Heroes United By No Name Games



Heroes United is a side-scrolling platform game that brings together the heroes of the old. As you progress through the level, you can switch between characters to tackle obstacles unite to them.

A Hero’s journey is never easy. Adventures take place every day, but none like this.

There has been a shift in the alignment of the universe. Everything is connected. New paths have been forged.

Rifts have spawned between the worlds. Interplanet travel is but a simply gateway on the surface.

Many have been frightened by this phenomenon while others have seen this as an opportunity.

Leaders from all over gathered to create the IGC (Intergalactic Counsel). There was a scientific and economic boom. Every one prospered, but little did they realize bad is always associated with good.

Deadly alliances have been created. A new plan was devised to destroy the galaxy with no survivors. The IGC composed a special task force to handle the situation. Are you able to stop them?

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