May 13

1st Geo-Tweet Seminar

Zhuojie Huang is organizing a Geo-Tweet Seminar. The first one is scheduled at W201A Millennium Science Complex from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm on 5/31/2013.

This room is with camera and video facilities so we can probably set up a Google Hangout for remote joining.

The purpose of this meeting is to enhance collaborations on the analysis of GeoTweets. The first meeting will feature a brief introduction of this seminar and our group, some reading materials, possible research opportunity and future directions. It is also a great opportunity to know all the expertise who are willing to work on the twitter data at Penn State.

The reading materials could be downloaded here


We might not be able to cover all of them at the first meeting, but I will try to setup a mendeley page for bibliographic organization and a wordpress page to record all the relative tools for analysis. I would like to keep a balance between technology and science, so more social network science paper will be put in the list for the next meeting.

If you would like to join this event, please register through this link:


The password to enter is GEOTWEET.

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