Dec 12

Corduroy is The New Jean

Meet Pat Yan, a goofy guy who lives to dance and in his free time he tries to impress the ladies with his laid back style.

Today he is wearing one of his favorites, his vintage (even though it is brand new) Cassius Clay crew neck sweatshirt. Cassius Clay is the original name of the famous boxer Muhammad Ali. Pat says that people often tell him that he resembles Muhammad Ali so he decided to buy this sweatshirt. Also Pat quoted

“I’m the greatest. I’m a bad man and I’m pretty”- Muhammad Ali

Pat explained this is the motto he lives by, especially the pretty part. He then said,

“It ain’t braggin’ if its true”-Muhammad Ali

He put this sweatshirt on this morning to embody this idea. After talking with Pat some more he started to open up and shared a personal story,

“I recently got a haircut and it made me feel vulnerable, so I put on corduroys. Corduroys are the new jeans”

Pat is truly inspiring. I know I am wearing corduroys tomorrow.

Good night and Good luck.


Dec 12

Calculus Story Time? My Professor’s Rhetorical Skills

Being that I take mostly math and science courses, there is not an immense amount of theatrics coming from my stereo typical nerdy professors.  However one of my most engaging teachers –which may come as a surprise– is my calculus professor. He speaks in a straight forward direct voice but  is always smiling.

His entire demeanor contributes to his rhetorical skills as an effective educator. He walks in confidently excited to teach us. The fierce way he scrapes the chalk across the board reveals his passion, which is then contagious for his students. I will admit that calculus was the course I was looking forward to the least this semester but because my professor loves math so much it made me question if I could find a little piece to love.

Also he  has a tendency to do this thing where mid way through writing an equation he will start chuckling to himself. He will turn around and whisper, “I have a story” as if it is a sin to stray from the math. He will start talking about something seemingly off on a  tangent (math pun) that this equation reminds him of  like this time he went ice skating on a pond in  Canada. Everytime he starts explaining one of these stories the entire class perks up.   His random anecdotes make the class engaging breaking up the dense algebra and his students are always anticipating his next story. Also he barely ever ends one of his tales without bringing it back to calculus, which add to his credibility in the course.  He knows calculus so well that he applies it to everything and can make  a seemingly boring problem interesting by finding an application. Overall he takes a rather structured subject and uses various rhetorical methods to make it engaging.


Dec 12

Executing our Ideas: History of a Public Controversy

One problem our group is facing is making sure we execute our visions.  Thus far we have spent a lot of time brainstorming all of the different components of our video but we only have so much of it down so far. Overall I think brainstorming is important especially towards the beginning of a project; the more ideas we have overall the better our video will be. However it is challenge to find the time to execute everything we want to get down. We have great ideas but we need to turn them into action. In a group, it is sometimes harder to accomplish everything because we need to find the time to work as a group. With 4 students with four very different schedules it is a challenge but it is necessary in order to make sure our project is executed. We have tried to divide and conquer  but this method only goes so far.   Collaborating is necessary so that we all maintain a common vision and keep on the right track.  We are making one video and the video needs to be consistent.


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