourself feel good!



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