Sun Screen Tips

Happy Valley is wakening from its winter hibernation.   Blue-White weekend typically marks the start of warm weather in State College. Whether you are heading to the game on Saturday or running the Beaver Stadium Run on Sunday, here are a few tips to help you handle a full day in the sun.

  • Use SPF 30+ on exposed skin; UV rays are harmful year round.
  • Choose a “broad spectrum” sunscreen. This means that it protects against both UVA and UVB
  • Use waterproof sunscreen. It will stay on longer, even if you perspire or get wet.
  • Overexposure to UV radiation can suppress your immune system. This will impede your skin’s ability to properly protect itself and heal.
  • Wear a hat or visor to protect your eyes.
  • Seek shade. The Blue-White Game is the only game when you can choose your seat in the stadium.  Choose the shady side; you’ll be glad you did!

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