Category Archives: Uncategorized

The One Where Ross Got High

This Thanksgiving I’m thankful for friends.


“I wasn’t supposed to put beef in the trifle!” -Rachel

This year Monica decides to let Rachel make the Thanksgiving dessert. Rachel decides to make an English Trifle. As she’s preparing it on Thanksgiving day, Ross and Joey ask her what’s in it. There’s a layer of ladyfingers, then jam, custard, raspberries, more ladyfingers, beef sautéed with peas and onions, more custard, bananas, then whipped cream to top it off! “What was the one before the bananas?” says Ross. “The beef? Yeah, that was weird to me too” replies Rachel. When Rachel leaves the room, Joey and Ross look at the cookbook and realize that the pages were stuck together so she made half an English Trifle and half a Shepard’s Pie. The two decide that they can’t tell her she messed up because it means so much to her to have done something right. Ross distracts Rachel out in the hallway while Joey tells everyone in the apartment the situation. He gives them acting tips to make it look like they are really enjoying the dessert. Rachel comes back in to serves the trifle and requests that Monica be the first to taste it. Monica takes a bite and uses one of Joey’s acting tips saying “mmmm” while rubbing her stomach. She then asks everyone else to join her. The entire dinner party, except for Joey and Ross, leaves the room to go “eat” their dessert. Rachel can’t believe that everyone likes her dessert. In reality the only person who does is Joey. As Monica and Ross are arguing back and forth, Rachel exclaims “I wasn’t supposed to put beef in the trifle!” She couldn’t believe that everyone ate beef and custard just to make her feel good; she was so touched. Then everyone admits they didn’t actually eat it.. except for Joey who ate everyone’s!

Right then Rachel was so thankful to have friends who care so much about her. This thanksgiving I’m thankful for my friends as well. They’re always there when I need support or just someone to talk to and we always have a good time when we’re together. I wouldn’t be the same person I am today without my friends. I love them all so much and don’t know what I would do without them. I hope that all of you have friends like mine and I’m sure you do. I don’t think we always appreciate the people we have in our lives and I think Thanksgiving is the perfect time to do so. Whether it be family members, teachers, mentors, neighbors, or friends, take the time to give thanks to them for being a part of your life. You may not know it, but things wouldn’t be the same without them.

The One With All the Football

I have two words for you: sibling rivalry.

Ross: “Um.. Monica and I aren’t supposed to play football.”

Joey: “Says who, your mom?”

Monica and Ross: “Yes.”

Our friends are celebrating Thanksgiving and Joey suggests to play a nice game of touch football. Well, little did he know. Monica and Ross aren’t allowed to play football and boy is it a great story. Every Thanksgiving in the Geller family had a touch football game.. that is until Geller Bowl 6. As Monica was making the scoring touchdown, she elbowed Ross straight in the schnoz. She claims it was an accident but of course Ross believes it was intentional. Monica recalls that her team won the bowl but of course Ross argues that the touchdown didn’t count due to the “illegal, and by the way savage, nose breaking.” However, neither of them won the bowl because their dad threw the Gellar Cup into the lake on account of his hatred of their incessant fighting. After that incident, their mother banned football. Back to the present, the two discuss and decide that it’s time they play again. So of course, Ross and Monica are the captains and the game gets pretty competitive. There’s name calling, a surprising half-time player trade to make the teams men vs. women, numerous touchdowns and missed passes, and all of this leads to a tie. It’s down to the final play. Rachel, the worst player, is wide open in the end zone while Phoebe is being surrounded by all three men so Monica puts her life in the hands of fate and passes the ball to Rachel and she drops it, no I’m just kidding she catches it and scores the women the winning touchdown!! The celebration begins until Chandler points out that Rachel was five feet short. Phoebe then questions if the ball is still in play and before you know it Monica and Ross are on the ground fighting over the ball. Everyone goes inside to eat but the brother and sister stay outside for the rest of the night, it even starts to snow.

Now I’m an only child but this seems to be the epitome of sibling rivalry. The two are willing to wait outside clenching onto a football until their toes go numb. Neither won wants to admit defeat. I think that this is something all siblings will come in contact with multiple times throughout probably their entire lives. But don’t just rule me out since I’m an only child, I’ve experienced this too with my cousins. There is this unspoken competition to be the smartest, the funniest, the nicest, the prettiest, and so on and so forth. You never feel this way with your friends, only with your family. I think this is because the only people you want to please in life are yourself and your family, mainly your parents. You just want to make them proud. When there’s someone else who could potentially be better than you at something, you feel that your chances of your parents having pride in you get slimmer and slimmer as theirs just inflate. You can’t help but want to compete with your siblings. I also think sibling rivalry stems from your unconditional love for your sibling(s). You know that no matter what happens, or who wins, you’ll still love them and they’ll still love you. Sometimes this isn’t the case but I like to be optimistic and think it is. Ross and Monica were able to eventually get over their rivalry and they genuinely love each other. I think this can happen in any sibling relationship. Not having any siblings, I don’t have to deal with this rivalry at such a strong degree as those with siblings do, but like I said I have dealt with it in other ways. I hate it because I love my cousins and I don’t like feeling like I have to be better than them and getting upset when they do something right that I couldn’t but sometimes it’s hard not to be jealous. That’s it! It all comes from jealousy. That nasty little green monster inside all of us. We want to be the best in the eyes of mommy and daddy, and when we aren’t we get jealous of the one who is. Since I am a only child (for the record I just accidentally typed lonely child– it’s true we do get lonely), I would like to hear from those of you who do have siblings with your thoughts on this topic. I know all of you have probably wished at some point that you could be like me, but trust me, you wouldn’t like it.


The One Where They’re Going to Party

People are never happy with their age. Adults always want to be younger, kids always want to be older. Why can’t we just make the best of the age we’ve got? Hell, before you know it, it’ll be gone and a new number will take its place.


“So what if I like to go home, throw on some Kenny G, and take a bath!” -Ross

“We’re 29, not women.” -Joey

Ross and Chandler are expecting their friend Gandolf to come for a visit and you know what that means. Whenever Gandolf is around everything is spontaneous and wild. They always have some sort of adventure leaving the guys with great memories and stories to tell. Joey is skeptical of Gandolf’s greatness. Ross and Chandler are so excited and try to explain to Joey that the best things happen when Gandolf’s around. They meet strangers, go to unexpected places, and end up on a boat! Unfortunately, Gandolf suddenly cancels and Ross and Chandler are devastated. All they do is sit in the apartment and watch tv, balance Ross’s checkbook, and name all the foosball players. When Joey comes in and sees the two lazy bums, he convinces them that they don’t need Gandolf to have fun and that the three of them are plenty spontaneous and fun. So they head out! They later take a breather at Central Perk and when Joey brings up going back out Ross and Chandler admit that they’re exhausted. Joey was relived because so was he. They realize that they don’t like the things they used to when they were 21. They’d rather do things that 29 year olds do like having coffee, watching tv and going to bed at a reasonable hour, hanging out in a quiet place and talking to friends. The guys came to accept their age and learned that when you grow up you leave your past self behind and become a new person that suits you better.. for now at least.

Birthdays are a happy day for children but when you pass that certain age, 21, it becomes a day filled with remorse and self-loathing. Adding another wretched year to one’s age is a terribly melancholy task and no reason to celebrate. But being born is a reason to celebrate! You should celebrate that you lived another year because that is a great enough feat. People just hate growing older. We don’t want to become those wrinkly, shrunken old cuties (I love old people) who can’t drive their own car anymore. People past 21 wish they could revert, you know like Benjamin Button, and be young again. They miss their childhood, high school days, and college years. No one wants to grow up and face the real world, work a job, go through a mid-life crisis, get married, etc. For kids, it’s the exact opposite. They long to be teenagers who can drive, go out without their mommy or daddy, have cool clothes, and are in high school. Of course teenagers wish they were college students and college students are pretty happy where they are until it’s over and they want to be freshmen again. It’s a cycle. We always want to be what we aren’t; we want what we can’t have. We want that youth and innocence or we want the freedom and power. For me, I wish I could be starting my freshmen year in high school again. I long to be young again and not have to worry about the now more eminent future after college. I’m happy where I am but there’s always that part of me that wishes I was younger. I think everyone, myself included, needs to realize that we already had our chance to be that age and hopefully we enjoyed it and have memories of it to keep. We have time ahead of us and we should look forward to the future. I’m not saying we can’t look back on the past, because I sure love to, but we should try to enjoy the present too. Take a hint from our friends Joey, Chandler, and Ross, it’s okay to be happy with where you are; it might not be as good as when you were younger but it’s still good.

The One With The Giant Poking Device

Everyone is afraid of something. It’s impossible to be completely fearless; there’s got to be something that creeps/freaks/grosses you out. But when do these fears become irrational?

Joey: “Ugly naked guy looks awfully still..”

Phoebe: “My God, I killed another one!”

Poor Phoebe has a toothache that prevents her from eating Rachel’s delicious brownies. She is advised by Chandler, Ross, and Rachel to go to the dentist. Phoebe is astonished that they would suggest such a terrible thing. She claims that there a curse on her which makes someone she knows die every time she goes to the dentist therefore she’s scared to make an appointment. Later at Central Perk, Phoebe tries to eat an apple and when she can’t she decides she’ll just have to take her chances and go to the dentist. After her appointment, she rushes to Monica and Rachel’s to find that they are both still alive. She then proceeds to use Monica’s phone to call everyone she knows and make sure they’re still alive. After all the calls are made, Phoebe does a little happy dance because no one was dead… or so she thought. Joey stares out the window at ugly naked guy and realizes he isn’t moving. Phoebe freaks out thinking she killed him. Joey notices the window is open and hatches a plan to create a poking device so that they can find out if he really is dead. The friends use a bunch of take-out chopsticks and create a pole that just reaches in ugly naked guy’s window. They start poking and luckily a few seconds later ugly naked guy starts swatting at the stick. The curse was lifted!

Sure, like I said we’re all afraid of something. Whether that something be spiders, the dark, dying, skydiving, or whatever doesn’t matter. There’s fear in everyone, but sometimes we can get caught up in fear that shouldn’t really exist. By this I mean, most of us have that one fear of something that we would would never happen or would never be true but we’re scared anyway. Take for example a zombie apocalypse, the end of the world, Phoebe’s fear of the dentist, my fear of haunted houses- all of these can be considered irrational. We know that the world won’t end any time soon, that zombies aren’t real, that going to the dentist won’t kill someone you know, and that haunted houses aren’t really haunted and no those people in costumes aren’t going to eat you. Yet even though we know all these truths and see the holes in our fears, we’re still afraid. You may not agree with my definition of an irrational fear and that’s fine- these are just my ideas. Even though these fears are irrational, I think they contribute to our personalities and that they aren’t necessarily bad to have. I’ve always had the fear of someone coming in my room at night and killing me. Every day I wake up still alive. I consider this to be my irrational fear because even though I know there is a very slim chance of me being murdered in my sleep, I’m still scared it could. I don’t think this irrational fear is bad. Sure it makes me paranoid, but my paranoia is good in my opinion because it means I’m cautious of myself and my surroundings. Phoebe’s fear is irrational as well but it’s a part of her quirky and compassionate personality. She loves everyone she knows and doesn’t wish death upon any of them. So in the end, irrational fears may not be the scariest thing in the world because that honor goes to ugly naked guy.

The One With the Fake Party

Humans are curious beings. We question everything and want to know everything we can. The greatest mystery we will ever come across is the age old question: Does (s)he like me?


“We have to have a surprise ‘Bon Voyage’ party for Emily, but actually it’s for Joshua.”

Rachel is a personal shopper at Bloomingdales and has her sights set on her client Joshua. She doesn’t have the balls to just ask Joshua on a date but she’s tired of waiting for him to make the first move. He tells her he’s not ready to date again after his divorce at one of their fittings but Rachel is persistent. She decides that her only option is to throw a fake party so that she can invite Joshua and take their relationship to the next step: outside of the office. It’s “the perfect opportunity to seduce him.” Instead the night just turns into Rachel embarrassing herself in every way. She tries to play hard to get but loses patience. Next, she tries seducing him by showing him how she can tie a cherry stem with her tongue… yeah, she chokes on it. When putting on her ‘lucky dress’ just isn’t enough, Rachel has the brilliant idea of playing spin the bottle. The bottle lands on Joshua and just as she is about to kiss him the baby kicks Phoebe so the game unfortunately ends. In her grand finale, Rachel puts on her high school cheer leading uniform and performs a stunt that ends with her getting a swollen lip. Joshua wants to leave so they go to get his coat and Rachel finally reveals her feelings. She learns that Joshua likes her too but he’s not ready to date. Now all she’s left with is well, no, not even her dignity… but wait Joshua’s back and this time he wants a kiss! Looks like Rach got what she wanted all along.

Whether or not someone likes you is the one question that everyone hesitates to ask. We try everything we can to figure out the answer without actually confronting the other person. We have our friends ask around, we try to decipher body language and text messages, or we try to yank it out of them without ever asking like Rachel did. Why do we go to such extensive and annoying lengths to find out whether they like us or not? Why not just go straight to the person themselves? Well for me, I’m afraid of rejection. I think everyone is. If they don’t like you back, you feel like you aren’t good enough and that’s not a pleasant feeling. The fear of rejection scares us so much into just guessing and wondering without ever knowing how the other person feels. In many cases, both people are having the same thoughts but because neither one wants to be the first ask or tell it’s forever a mystery. But we can’t live in a mystery, so instead we concoct plots and hatch plans to figure out what the other person is feeling. Sometimes these plans can work and the question does not need to be asked, but most of the time they result in what happened to Rachel. They don’t work but they lead to the forthcoming of the truth. So I guess in a way all of Rachel’s scheming did work in the end. She solved her mystery and she got her kiss… well she would have if it wasn’t for Chandler watching them like a creep.


The One With All the Rugby

In a previous post, we discussed those little white lies that we tend to tell. This time we’re going to discuss how people can sometimes let those little lies get way out of hand.

“When we get to Yemen, can I stay with you?”

Chandler and Rachel are spotted at the nail salon when none other than….. Janice, Chandler’s ex, shows up. Next thing we know Chandler and Janice are dating again. Only problem is that Chandler can’t stand her and all her “little annoying things.” He doesn’t know how to break things off in a nice way so he decides to tell her that he’s been transferred to Yemen. This little white lie spirals out of control when Janice insists on helping Chandler pack and escort him to the airport. At the gate Chandler tries to explain quietly to the ticket woman that he is not in fact buying a ticket to Yemen and that he is going to just hand her a library card so it looks like he is. The woman will not allow it so Chandler has to pay for a $2000 ticket to Yemen. They walk to the boarding gate and Chandler expects Janice to finally leave. To his dismay she doesn’t because she wants to see the plane take off. This forces Chandler to actually board the plane and fly to Yemen.

There’s a point at which these little white lies become more of a hassle that we anticipate.  I believe there’s also a point at which we need to come forward and tell the truth. For Chandler, that probably should’ve been before buying a $2000 plane ticket. But it’s hard for people to break a lie. It’s like breaking a promise except the exact opposite because those are one of the easiest things to break. I think we feel like we can’t turn back on a lie because letting someone know we were lying is worse than the actual act of lying. No matter what we feel guilty and we end up paying for it, literally in Chandler’s case. Wouldn’t our lives be so much easier if we were upfront with people from the beginning? Once again, we lie to preserve the emotions of another person(s). Chandler thought that telling Janice that he was being transferred to Yemen would be less hurtful to her than him breaking up with her. We lie because we don’t want to harm others but in the end we just hurt ourselves and them even more by lying. Chandler should have just listened to Joey and ended things with Janice right away. If only everyone was as smart as Joey. Wait a minute… I take that back.

The One Where No One’s Ready

People tend to argue over the stupidest things sometimes. We know that the fighting won’t get us anywhere but we do it anyway. No one likes to give in to their opponent. It’s a type of immaturity that we never out grow.

“I’m Chandler. Could I be wearing anymore clothes?”

Chandler has made the chair in Monica and Rachel’s apartment his own for the time being, but when he gets up to use the little boy’s room, things take a turn for the worst. Joey sits in the chair. Now this causes a catastrophe and not one that Ross can handle at the moment.  Chandler claims since he never left the room and Joey very well knew he’d be coming back that the chair is still under his command. Joey argues this saying that the chair was empty so it could be anyone’s. Ross is able to convince Chandler to go get dressed for their outing. While he’s changing, Chandler hides all of Joey’s underwear. When he gets back to Monica’s, Joey is still unwilling to leave the chair. When Ross finally makes him, Joey takes the cushions with him which are the “essence of the chair” according to Chandler. When Joey sees that his underwear are missing, he warns Chandler that he is going to do the exact opposite to him. Just a moment later in comes Joey wearing all of Chandler’s clothes. And let’s not forget the fact that he was going commando.

This kind of  bickering and the consequential acts of outdoing one another are immature and pointless. Yet, people of all ages partake in this, what seems to be, beloved pastime. People are always bickering and usually the argument is never actually settled. You always come across that one married couple arguing over something that seems to be a serious matter.. that is until you get closer and hear that it’s about who was supposed to turn the lights on the front porch off. Neither person will admit that it was his or her responsibility and the argument just dies out. Why do people pick arguments over the most minimal things? Do we just love drama and confrontation? I mean, our culture does, after all, love reality television which is all about the drama. Are we just bored of normal conversation so we decide to nitpick and spice things up? I don’t think making each other mad is a good means of creating excitement. You know what, I think we argue because of our lack of communication and aversion to listening to others. People aren’t able to express their feelings well when the other person isn’t listening and this causes confusion which can lead to argumentation. Or maybe it’s that people just don’t communicate with one another. We just assume that they can read our mind and know that that’s not their chair to sit in. Now my friends have developed a system to avoid Joey and Chandler’s confrontation. Before you leave your seat you simply announce “fives” and this reserves your seat for five whole minutes! Alas, not even this can stop the arguing. My friends will still bicker over whether the person actually said fives or if the person ran out of time. However, it would have saved Joey the exhaustion of putting on Chandler’s entire wardrobe.

The one where Chandler crosses the line

People lie all the time, whether it’s premeditated or it just happens, it’s not something we can deny. We all tell little white lies on a fairly regular basis. We leave information out of stories, we make up excuses, or we just flat out don’t tell the truth.

In this episode of our beloved series Friends, Ross digs up his old keyboard and shows Phoebe some of his compositions from his teenage years. Phoebe is astonished by his talents however Monica and Rachel are wishing they had ear plugs. Of course the two of them just play along and agree that he hasn’t lost his charm with the keyboard. Ross takes their praise so literally that he replaces Phoebe as Central Perk’s entertainer. After one of his performances, the amount of costumers dwindled down to only a few. Phoebe loves Ross but she misses playing her music at the cafe. The girls then decide to tell Phoebe that they’ve been lying and that in reality Ross sucks. Phoebe proclaims to Rachel and Monica that Ross just isn’t appreciated in his time and that she’d give anything to have that. So they figure ‘why not?’ and Monica breaks the news to Phoebe that she sucks too. Classic Phoebe thinks they’re just saying this to make her feel good but little does she know that she has it completely backwards.

Our friends Monica and Rachel have been telling a little white lie all along. They pretend that Phoebe is a great musician just to make her feel better about herself. People do this a lot. Lying to people to make them feel better just has some sort of appeal to us. We are compassionate, empathetic, and sympathetic beings (for the most part) and this contributes to the feeling that we don’t want to let someone down or crush their dreams or all that they’ve worked for and love. We want people to do their best and we don’t want to be the ones to tell them that their best isn’t quite good enough. So instead of telling people the truth (that they suck) we instead tell them what they want to hear (that they’re a prodigy). But if it was you who wanted someone else’s opinion, would you want them to be honest or would you just want them to say what you want to hear? I know it’s hard to take constructive criticism. It makes you doubt yourself and feel like you aren’t good enough, but it will help you become certain and be good enough. If we say that we’d want the honest truth then why don’t we give it to others? Because we don’t want to see the sadness and disappointment in their face, we don’t want to be the person who put it there, we don’t want to tear down their self esteem; we want them to succeed? Telling them a lie isn’t going to lead them to success; it will just hold them back. People need to be more like Joey and always speak their mind (even if they aren’t exactly sure what the heck they’re saying).

The one with the girl from poughkeepsie

Just a heads up: the title of this post isn’t directly related with the content. However, it is the title of the episode from which the content derives.

Monica takes her new position as head chef but she isn’t quite ready for what that entails… a bunch of employees who love to bully her. None of them listen to her instructions or do what she ever so politely asks of them. Instead they like to make a practical joke out of her. Monica doesn’t have the courage to stand up for herself and enforce her commands. She then hatches a plot to hire Joey and stage his firing in order to scare the other workers. When Joey falls through with the plan, she realizes that she must fix the problem on her own. The employees continue to bully her until she finally has the last straw after being locked in the freezer and having marinara sauce spill all over her clothes. She finally tells the employees that they need to start listening to her. Joey helps persuade the stubborn crew by going through with their original plan. Once he was fired, all the other workers took Monica seriously and she finally was the boss.

Confrontation just has a negative connotation to it from the start. We associate confrontation with conflict. Quite frankly, this is because with conflict comes an impending confrontation. For Monica, the conflict was the lack of respect from her employees. There was a confrontation that needed to be had, but she chose to avoid it like the plague. People don’t like confrontation. Maybe because it’s more aggressive than a simple conversation so we back away from it. I feel like these days people are more willing to let things slide rather than actually fixing the problem and making it better. Honestly, I am probably more guilty of this than Monica. At least she finally confronted the workers. I haven’t even confronted my roommate about her late-night Skype conversations. Or her excessive phone calls to her needy boyfriend. And the list just keeps going and it’s never going to stop, or at least decrease, until I can scrounge up the guts to tell her that those things are just not okay. Why don’t people of the 21st century like confrontation? All throughout history people have loved confrontation. Just go through a history book and look at all the wars that we’ve fought. Now everyone is anti-war, casualty-averse. I suppose this aversion to confrontation is good in that sense, but not in our singular, individual lives. If you aren’t willing to confront someone, then you’re never going to get anything done. For me, I avoid confrontation because I am afraid I’ll be shot down or that I’ll offend the ‘confrontee’. Confrontation may also be avoided due to laziness. People just don’t feel like starting an argument with someone else and this isn’t something that can be done for you. Confrontation is something that everyone just has to suck it up and do. It’s what makes us independent; makes us learn to stand up for ourselves and do things on our own. It teaches us that if we want change, then we have to make it happen. Confrontation doesn’t only have to have a negative connotation; it can also have a positive one. It helps us become individuals. So I guess this means I can’t have Joey come and tell my roommate off for me anymore. Rats.

The one with the introduction

So if you haven’t already guessed, I am a Friends enthusiast. As a matter of fact, the show debuted the year I was born, 1994. I’ve always had a special bond with Friends. Perhaps it’s because I grew up watching it with my mother every week. Or maybe it’s because when I was three I concussed myself whilst dancing to the theme song. Whichever one floats your boat. The purpose of this blog is not for me to smother you with ravishing reviews of each episode, season, or actor. Each week I will select a particular scene from an episode. I will provide a brief summary of the scene including particular moments or details that I believe are relevant to the topic I wish to discuss. The scene will be related to something that I might have experienced or that everyone experiences at some point. My goal is to explore common situations presented to us, the lessons that we learn, and the generalizations or assumptions that we all make. So let’s begin!

In The one with the hypnosis tape, the gang meets the fiancé of Phoebe’s eighteen year old brother Frank. At first the group, mostly Phoebe, was excited for Frank. The second they met Alice, or Mrs. Knight as Frank calls her- force of habit, their opinions change. I’ll give you a hint, Alice was once Frank’s teacher and is twice his age. The group doesn’t let their feelings show… that is until Frank and Alice begin kissing- then came the dropping of jaws and the twisting of foreheads in disgust. Mrs. Knight confronts the age issue and Phoebe makes a comments that she thought they didn’t realize it. In response, Alice tells her that when it comes to love, age is but a number.

First impressions can often affect our judgements dramatically. We always hear the idiom “don’t judge a book by it’s cover,” but for some reason that’s almost impossible to do. We judge everything by how it is presented to us for the first time whether we want to or not. Anything new that we aren’t accustomed to or anything that we do not know enough about gets judged almost immediately upon first encounter. The group judges Mrs. Knight and her relationship with Frank based on her age, her interaction with Frank, and her attitude towards their age difference. When we observe others, we subconsciously evaluate their actions, appearance, and attitude. We then take these evaluations and create our own standpoint on the subject. I will admit that I am very guilty of this. If someone says they haven’t, they are lying through their teeth. I think that making judgements is just an inescapable part of life. We are all entitled to our opinions. However, with these assumptions we need to be fair and give things a chance. We can judge them by their cover, but we have to let them reaffirm or change our views. People aren’t very willing to have their opinions changed. Phoebe was dead set against her younger brother marrying a woman who was twenty years his elder. Instead of giving Alice a chance to show that their love should be accepted, Phoebe forced her to call off the engagement. Why are we so quick to judge but so unwilling to have that judgement tested? Are we scared it will lose its validity? This then brings upon the notion that people don’t want to be wrong; that we always want to be right, to have the last word, to be invincible. Now, that may be taking it a tad far. I think that all of this judgement and stubbornness comes from the underlying thought that we can never be wrong because if we are that means that we have failed ourselves or that we are, ourselves, not just wrong about that one thing but that we may be wrong about everything else in our lives. Maybe if everyone was as oblivious as Joey, none of this would matter- but we’re not.