The Integrated Energy Solution for Entrepreneurs (IESE)

The Integrated Energy Solutions for Entrepreneurs (IESE) program provides a platform for interdisciplinary faculty and students to collaborate on finding innovative solutions to address real world problems in the areas of green energy and LED lighting applications.   

IESE is tailored to science students interested in developing new, green technologies using LEDs for wireless communication, and business and corporate communication students interested in learning all aspects of bringing these new technologies to the marketplace.

Participants in this program focus on:

* Powering energy efficient devices with green energy in DC mode
* Using and designing energy-efficient devices (LEDs) for wireless (Wi-Fi and visible light) communications
* Evaluating various programming paradigms and their effects on battery power consumption on an Android smart phone
* Performing and preparing market trend analysis
* Communicating the benefits of this technology to potential partners and business customers
Instructor and students working on clean-energy models.

Dr. Tai-yin Huang works with students on building clean-energy models.

Our Mission

The mission of IESE is to cross the boundaries of Arts and Sciences to form an innovative, inventive and collaborative team focused on the development and promotion of integrated energy systems using LED lighting.


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In Partnership with Invent Penn State

In partnership with Invent Penn State at Penn State Lehigh Valley, IESE is one of the Penn State LaunchBox award recipients for the 2015-2016 competition. We are a member of the Lehigh Emerging Technologies Network ( IESE students and their faculty mentors collaborate with local industries to work on product improvements and innovations. We welcome this kind of collaboration and partnership with local industries or other academic units, as we see it mutually beneficial to our students and partners. Sponsorships in various forms are always appreciated. Please contact Dr. Huang for further discussion on partnerships and sponsorships.