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My Ted Talk

This is my Ted Talk. The topic I decided to work with was child labor in the United States and the changes that have occurred in it. I talked about the factors that affected this change and the point where things started to shift in child labor.

Now, on my actual presentation, I felt I did an adequate job discussing the shift of child labor over time. I made several good points on the topic and I felt there were points where I elaborated appropriately. I also felt that I appeared confidant in general and I did not mumble. My speech speed was adequate for the most part and there were several parts where the articulation of my words was done adequately. I also felt the organization and structure of my presentation was effective in portraying the the ideas I aimed to convey to the audience. All in all, I felt I did a fine job presenting my topic.

There were several instances, however, for me to improve off of. First, there were several parts where I was repetitive. There were also one or two instances where it appeared that I did not know where I was to transition because my transitions themselves were weak for the most part. I felt that there were a few points where I stuttered and my articulation suffered a bit. I used a few filler phrases throughout the entire presentation that almost acted as transitions in some cases, but were again too weak to be effective enough to convey a switch in idea. My conclusion was also a little too open ended. This made my conclusion less defined. Altogether, most my faults are from the public speaking aspect of the assignment which leaves me a place to try and improve.



Pipe Organ Post

For this post I am going to talk about one of the several instruments that is similar to a piano. It is not a harpsichord. It is not a keyboard. It is a pipe organ. A great deal of people have either seen or heard this instrument. Some of the most amazing ones were carved in European Cathedrals like the several throughout France, Germany and Austria. The pipe organ is often the beautiful display of wooden or metal pipes that line the wall of a church or cathedral. These walls are controlled by the piano keys set up in two rows, one row above the other. This an example of a pipe organ in Paris.

The pipe organ operates by using bellows to blow air through the instrument. Different sounds are made by diverting the wind through different pipes. In order to control what direction the wind, as it is called, is diverted, the use of piano keys controls that control valves within the pipes. What makes an organ special as well, is the fact the notes that an organ produces do not decay over time like those of a piano or harpsichord. This effect is because the notes are driven through a consistent stream of air through the pipes as opposed to the percussion of a hammer against a taut vibrating wire.

Another special characteristic of pipe organs is that they have a system of stops that control which row of pipes are used. So, an organist, as they are called, can control octave and placement of notes along the pipe system. These stops can controlled by switches along the keyboard or by foot pedals that the organist would operate while playing. They way the keys control the diversion of wind is through the use of metal rods called trackers that move to activate levers and other parts in the organ system to affect the sound produced. It’s all fantastically mechanical. Those who love to see how things work would have a field day dissecting a pipe organ.

The pipe organ is the oldest instrument still used in classical music. That means it’s really old. The earliest versions were invented by the Ancient Greeks by applying a hand operated bellow to a pan flute-like instrument that is operated with tabs. Later on this evolved into a large instrument that operated the same essentially.

The pipe organ as it is seen today was first really produced in the twelfth century. Later on during the classical era, many classical composers utilized it in their music, and several of these pieces happened to church choir music. Further along in the timeline, during the twentieth century, a basic form of pipe organ was used in baseball games to play all those fun songs they play at every last baseball games. Also, older movie theaters had organists play at intermission because movies used to have intermissions that required live music.

The organ has evolved a bit over the years, but it was never really changed.


On Stasis

For this post, I was to read chapter seven in my Rhetoric and Civic Life text book to understand stasis and apply it to the historicizing a controversy project. By reading those many pages of information, I was able to gather that stasis in rhetoric describes the state in which an argument can be in. This state is in which the point where to sides of the argument do not make any ground either direction. It is a stalemate between two points for view in which both parties “agree to disagree.” This is a particular point that is paramount in controversies. Long running arguments with points for both sides cause the argument to not progress causing the controversy to be out of stasis.

By analyzing a controversy in stasis, one can understand clearly both sides of the controversy. It also causes the analyzer to research further arguments or solutions to the issue. Also, by analyzing both sides of the controversy may have an analyzer find newer or better arguments for one side or another. This altogether can break the stalemate and cause the issue to be solved or argued better in one side, thus being pushed towards policy.

The topic my group is using is the use of animal testing in science. There are two different sides to this controversy. There is the side that believes that animal testing is necessary for scientific advancement, especially in medicine. Then there is the side that believes that animal testing should be banned because of the invasive nature and the effects on the animals. By utilizing the stasis theory, this situation of stalemate can be analyzed better. By understanding both sides, I could express a greater understanding of how the animal rights activists feel as well as the proponents of animal testing. That’s why controversies pose a great deal of content to be analyzed for points and solutions.


Viola Blog Post

Before you say anything, there is a difference between a violin and the viola. There are several differences between these two instruments. The size, the tone, the range, the strings, and the name are all different. Now that that is out of the way, the viola is considered an important instrument to any orchestral ensemble. Well, I guess the viola is similar to a viola now that I think about it.

The viola is slightly larger than a violin. This makes a viola approximately a seventeen inch instrument. The viola also generally plays lower than the violin. The viola’s lowest note is an octave below middle C. The violin’s lowest note is the G bellow middle C. Along with its range, viola’s read off a different clef than most instruments. Viola’s read off of alto clef, which is basically alien to those who are only trained to know bass and treble clef. Anyway, the unique clef makes the viola extra hipster.

As far as the physical structure goes, the viola has the scroll at the top. That’s the swirly looking part. The neck and the fingerboard are attached right to the scroll and lead down to the body of the viola. The bridge supports the strings that are attached to the pegs in the scroll and to the end housing of the strings. The bottom has a chin rest, since the viola is help between the chin and the shoulder when played. The bow for a viola is only thicker and longer than the violin’s. Now, the viola has four strings. They are C, G, D, and A. A is the highest string and C is the lowest string. What’s nice about starting on a C is that a violist can play a C scale a lot easier, which is a nice scale to learn.

Anyway, the viola started out with many different, yet similar variations that occur all over Europe. The version seen today had the best ratio of neck size to entire body size to pitch of notes. This was a product of a lot of trial and error. Even people over the last century have been fiddling with the model of the viola to achieve it to fit a need they want it to fulfill.

For a great deal of time, violas were usually used to play harmonies and rarely used for melodies. This is prevalent in baroque and classical pieces. Sometimes, though, composers have made the viola as the featured instrument in his or her piece. The viola generally a deeper and more calming tone that many people prefer. Several classical and baroque composers especially liked using the viola to represent a peaceful lull in their piece.

The viola has been used for many other genres of music. They appear in some Eastern European folk songs and some contemporary music. Most of the songs the viola is featured, however, are generally folksy. The viola has also occurred in a few indie rock songs because of the instrument’s obscurity in contemporary music. Those indie bands love to be indie.


Paradigm Shift Extremely Rough Draft

Jonathan Kizer

Dr. Jessica O’Hara

English 137 H

20 July 2015

On the Evolution of Child Labor in the United States

What does one imagine when one hears the term child labor? Do people imagine the children on bikes throwing newspapers at houses? Do they imagine children at street corners peddling Dixie cups full of unprofessionally poor lemonade they had made without help? Or do people imagine little boys from coal mining towns working in coal breakers? Do they imagine children working in textile mills or tool factories? It depends on what generation you ask the question to. When asked, most Americans today will say that he started his first job when he was sixteen years old and it was at some local grocery store or fast food restaurant. If this was the nineteenth century, an American may say that he was ten years old and he worked as a paper boy or a factory worker. These are two different forms of child labor. Over generations, there has been a shift in child labor. Children were seen doing hard, difficult work that today we think are for only adults. Now, when children work, they are older and the work they do is far less straining. At one point over the century there was a shift in how child labor was approached. Something had caused this idea of where and how children should work. This idea has been influenced by several factors over time. The influences of childhood and education are some the strongest factors along with the facilitation of legislation. In the current times, there are even suggestions that may reduce the amount of youths in the work force. Sometime over the last century the idea of a society that requires children to work to support the family where education wasn’t as important to a society where children don’t work often and often focus more on their studies has shifted in a different direction has shifted. There was sometime over the century where it was either not necessary or appeared improper for youths to start working jobs. The initial shift of child labor is what shaped how different child labor is interpreted today.

When the nation was first brought into existence, it was mostly agrarian. An agrarian society needs children to help their families on their farms. Children were necessary in order to get all the crops in and have the livestock cared for, so the farm can increase productivity (“Child Labor”). Once the Industrial Revolution started, children were seen as factory workers in textile and cotton mills. This started to change as the nineteenth century progressed. The nation was pushing away from an agrarian society to a more industrialized nation. This lead to a greater need for workers in the work force. The population also began to grow with more and more immigrants with large families coming over from Europe.

First of all, more and more factories and mills preferred children fourteen to eighteen years of age as their employees. This is because the factories could pay children much lower wages than adults, the factories could manage children easier than adults, and the factories did not worry about children forming unions against the factory management (“Child Labor in U.S. History”). With the availability of jobs, children would go straight to work to help support the family. The wages made were not great, but generally the wages were enough to pay for food or rent when supplemented by the main income from another family member. Also, families would have several children in the family working either together or at separate locations to bring in more money. Some families would rely solely of this income, though it was only because the main source of income, generally brought home by the lead male of the family, had stopped coming in. This was especially prevalent with poor immigrant families that lived in cities in the tenements. Families needed any source of income they could find. This is a great deal of pressure and responsibility put on younger members of a family. Instead of having a “childhood” and going to school, they would work to make money to feed the whole family.

As mentioned in a previous part, childhood is an important factor in how child labor has changed. Childhood has been perceived differently from different generations. What is childhood? Today, people would generally observe childhood an era in a child’s life where the child can play, waste time, and be childish. Childhood doesn’t imply any responsibility of any kind for the children and these children are care-free. This term childhood is synonymous with an easier life with little to no stress of any kind. This is generally the reality for children today. Children a century ago didn’t such a luxury like “childhood,” or what we perceive as childhood today. Children around a century ago would have to give up their play time after a certain to work long hours at the coal breaker or the textile mill. These children weren’t able to waste time often like the contemporary children do because they had to be productive in order to earn enough money to do their part in keeping the entire family supported. There was a great deal of responsibility involved with the childhood of these children from a century or so ago. These children had the responsibility to get a job and work hard. This perception of childhood has changed proportionally with how child labor is observed as in the United States. This relation is observed in the sense that as childhood started to change to the responsibility-free time of a youth’s life, child labor also changed from a responsibility to a relaxed construct. Altogether, childhood is an important influence over child labor and the perception of it.

Along with a childhood, education is important for children to receive. Education was also mentioned as another influential factor for child labor. Education wasn’t always perceived as important as it has been in contemporary times. In the nineteenth century, only basic education was necessary. This was especially true because children were getting jobs young and could continue those careers. They didn’t necessarily need to know a great deal to get a job and excel at it. It wasn’t until the nineteenth century progressed did people start to realize the importance of an education in furthering American society (“Child Labor”). As with all realizations of this kind, people started to push for reforms and regulations. People were pushing for children to get some sort of primary school at least for the fulfillment education would bring and the possible opportunities an education would bring forth. Education is also a means for a child to raise himself out of his socioeconomic level to a higher one. This would mean that his children would not necessarily have to work at a younger age to help support the family. This shows that education is a means of advancement that also alters the necessity and perception of child labor as it stands to a generation. This in itself is important in tracking the progression of child labor from the nineteenth century all the way up to contemporary times. As more and more groups, which were generally labor unions of some kind,  pushed for reform in child labor, more and more legislation was being suggested and reviewed to set standards either within a specific state or even federally.

On the topic of legislation, the shift in child labor does not truly occur until a specific piece of legislation is passed in the twentieth century that would affect labor laws for years and years. After being elected President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s pushed forth the legislative power that is Congress to pass several programs and acts that were intended to help socially and economically reform a still crippled nation after the large economic wound known as the Great Depression. These programs and acts were part of what was often referred to as the New Deal. The piece of legislation in question is the Fair Labor Standards Act or the FLSA. This legislation enacted and established a minimum wage that must be payed to all employees within the nation and formed the first federal child labor laws. These child labor laws provided legal standards for a safe work environment for minors and required children to attend school for a minimum hours a week. These laws also capped the amount of hours a minor could work in a week.























Works Cited

“Child Labor in U.S. History.” – The Child Labor Education Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 July 2015.

“Child Labor.” History.com. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 16 July 2015.

“Employment Policies Institute | Effects of Minimum Wages on Teenage Employment, Enrollment and Idleness.” Employment Policies Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 July 2015.

“Wage and Hour Division (WHD).” Compliance Assistance. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 July 2015.



I Don’t Know Much About the Bassoon

In this post, I’ll talk about the bassoon. This is an instrument I know very little to nothing about. It’s a woodwind instrument who falls into the double reed family. This means that it is an instrument that is played by blowing air across a reed and system to produce vibrations that occur at specific frequencies to produce musical sounds. The bassoon operates in this manner. As far as structure goes, the bassoon consists of six different parts. Each part is increment in how the sound is played from the bassoon. The bassoon itself is a rather large instrument. It’s ridiculously large. It ranges from five to eight feet in length and all this wood, metal and polish make the instrument heavy. A bassoonist acquaintance told me once, “It’s like playing with a piano on your lap.” This is a ridiculous comparison, but it gets the idea across.

Anyway, the bassoon as it appears today was first made in the baroque period in Europe. Famous baroque composers such as Antonio Vivaldi have utilized the bassoon in many pieces and ensembles. It was often used to support the rest of the woodwind section with a bass section. It has changed a bit since then, but it’s purpose hasn’t changed and is still used in several baroque pieces. It also appears in several pieces composed by classical composers like Mozart. In these instances, the bassoon appears as part of the full orchestra.

The bassoon has also been used in jazz music and jazz ensembles, though infrequently. The low docile tones of the bassoon really are a great contrast and harmonizer with an alto saxophone. Some jazz musicians and groups used the bassoon in some recordings during the early part and middle of the twentieth century. It lost favor though.

As far as pop goes, it is heard even less. The theme is rather obvious. The bassoon works better in large ensembles with a woodwind section that plays baroque music or certain classical pieces. To see it in any other situation is far less likely unless it was some ensemble that didn’t want to be main stream and also features a kazoo, mandolin, and triangle.

The bassoon itself is played diagonally. The musician puts blows into the mouth piece, which is connected to a double reed system that is attached to the bassoon. The air travels down the pipe and travels to the bottom of the instrument which has a U-bend in the instrument. The air travels up the other pipe. Along the way there are holes bored into the pipe which is what the musician would fingers over in order to manipulate the sound the bassoon produces. This seems rather complicated, but I have never played a bassoon before, so I could not offer anymore insight on how actually playing the instrument operates. It could be a simple task or maybe it is the most difficult instrument in the world. I’ll just have to try it out.

Female bassoon player


TED Talks

We listen and watched our peers’ TED Talks today. They covered a wide range of different talks that were all fascinating in their own way. According to the prompt, I have to describe five moments I found great, as well as

1. Well, I enjoyed Phillip’s conclusion question. It was almost as if he was threatening everyone.

2. I also enjoyed Brian’s movie trailer introduction. It was entertaining and I had a difficult time trying not laughing.

3. Finding out Brandon’s email was brandinosaur123 was also fun.

4. Kandice’s talk was interesting and I liked learning about it.

5. I really enjoyed how comical it was that Alex’s presentation was mostly photos of half-clothed men.

So for the top two presentations overall, I would have to choose Phillip’s’s and Kandice’s. Phil’s was very informative. I liked how he took no specific stance on the matter and simply told both sides of the idea. He also used strong diction that was not to difficult to understand, but strong enough to convey he was well-informed on the topic of GMO’s. The humor of dead butterflies in the middle of his presentation was also entertaining and simultaneously informative. He was a good speaker who engaged appeared engaged to his audience as well. Phillip had rehearsed his talk several times it appeared. It showed in the way he conveyed the information and not in the way of sounding “rehearsed.” Altogether, I felt that his talk was strong and entertaining.

Kandice’s was very informative. I liked her passion and credibility on the topic. I also really enjoyed how she was able to make something like black women’s hair into an engaging, almost completely controversial topic. She used a lot of information I wasn’t even aware existed. She also spoke with confidence and control on her topic. Altogether, she did an effective job.



This post I have an instrument that is automatically associated with white, sandy beaches and portly men in grass skirts. First, let me clarify. I am referring to Hawaii and the Hawaiian culture. This instrument in question, however, is not Hawaiian in origin. It was actually introduced by Portuguese immigrants back in the 19th century. This instrument has four strings generally made from nylon or catgut. No, catgut is not made from the gut of a cat. It’s made from the gut of goats or other livestock. Anyway, this instrument is made of wood or plastic generally and has a small body. Any guess what it is? If anyone guessed mandolin, he answered incorrectly. For those who guessed ukulele, you obviously know a good deal about the ukulele, or you have just a grain of common sense. Either would work in this instance.

Anyway, as I said previously, the ukulele is directly associated with Hawaii and Hawaiian culture. It is often seen in media and television sitcoms that whenever someone from one of Hawaii’s islands are featured, a ukulele is either heard or seen. If I named all the Disney shows that had a “Hawaiian” special and had some rotund, jolly Hawaiian native playing a ukulele, I would take a half-decent amount of time. The fact that I can name more than one instance is enough to prove my point.

Now, the ukulele is a string instrument that is featured often in Hawaiian music or Hawaiian themed music. The ukulele generally possesses a light, happy tone that carries on to an audience. It is often perceived as a all-around happy instrument played by happy people.

The ukulele is played similarly to a guitar in the sense that multiple strings are strummed together to make a chord. The ukulele is often seen as a smaller guitar, though often, many people realize it isn’t a simple instrument to learn how to play. The range of notes one can play on the standard ukulele is average in relation to other instruments that have similar means of producing music. This makes it effective in replacing simpler guitar parts in music.

Being a string instrument, the ukulele also requires some maintenance and attention in order to keep it from breaking to easy. This means fixing gouges and scratches on the body of the ukulele. Just constantly tuning the strings if the strings slip. It can be a hassle to constantly tune strings that are slipping out of tune. This is especially and issue if the weather is humid outdoors. This is a general issue with most string instruments, though, so the ukulele isn’t uniquely cursed with the poor features.

The ukulele, however has some neat benefits. It’s a small instrument that can be very portable. As I mentioned before, it is a happy instrument, so people can be cheered up with a ukulele. It’s a interesting instrument to listen to and hear about as well.

The ukulele is all around interesting. It is also a good moral booster.


Paradigm Shift Essay Intro

What does one imagine when one hears the term child labor? Do people imagine the children on bikes throwing newspapers at houses? Do they imagine children at street corners peddling Dixie cups full of unprofessionally poor lemonade they had made without help? Or do people imagine little boys from coal mining towns working in coal breakers? Do they imagine children working in textile mills or tool factories? It depends on what generation you ask the question to.When asked, most Americans today will say that he started their first job when he was sixteen years old and it was at some local grocery store or fast food restaurant. If this was a hundred years ago, an American may say that he was ten years old and he worked as a paper boy or a factory worker. These are two different forms of child labor. Over generations, there has been a shift in child labor. Children were seen doing hard, difficult work that today we think are for only adults. Now, when children work, they are older and the work they do is far less straining. At one point over the century there was a shift in how child labor was approached. Something had caused this idea of where and how children should work. This idea has been influenced by several factors over time. Some of the biggest factors to this change are legislation and socioeconomic requirements. Sometime over the last century the idea has shifted in a different direction. There was sometime over the century where it was either not necessary or appeared improper for younger children to start working such hard-labor jobs. The initial shift of child labor is what shaped how different child labor is interpreted today.



Does anyone hear that buzzing? Is there a bee loose in the room? Is  anyone allergic to bee venom? Well, did you bring epinephrine? Why wouldn’t you? You should know to bring it, especially after the incident at the picnic. What do you mean it’s a hassle? It’s just something you shouldn’t leave home without. It is. Anyway, it doesn’t really matter because this was a ridiculous introduction of the instrument featured in this post. The instrument is the kazoo and it’s humming sound has often been compared to the buzzing of a bee.

First of all, the kazoo seems more like a toy than a musical instrument. It is an instrument, though, so those of you who thought it wasn’t are wrong and should read more to redeem yourself. Yes, the kazoo is considered a musical instrument, but it’s in a category of musical instruments that everyone and anyone can play. This is one of the rare cases where it requires little to no practice to really get good at playing the kazoo. Seriously, anyone with a mouth, lips, and lungs can do it.

With that in mind, it’s that point in the post where I give a brief overview of the mechanics of the instrument. I do do that sometimes. Anyway, the kazoo is generally a metal or wooden tube with a hole at the top. There is a membrane of some sort set in the center of the tube, causing the buzzing sound when playing the instrument. The origin is disputed, but the patent was made in the 1880’s. It is said to be modeled after a similar instrument invented somewhere in sub-Saharan Africa, but for many reasons, that argument has been put to rest because the patent proved the legal invention and there was no documentation to support the other side.

This instrument, as it rightly should be, is rarely used in any professional setting over consistent performances. Whenever a kazoo appears in a song or other performance, it is usually for comical purposes only. Sometimes it is used to replace saxophone parts in popular songs by people on YouTube who have way too much free time.

As I mentioned earlier, almost anyone can play a kazoo. To play it is not difficult. First, get a kazoo. I described how they looked earlier, but if my description was not clear enough, here is a picture.

Now, here is a picture of a kazoo.

So, in order to play a kazoo, the you have to know how to hum. The kazoo just amplifies the humming sound someone makes and also makes it sound a lot more ridiculous. As you can tell, it does not get more complicated than this. Someone would have to be a real music aficionado in order to get this instrument mastered. No seriously, though, I can not possibly stress any more that this instrument is ridiculously easy to play.

So, the kazoo is a strange instrument to play or talk about. If you love to hear it though, look up the quartet the Kazoophony. They’ll definitely entertain you.