Blog# 7 – Conclusion

I think the most important concept I learned from this class is that methodology is key. I must admit, it is seems simple to say, but this was a huge gap for me. In my experience, I had grown cynical of “methodology”, as I thought it was a way for consultants to charge more. It seemed like the more experienced and sophisticated the consultant, the more intricate the methodology, which translated into more time and resources, which ultimately meant higher cost. I would be that executive sponsor that would want a consultant to go past the methodology and just validate what I already suspected were the issues.


Now that I have taken the class and really studied the different methodologies, and used one first hand, I must admit, I feel like I get it, and also am eating some crow. I know understand that the better the rigor to the methodology, the more enriched and complete the assessment will be, and the likelihood of success increases.

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