
This week I am going to talk about one of my favorite forms of art: glassblowing. I don’t know about you, but I get so excited about art that is made by heat, like pottery, enameling, glassblowing, metal working, etc.; I just love all of it. Anyway, glassblowing for those who don’t exactly know is, it is a glass forming technique that involves inflating molten glass into a bubble with the aid of a blowpipe, and then making things with it.

Last year when I was taking an art major class, we had an independent project that we had to do outside of class. This technically meant that we had to use time outside of class to do a self-guided project. However, I told my mom it meant that we had to do a project outside of the classroom in order to finally convince her to let me try glassblowing. I had wanted to try it for a while but it was expensive and the closest place to go was about 40 minutes away. Therefore, I thought that this project was the perfect opportunity to let me try glassblowing because once I told my mom that is was for school she was okay with me doing it. A few days later I signed up for a beginner’s class at Goggleworks in Reading, PA. A few weeks later I drove there and took the class; we were making birdfeeders, I was so excited! I decided to make my birdfeeder green because I thought that it would blend in with nature and birds would like that. After a bunch of steps (that I don’t exactly remember because it was an hour class that I took like a year ago) but it basically went like: heat up your glass in the fire-kiln thing to melt it. Then you had to keep spinning the pole because the glass on the end was molten and if you let it stay still for too long it would drop off the end of the pole. Next when it was nice and hot and symmetrical we rolled it into the little colored glass chips to make our bird feeder the color that we wanted. Next we put it back into the fire and melted and spun it again. Then we took it out of the fire and had to blow down the tube to make a big bubble at the end (this is the glass blowing part). Then we poked a hole in the end of the bubble and stretched it out so that it was the flat bottom of the birdfeeder where the food would sit. Meanwhile, the glass still above the bubble got stretched out (it had been out of the heat long enough that it was hard enough that it wasn’t drooping anywhere). Then, we shaped the bottom of it to the way we thought it would look nice and pretty. By that time it was cold enough (but still really hot) that we could break it off of the pole. Finally the guy who was teaching the class took some hot glass and put it on top of the bird feeder in a little loop so that we could hang it. Then, we put our birdfeeders into this place that was like an oven so that our glass could slowly cool so as not to crack and we could pick it up a few days later. Overall the experience was so fun and I really wanted to do it again but it was expensive and all of the intermediate long term classes weren’t on the weekends but during the week when I had a lot to do after school. On a slightly more depressing note, I talked to the guy who ran the class after class because I wanted to ask him about his work and stuff. He ended up telling me about all of the cool art he makes but that not many people buy expensive glass-blown pieces so he has to teach these classes, but he still barely makes enough money for his family. This conversation made me realize that I didn’t want to be an artist. I was torn between doing art because it makes me happy and being a doctor because helping people makes me happy too. Then, I realized if I was an artist and could barely support my family I probably wouldn’t be happy so I realized that a doctor was the way to go, and I could do art in my free time. It was a little more complicated of a decision than that but that is a pretty good idea of what I was thinking. I guess that is why the time I went glassblowing is so important to me, and I am glad I could share it with some of my classmates. Also, sorry that this post was not as educational as my posts normally are, because I don’t know any of the correct glassblowing terms. Here is a picture of my finished birdfeeder:



This week every student in English 137 H had to give a TED Talk on a paradigm shift that they were interested in talking about. I spoke about the paradigm shift of the things that matter when top colleges are admitting applicants. It was really weird watching the video of myself giving the TED talk. I practiced speaking more than a few times, but I wish I got to practice in front of a camera in order to prepare, because I realized I do a lot of weird things while speaking. First of all I touched my hair two or three times which was off-putting. I was also very slouchy, which is embarrassing because I didn’t look as confident as I thought I did. Other than the few mess ups that came up in my speaking not much went wrong with what I was actually saying. However, I am proud of myself for going out on a limb and attempting to make people laugh by throwing in a joke. Overall I think I did a good job for not public speaking very often and I am dare-I-say excited for the next time I get to speak so that I can try to do even better. My classmates’ TED talks went very well, I was very impressed! I definitely expected great presentations from my peers after catching a glimpse of their speaking abilities a few weeks ago during our short presentations analyzing a civic artifact. However, I did not realize my classmates had such great talent. I really could not find many faults with my classmates that were not easy fixes, like going over the time. Honestly, I thought everyone nailed this project and I loved everyone’s diverse topic choices and I was excited by how much they taught me.

RCL blog, asking the right questions

Stasis in terms of rhetoric means a stand. The stasis of a topic is where a party takes a stand on that particular topic. Stasis tends to be caused by leveling out of opinions overtime, otherwise put as two parties eventually agree to disagree on an issue. For anyone who ever wants to create a rhetorical argument, they need stasis, but to get it they need to use a systematic question-asking approach. So what are the right questions? It depends on the argument, but there are always theoretical and practical questions. The question starts with the practical, what people should do and leads to the theoretical, why should they do it? There are four main questions or states are conjecture, definition, quality and policy. I am not sure what my group is doing for our project but maybe working through these questions with each idea will help us decide. One idea was to talk about sororities and fraternities and whether they belong on a college campus. This is the conjecture for this topic. The act of being in a fraternity or sorority is harder to define. Are they more for the social aspects of finding lifelong best friends? Or do the consequences like illegal drinking and hurtful hazing ruin their good intentions? We would have to look into how serious these acts are. I heard of one serious act just this week, a frat threw a party and someone jumped off of the roof and now they are in a coma. That is one young life detrimentally altered because of the alcohol they have at parties at frat house and the parties end up out of control. But how about the policy, is it right to abolish fraternities and sororities? Probably not. But if these social institutions were abolished would the good of that outweigh the bad?


“Are we to paint what’s on the face, what’s inside the face, or what’s behind it?” Pablo Picasso

Today I am going to talk about self-portraiture. A self-portrait is a huge undertaking for any artist. The most important thing is they have to decide is how they want to capture themselves, beyond just representing their physical appearance. Self-portraits show an artist’s style, vocation, and even their place in society, or just how they view themselves. Self-portraits became more popular in the mid-15th century when mirrors became cheaper. Many artists create portraits of themselves spread out over their entire careers showing how their style may have grown or changed. The first artist to do this is Albrecht Durer, who created his first self-portrait at the age of 13 in 1484. He went on to create a portrait of himself at what he considered were the important chapters of his life.


Similarly, Rembrandt, a Bourgeoisie Baroque painter used self-portraits as a window into the themes and events of his life.


Many artists used their self-portraits to promote themselves, for example, David, in 1794, during the Neoclassicism movement portrayed himself as a dashing, young painter leaving out his flaws like the tumor he had on his face.


Post-impressionist artists like Van Gogh, used their self-portraits as windows into the inner turmoil of their mind. Many paintings were of vibrant, or non-natural colors with harsh swirls that seem to represent brooding emotions. One of his paintings is more straightforward with his emotions, the one where he painted himself with the bandage over his ear shows that his thoughts were so crazy that he felt the need to cut off his own ear. Some artists used self-portraits as a form of practice, because who will sit as a model for you longer than you will sit for yourself? No one. For example, Van Gogh once said, “I purposely bought a mirror good enough to enable me to work from my image in default of a model, because if I can manage to paint the coloring of my own head, which is not to be done without some difficulty, I shall likewise be able to paint the heads of other good souls, men and women”.

van gogh

During the Cubism period, Picasso painted very simplistic self-portraits that portrayed simplicity and energy.

picasso self

Other artists, like Frida Kahlo, created 55 self-portraits (although most don’t make this many). She said that she made so many self-portraits “because I am so often alone… because I am the subject I know best”. She used her paintings to deal with the physical and emotional pain from her turbulent relationship with Diego. She mainly portrayed herself as a god-like entity surrounded by symbolic creatures and flora. Her style was one of the first to be more surreal and reflect the inner id.

frida kahlo

In the mid-20th century, artists like Andy Warhol created pop-art self-portraits which were often very vibrant and eye-catching while also creating an ironic statement about himself.


Around the same time, realist/caricature portraits were becoming more popular with artists like Norman Rockwell. Although interesting and funny, these types of portraits normally don’t contain a deep meaning.


One of the most famous modern day artist to do self-portraits in completely new way is Chuck Close. I could talk forever about him, but I will keep it brief. He used to be famous for his photorealism, through his massive-scale portraits (most are about 8’x9’). Then in 1988, a catastrophic spinal artery collapse left him severely paralyzed, but through the regained use of his right arm with a brace (and a paintbrush taped to his arm) he has continued to paint and produce work that is still amazing. He still creates the same style using cells and large canvases, but now he overlaps blocked colors in each cell so that they look like one coherent image. Even more interesting is why he started portraiture in the first place. He has prosopagnosia, otherwise known as “face-blindness”. He cannot recognize faces and therefore always made portraits of his family and friends to help remember and recognize their faces.

chuck close

There are so many more famous artists and their self-portraits that I have failed to mention in my broad overview of the history of self-portraits. Sorry for leaving them out, but if you want to check out more self-portraits here are the names of some more interesting artists: Paul Klee, Mary Cassat, Da Vinci, Matisse, Marcel Duchamp, Salvador Dali, M.C. Escher, Kathe Kollwitz, Basquiat, Romero Britto, and that is all I can really think of right now.

I hoped you enjoyed my post this week, as much as I enjoyed writing it! Sorry it went a little long. Here is a self-portrait that I made. What do you think I am trying to say about myself??

my self portrait