Stress Management Resources

Manage Stress Workbook

The following is a list of resources that can help students manage stress. Please note that this list is not comprehensive and does not include student organizations that may help students manage stress.

Campus (University Park)

Academic Support

Division of Undergraduate Studies
101 Grange Building
(814) 865-7576
Academic advising and educational planning for students exploring the University’s academic offerings and for students in transition from one college or major to another.

IT Training
23 Willard Building
(814) 863-9522
Free help with the technology tools students need for class assignments, such as Word, Excel, WordPress, PowerPoint, SPSS, and coding.

Media Commons
(866) 266-7496
Services to help students envision, produce, and publish multimedia projects.

Penn State Learning
220 Boucke Building
(814) 865-1841
Tutoring, study groups, and team project work spaces.

Tech Tutors
Pollock Computer Lab and Knowledge Commons in Pattee Library (Study Room W122)
Personalized training on Access, Photoshop, Excel, ANGEL, PowerPoint, Visio, Word, Acrobat, InDesign, Sites at Penn State, WikiSpaces, Prezi, and other technology.

Undergraduate Speaking Center
7C Sparks Building
Peer tutoring on presentation development, delivery, and visual aids.


CEDAR Clinic
138 CEDAR Building
(814) 863-0048
Counseling services for students to address personal concerns. No fee for services; clients can attend unlimited counseling sessions.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
501 Student Health Center
(814) 863-0395
Individual, couples, and group counseling, and psychiatric services to help students resolve personal concerns such as anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, sexual identity, eating disorders, sexual assault and sexual abuse recovery, and uncertainties about personal values and beliefs.

The Psychological Clinic
314 Moore Building
(814) 865-2191
Individual and group psychotherapy, stress management and relaxation training, and other services. Fees vary based on insurance coverage.

Food and Financial Support

Lion’s Pantry
Non-perishable food items available to all Penn State students. Student ID required.

Office of Student Aid
314 Shields Building
(814) 865-6301
Information about scholarships, grants, loans, work-study, and employment

Project Cahir
(814) 863-4152
Free toiletries, textbook rental assistance, and financial support for groceries or on campus meal points.

Student Financial Education Center
309 Paterno Library
Free peer-to-peer financial education to help students understand budgeting, student loans, and credit.


Campus Recreation
(814) 863-1858
Fitness and yoga classes (ex. fitness yoga, vinyasa yoga, hatha yoga).

Stress Less Workshop provided by HealthWorks
One-hour group workshop that includes easy relaxation exercises and healthy strategies for coping with stress. Available upon request.

Health Promotion and Wellness Relaxation Room
20 Intramural Building
(814) 863-0461
Quiet space with where students can listen to a variety of relaxation, stress reduction, mindfulness and brain massage audio tracks. Two biofeedback computer programs are also available for students to practice exercises that reduce heart rate variability and stress and increase positive emotions.

Support Services

Adult Learner Programs & Services
210 Boucke Building
(814) 863-7378
Resources and services for non-traditional undergraduate students.

Career Services
Bank of America Career Services Center
(814) 865-2377
Programs and services that help students develop career goals, expand knowledge of career alternatives, understand effective decision making, and acquire appropriate strategies and skills to carry out the career development process.

Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development
Pasquerilla Spiritual Center – Eisenhower Chapel
(814) 865-6548
A welcoming, safe, inclusive environment for students to explore a multitude of faith traditions in a compassionate, open-minded setting.

Center for Women Students
204 Boucke Building
(814) 863-2027
Services and support for students who have been impacted by sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, harassment, and other campus climate issues.

Collegiate Recovery Community
105/106 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center
(814) 863-0140
Support and referrals for students in recovery from alcohol and other addictions.

Global Connections
314 Boucke Building
English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, programs, and events to bring together people of diverse national origins.

LGBTQA Student Resource Center
101 Boucke Building
(814) 863-1248
Safe space, services, and support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and ally students.

Multicultural Resource Center
220 Grange Building
(814) 865-1773
Individual counseling and educational services to assist undergraduate multicultural students in meeting the challenges associated with education and attaining a degree at a major research institution.

Office for Disability Services
116 Boucke Building
(814) 863-1807
Reasonable accommodations and services for students with disabilities.

Office of Global Programs
410 Boucke Building
(814) 865-7681
Advising, immigration services, and training for international students.

Office of Veterans Programs
325 Boucke Building
(814) 863-0465
Peer counseling, outreach, and certification for student veterans.

Paul Robeson Cultural Center
21 HUB-Robeson Center
(814) 865-3776
Programs and services that encourage the appreciation of the diverse perspectives, experiences, and cultures of many under-represented communities at Penn State.

Student and Family Services
129 Boucke Building
(814) 863-4926
Support for students facing personal crises, tragedies, or emergencies.


Community Help Centre
141 W Beaver Avenue Suite #A
(814) 237-5855
Free individual counseling, drop-in center, emergency food pantry, 24-hour hotline, and referrals for people in need of support.

Centre County Women’s Resource Center
140 W. Nittany Avenue
(814) 234-5050
Services and support for women who have been impacted by sexual or domestic violence. Crisis intervention, 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency shelter, counseling and support groups, transitional housing, referrals, and advocacy.


Penn State Academic Advising Portal
Information on academic advising, choosing a major or minor, scheduling courses, studying, and testing.

Penn State iStudy for Success
Self-paced online learning modules on study skills, life skills, and career skills. Topics include text anxiety, time management, and stress management.

Penn State Stress and Self-Help Strategies to Manage Stress Module
Self-paced online learning module on stress and techniques for stress management.
Website or app (iPhone and Android) offering a variety of relaxing images, music, and guided relaxation.

Mayo Clinic-Stress Management
Article that provides an overview of stress, what it is, and how you can manage it.

The Guardian-Headspace Meditation podcasts
Covers mindfulness, meditation, and how to use these skills for stress management.

UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center- Free Guided Meditation podcasts
Covers strategies for building mind-body awareness. Includes exercises for breathing meditation and better sleep.

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